-----------------------> tgif-3.0-p15 => tgif-3.0-p16 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bug in scaling objects. Thanks to Helmut Jarausch for pointing out the problem. 2) Fix a bug in rotating XBM objects. Thanks to Fozzy C. Dressel for pointing out the problem. 3) Add VectorWarp() to the ImageProc Menu to warp selected image in a specified direction for a specified amount. Add a new X default, Tgif.VectorWarpSoftness to control the softness of the warp. 4) Add new internal commands: move_attr_relative(,,) get_number_of_vertices(,) is_obj_transformed(,) -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p14 => tgif-3.0-p15 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Add new internal commands: find_obj_names(,,) tokenize(,,) -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p13 => tgif-3.0-p14 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bug in rotating shapes. Thanks to Shinichiro Shiratake for pointing out the problem. 2) Fix a bug in Move/JustifyAttr where an attribute name becomes visible when it should not. Thanks to Heinz Appoyer for pointing out the problem. 3) Fix a bug in navigating back. Thanks to Scott W. Turner for pointing out the problem. 4) Fix a bug in Find functions to remove the "Undo()/Redo() may crash Tgif" message. 5) Fix a memory leak problem in printing EPS objects. Thanks to Kazuhiko Sumi for the patch. 6) Add support for "-gif", "-xpm", "-xbm", "-html", "-epsi", and "-tiffepsi" command line options to work with the "-print" command line options. Please note that these options require an X server to be accessible (which can be specified by the "-display" command line option). Support for "-stdout" command line option is also added. 7) Add support for the "-previewonly" command line options to work with the "-print -dosepsfilter" command line options. This makes tgif act as a filter for extracting the preview bitmap from the trailing TIFF image in a DOS/Windows EPS file. 8) Add a new X resource, Tgif.ColorFromXPixmap, to specify an XPM file to be used to load the initial colors. If this X resource is specified, the Tgif.Color# X resources are ignored. 9) Add a new X resource, Tgif.TitledPinnedMenu, so that pinned menu can have a title bar and left button to be used for selecting menu items in a pinned menu. 10) Add a new X resource, Tgif.TmpFileMode, to specify a file mode for temporary and exported files. A new command option -tmp_file_mode is also added and recognized when -print is used. These values overrides the PSFILE_MOD compile option. 11) Add new internal commands: index(,,) rindex(,,) get_number_of_lines_in_attr(,) get_line_in_attr(,,) trim() is_attr(,) 12) Add support for a new compile option -D_METRIC_PIX_PER_INCH to use 127 pixels per inch when printing in the metric system to fix round-off problems (pointed out by Graham Titmus ). By default, tgif uses 128 pixels per inch. 13) Handle multiple objects in UpdateEPS(). -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p12 => tgif-3.0-p13 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bug in generating PS/EPS files for files containing rotated EPS object. Thanks to Dietrich Bartel for pointing out the problem. 2) Fix a bug in drawing an EPS object that doesn't have a preview bitmap. Thanks to Kyle Bateman for pointing out the problem. 3) Fix a bug when printing to the printer in batch mode. Thanks to Kyle Bateman for pointing out the problem. 4) Fix a redraw bug in SetMeasureUnit(). Thanks to Joji Maeda for pointing out the problem. 5) Fix a bug when the value of a !PAGE_NUM attribute contains characters after !(STACKED_PAGE_NUM). Thanks to Yuan-Hua Chu for pointing out the problem. 6) Supports !(STACKED_NUM_PAGES) in the value part of a !PAGE_NUM attribute. 7) Supports -dosepsfilter command line option so that tgif can be used as a filter to remove DOS/Windows EPS header and trailing TIFF image for a DOS/Windows EPS file. For example, if "windows.eps" is a DOS/Windows EPS file, the following sequence will produce a regular EPS file: mv windows.eps windows.epsi tgif -print -dosepsfilter windows.epsi > windows.eps 8) Add a new X resource, Tgif.IconPixmap, to specify an XBM or XPM file for tgif's desktop icon. This X resource is only enabled if the Tgif.UseWMIconPixmap is set to "True". 9) Try to make rotated ovals look better. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p11 => tgif-3.0-p12 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bogus message, 'Warning: empty stack in SetPushedFontValue().' Thanks to Dave Bodenstab for pointing out the problem. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p10 => tgif-3.0-p11 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bug in using the -DUSE_XAPPLRESDIR compile option. Thanks to Dieter Jurzitza for the patch. 