This description was written by Eric Masson ( The following is a document on how to import xfig figures in latex along with a few tips to make your life easier. I wrote this quite a while back but it still applies. Salut, Eric HOW TO IMPORT XFIG FIGURES IN YOUR LATEX FILES: -------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started --------------- When you call xfig use the following command line: xfig -specialtext -latexfonts -startlatexFont default If you want ALL of your figures to be started with special text and latex fonts, you can set the following resources in your .Xresources or whatever resource file you use: Fig.latexfonts: true Fig.specialtext: true There are several formats to which xfig can generate output and latex can read. I will only cover three cases: (A) Export Fig format directly into latex form (B) Export Fig in encapsulated postscript and import the postscript in latex. (C) Save the figure partly in postscript and partly in latex form and superimpose them in your document. All three methods have their advantages and are equally simple to handle. In method (A) the advantage is that all your work is in tex form and that your .dvi files will hold all the necessary information. In (B) you have all the power and fonts of postscript at your disposal. In (C) you get the drawing power of postscript and the typesetting of latex for your strings. --- In your latex preamble (the part that preceeds your \begin{document} statement) place the following lines: \input{psfig} So your preamble could look like: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LaTeX Preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle[12pt,bezier,amstex]{article} % include bezier curves \renewcommand\baselinestretch{1.0} % single space \pagestyle{empty} % no headers and page numbers \oddsidemargin -10 true pt % Left margin on odd-numbered pages. \evensidemargin 10 true pt % Left margin on even-numbered pages. \marginparwidth 0.75 true in % Width of marginal notes. \oddsidemargin 0 true in % Note that \oddsidemargin=\evensidemargin \evensidemargin 0 true in \topmargin -0.75 true in % Nominal distance from top of page to top of \textheight 9.5 true in % Height of text (including footnotes and figures) \textwidth 6.375 true in % Width of text line. \parindent=0pt % Do not indent paragraphs \parskip=0.15 true in \input{psfig} % Capability to place postscript drawings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Document Beginning %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \end{document} TYPE A - Exporting directly to latex form ----------------------------------------- In terms of drawing capabilities this is the weakest form you can use. Lines in latex can only be drawn at multiples of 30 and 45 degrees. And lines with arrows can only be drawn at multiples of 45 degrees. Several features such as ellipses, splines, etc. are not supported (xfig does not take advantage of available LaTeX macro packages such as bezier). When drawing lines for type A drawings make sure you restrict yourself to the proper angle geometry in xfig. Otherwise when you export your figures to latex format, xfig will approximate your lines to the nearest angle available in latex. Usually this has unpleasant results. In this mode, you can type any LaTeX string on your figure. Once imported to LaTeX, the string will be interpreted properly. For example: $\int_0^9 f(x) dx$ would result in a integration from 0 to 9 of the function f(x). To create your LaTeX file just choose the export option off the xfig main menu. And then select LaTeX picture as the language to export. This will create a file with a .latex extension which you can then call directly into your latex document. For example this code would import the file yourfile.latex directly into latex format: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Figure 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \input{yourfile.latex} \caption{The caption on your figure} \label{figure:yourreferencename} \end{center} \end{figure} TYPE B - Exporting to Encapsulated postscript --------------------------------------------- There are no limitations in drawing figures of this type. Except that one cannot use latex command strings in this format. However all of the many fonts of postscript are available when this format is selected. Once you are done drawing your figure simply choose the export menu off of the xfig main menu and select encapsulated postscript as your output language. This will create a .eps file which you can then include into you latex ducument in the following way: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Figure 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \ \psfig{file=yourfile.eps} \end{center} \caption{Your caption} \label{figure:yourreference} \end{figure} TYPE C - Postscript/Latex format -------------------------------- You can draw any lines or curves when using this format. In this type of export, latex strings are permitted you also have the postscript fonts available to you. Therefore you can type in strings such as $\int_0^9 f(x) dx$ and they will be processed by latex. You will need to export your file twice when using this format: once to the combined ps/latex (ps part) language and once to the combined ps/latex (latex part) language. The first will create a .pstex file and the second will create a .pstex_t file. The .pstex_t file automatically calls the .pstex file and you do not need to include it explicitely in your tex file (users of the previous version please take note of this.) To include your figure just use something similar to this: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Figure 3 of Lecture %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \input{yourfigure.pstex_t} \caption{Your figure} \label{figure:example} \end{center} \end{figure} N.B. You might want to edit the .pstex_t files created by xfig. When it refers to the other file (.pstex) it automatically gives the path specification to the .pstex file. This can be an inconvenience if you move your files to another directory because your latex processing will fail. I personally prefer to remove the full path specification and only keep the filename. SOME OTHER NOTES ---------------- xfig ---- You can import encapsulated postcript files into your latex files. This is useful if you want to doodle on top of outputs from other programs. For example you could include a MATLAB drawing and identify points of interest with strings, lines, circles, etc. Starting from version 2.1.7 of xfig there is a hook to ghostscript which permits you to view the postscript in your drawing. A neat feature. Use ps2epsi in ghostscript to encapsulate your postscript if you only have .ps files. -- ================================================================= Eric Masson - - FAX: 514 398 4470 ================================================================= ================================================================= Some more notes from Stephen Eglen * changing the size of pictures in pstex_t If you just include the picture using \input{file.psttext_t} you have no way of specifying the size of the picture. There are two solutions to this. 1. Draw it the right size in xfig to start with. Or, when you are exporting the figure, change the magnification of the picture by using the magnification box in the export window. Either way you have to go back into xfig if you dont like the size of the image in your latex document. 2. Get latex to change the size of the picture, using either \scalebox or \resizebox. These are general functions for scaling text or pictures from the graphics package: \scalebox{factor}{object} Will scale the object by any factor. Factor is just a number (<1 = reduction; >1 = enlargement) Object is normally some text or graphics eg: \scalebox{2}{ \input{file.pstex_t} } will scale the picture by 2, dependent on driver (.ps works, but xdvi wont). Scaling bitmap fonts may produce ugly results, so try and avoid them! \resizebox{width}{ht} {stuff} will resize "stuff" to be of size width x ht. Using "!" as an argument retains the aspect ratio of the box. eg \resizebox{5cm}{!}{fat cat} will make "fat cat" appear 5 cm wide, and suitably high. (From p129, Lamport)