RALCGM interpreter ( PC version ) Installation guide ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware Requirements --------------------- - IBM PC or Compatible with hardisk - VGA or EGA monitor Software Requirements --------------------- - MS-DOS version 3.3 or higher INSTALLATION ------------ The RALCGM interpreter software comes on five 3.5" diskettes. The INSTALL program is on RALCGM diskette 1. this program will create a directory RALCGM in your hardisk, and then another 2 or 4 sub-directories will be created within directory RALCGM; they are : 1) BIN : contained RALCGM.EXE - RALCGM interpreter; GENHER.EXE - Hershey fonts generater; GENBEZ.EXE - Bezier fonts generater 2) DATA: contained Fonts information; 3) SOURCE: RALCGM interpreter source codes; 4) INCLUDE: RALCGM interpreter header file. Using the INSTALL program ------------------------- 1) Put RALCGM disk 1 into a selected drive [A:]. 2) Make sure the select drive is active by typing A: [Enter]. 3) To start INSTALL, type: A>INSTALL and press [Enter]. 4) INSTALL prompts you to enter the destination drive - the drive where you want INSTALL to copy the RALCGM programs. [ Default destination is C:\RALCGM ] INSTALL asks if you require the RALCGM source code. 5) If you require the source code , press [Y], otherwise press [N]. ( Source codes will occupy approx. 1.5 Mbytes of disk space. ) You can stop INSTALL at any time you want by holding down [Ctrl] and pressing [Break] To complete the installation of RALCGM, you are required to add a line to your AUTOEXEC.bat file: SET CGMDATA=C:\RALCGM\DATA\ Finally, in order to create the Hershey & Bezier fonts: - Type C:>C:\RALCGM\BIN\genher and press [Enter] or C:>CHDIR C:\RALCGM\BIN [Enter] C:>genher [Enter] - then type C:>C:\RALCGM\BIN\genbez and press [Enter] or C:>CHDIR C:\RALCGM\BIN [Enter] C:>genbez USING RALCGM interpreter ------------------------ Before execute RALCGM.EXE make sure you are in C:\RALCGM\BIN by typing CHDIR C:\RALCGM\BIN [Enter] then type RALCGM -{option}... filename [Enter] Example : RALCGM -dvga test.cgm [ -dvga ] display picture on VGA monitor : RALCGM -b test.cgm test.bin [ -b ] convert test.cgm to Binary format with name test.bin : RALCGM -t test.cgm test.txt [ -t ] convert test.cgm to Clear text format with name test.txt : RALCGM -p test.cgm test.ps [ -p ] convert test.cgm to PostScript with name test.ps RALCGM ( PC version ) Documentation --------------------------------------------------------------- RALCGM.EXE ( PC version ) ------------------------ Occupies about 350K bytes on disk. Some of the modules are overlayed so it takes about 200K bytes of run time memory ( depend on which option. eg. if option -p is selected it will take approx. 280K bytes of run time memory). By deducting the system overhead and font information, the effective memory is approx. 200K bytes. The interpreter works quite well on IBM PS/2 model 70 (intel 80386 micro-processor) under MS DOS version 3.3 operating system. But not on the machine with Intel 8088 micro-processor, problem still under investigation. Hopefully RALCGM interpreter can run on any type of IBM PC or compatible in the future. A make file is available but it only works with MicroSoft Make Version 5.1. CGMOVGA.C --------- option [ -dvga ] entry point CGMOvga( Long *, Float *, char *); CGMOVGA.C is one of the screen drivers for RALCGM interpreter, which can display cgmfile on IBM PC with VGA screen. CGMOVGA.C is written in 'C' and co-operated with MicroSoft C version 6.1 compiler, MicroSoft version 5.1 linker and MicroSoft C graphics library. Display mode ------------ HI resolution mode: 760x480 pixels with 16 colors LO resolution mode: 480x360 pixels with 256 colors Limitation ---------- - Clipping facilities not available, the VGA driver will ignore all the clipping element. - Color fill pattern not supported, the VGA driver will only recognize mono chrome fill pattern. If color fill pattern is detected it will treat it as solid fill. - user defined pattern not supported, the driver will ignore user defined pattern element. - POLYGON SET not supported, the driver will not display POLYGON SET element. - No random access facility. Future implementation --------------------- - Multiple window, can display several frame on screen with adjustable window size. - Produces log file so that error messages will not appear on screen during interpreting. - Pop-Up menu & Mouse: providing interface with user so that user can select appropriate option during run time. - Make use of extented memory so that the interpreter can handle large cgmfile ( hopefully MicroSoft C version 6 or newer version of MS DOS can cope with this ). - Compatible with MicroSoft WINDOW operating system. - provide interface to line-printer so that picture can have a hard copy from line-printer.