2) Fix a bug in constrained move/stretch/rotate mode for transformed objects. Thanks to Hiroto Kagotani for pointing out the problem. 3) After an iconic object is instantiated, of the object has an attribute named "on_instantiate", the corresponding internal commands are executed. 4) Add new internal commands: substitute_attr(,, ,), get_file_size(,), and is_file(,). 5) Support new command line arguments to be used with -print. The -raw argument causes an input file to be copied to stdout. If the input file is an HTTP URL and the -raw+h argument is used, the HTTP header information is also copied to stdout. 6) Add SetEditTextSize() under the Edit Menu to let the user use a different text size in editing existing text objects (this can be useful when using very large fonts or zooming way in). Also add a new X resource, Tgif.EditTextSize, to set the default size to use in editing existing text objects. 7) Add FindCaseSensitive(), FindNoCase(), and FindAgain() under the Edit Menu to find a string in visible text objects. 8) Allow "href=#" in generating HTML files (with client-side imagemaps) using PrintOneFilePerPage() from the Page Menu. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p9 => tgif-3.0-p10 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix some problems with rotation. Thanks to Kyle Bateman for pointing out the problems. 2) Improve EPS printing accuracy when the EPS object is not rotated or sheared. 3) Automatically fix invalid poly/open-spline smooth/hinge values. 4) Fix a bug in handling XAPPLRESDIR when the -DUSE_XAPPLRESDIR compile option is used. Thanks to Dieter Jurzitza for pointing out the problem. 5) Fix a bug in handling Tgif.UseWMIconPixmap. Thanks to Dieter Jurzitza for the patch. 6) Support -color commandline argument to be used with -print. Since old tgif file does not contain enough color information for color printing in batch mode, the -color commandline argument will not work with tgif files saved by an earlier version of tgif. 7) Save color layer information in obj files. 8) Add a SetSelFontSize() command to the Edit Menu to change the font size of selected objects. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p8 => tgif-3.0-p9 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix broken h in text mode. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p7 => tgif-3.0-p8 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Bring man pages up-to-date. 2) Add NoTransform() to the Edit Menu to remove any transformation from a simple (non-composite) object. 3) Supports bg_color and fg_color file attributes. 4) Supports PrintOneFilePerPage() when exporting (printing) to HTML and GIF. 5) In text mode, holding down or while typing or remove the next character. 6) Add a new X default, Tgif.StretchableText to set the initial text stretch mode. 7) Fix a bug with showing the wrong page number in the page tag. Thanks to Kit-ying Hui for pointing out the problems. 8) Fix a bug in SaveSymInLibrary() from the File Menu. Thanks to Takashi Nishida for pointing out the problems. 9) Fix an infinite-loop bug in showing a message when Tgif.BoldMsgFont is used. Thanks to Klaus Elsbernd for pointing out the problem. 10) Fix a bug with auto-justifying text objects where printed text looks justified differently from the corresponding screen text. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p6 => tgif-3.0-p7 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Add shadow for shapes. Also add a new X resource, Tgif.ShapeShadowSpec, to set the default shape shadow offsets. 2) Fix a bug with generating PS/EPS files for rotated filled text. 3) Bring tgif.pl, the Prolog documentation for tgif file formats, up to date. 4) Fix a bug with PreciseScale() when the alignment limits stretchability. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p5 => tgif-3.0-p6 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a crashing bug with shapes. This bug causes objects to disappear after Save() and seg faults. Thanks to Renato Santana for pointing out the problem. 2) Fix a crashing bug with deleting vertices. Thanks to Niek Lambert for pointing out the problem. 3) Fix a bug with shapes. When a shape is created, tgif should edit the text centered in the shape. 4) The default value of Tgif*GroupedTextEditable X resource is changed to TRUE. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p4 => tgif-3.0-p5 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a problem with certain HP and Solaris compilors. These compilors do not like short or char in function prototypes! Thanks to Jaap Haalboom for pointing out the problem. -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p3 => tgif-3.0-p4 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix some minor bugs with clicking in the panel window. 2) Fix a bug with redrawing transformed text objects. 3) Add two new internal commands: call_simple_shortcut() and call_one_arg_shortcut(,). With these commands, the following code will make a pixmap object named "toy" gray: exec=disable_undo(); begin_animate(); select_obj_by_name(toy); call_simple_shortcut(MakeGray); unselect_all_obj(); end_animate(); enable_undo(); -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p2 => tgif-3.0-p3 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix bugs with change font properties of transformed text. Thanks to Kyle Bateman for pointing out the problems. 2) Getting rid of uncessary redraws on transformed text when scrolling. 3) Make CenterAnEndPoint() work for rotated polyline objects. 4) Add a new internal command: rotate_selected_obj(). With this command, the following code will keep rotating an object named "toy" forever (until is entered): exec=disable_undo(); begin_animate(); select_obj_by_name(toy); while(1,do_it); unselect_all_obj(); end_animate(); enable_undo(); do_it=rotate_selected_obj(10); -----------------------> tgif-3.0-p1 => tgif-3.0-p2 <----------------------- Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a few bugs related to generating PS/EPS files. Thanks to Frank Prengel for pointing out the problems. -----------------------> tgif-3.0 => tgif-3.0-p1 <----------------------- I've just put tgif-3.0-patch1 (1st patch for tgif-3.0) in the following places for anonymous ftp (binaries are still not available at the time of this release, please check for availability): ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/tgif/tgif-3.0-patch1.gz ftp://ftp.cs.ucla.edu/pub/tgif/tgif-3.0-patch1.gz ftp://bourbon.cs.ucla.edu/pub/tgif-3.0-patch1.gz Tgif is an Xlib-based 2-D drawing tool. It's also a hyper-graphics (or hyper-structured-graphics) browser on the World-Wide-Web. Its hyper-text home page is at and its hyper-graphics home page is at . (Please note that the Content-type of a tgif file sent by the httpd at bourbon.cs.ucla.edu:8001 is applications/x-tgif.) Tgif is free, but please read the Copyright file in the distribution (or select Copyright from the Help Menu in tgif) for restrictions. (Pelase note that tgif is NEITHER an html viewer NOR an html editor. It is also NOT directly related to GIF nor Transparent GIF.) Please gunzip and then apply the patch with 'patch -p -N < tgif-3.0-patch1'. Here's a short list of added features/bug fixes. 1) Fix a bug that crashed tgif when there is a very small text object and tgif is zoomed way out. Thanks to Kyle Bateman for pointing out the problem. 2) The number of colors is incorrect when printing in XPM3 format. Thanks to Ralphe Neill for pointing out the problem! -----------------------> tgif-3.0 <----------------------- It's been 9 months since the last release. Finally, I've got rotation (and a bunch of other stuff) to work. This release is a beta release at best. Please send bug reports to william@cs.columbia.edu as soon as possible so I can release patches. Although version 3.0 is backward- compatible, the file format is not forward-compatible (you won't be able to read files generated by this version with older versions of tgif). I've just put tgif-3.0 source in the following places for anonymous ftp (binaries are not available yet at the time of this release, please check for availability): ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/tgif/tgif-3.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.cs.ucla.edu/pub/tgif/tgif-3.0.tar.gz ftp://bourbon.cs.ucla.edu/pub/tgif-3.0.tar.gz Tgif is an Xlib-based 2-D drawing tool. It's also a hyper-graphics (or hyper-structured-graphics) browser on the World-Wide-Web. Its hyper-text home page is at and its hyper-graphics home page is at . (Please note that the Content-type of a tgif file sent by the httpd at bourbon.cs.ucla.edu:8001 is applications/x-tgif.) Tgif is free, but please read the Copyright file in the distribution (or select Copyright from the Help Menu in tgif) for restrictions. (Pelase note that tgif is NEITHER an html viewer NOR an html editor. It is also NOT directly related to GIF nor Transparent GIF.) Here's a short list of the main added features. 1) Rotate objects by any angle. Shear objects. 2) Image processing functions for pixmap object. 3) Support some flowcharting objects directly. 4) Import image files using extern filters such as filters from the netpbm (pbmplus) and the jpeg toolkits. Please see Tgif.MaxImportFilters and Tgif.ImportFilter# in the tgif.Xdefault file of the distribution for examples. /* * @(#)$Header: /u/halfmoon/home/william/src/tgif/v3/RCS/HISTORY,v 3.19 1997/11/06 14:40:01 william Exp $ */