#!/usr/bin/env python """get_metadata Pry open a setup script and pick out the juicy bits, ie. the distribution meta-data. """ # created 2000/08/30, GPW __revision__ = "$Id: get_metadata.py,v 1.1 2000/09/01 01:03:27 gward Exp $" import sys from distutils.core import run_setup USAGE = "usage: %(script)s setup_script\n" def main (script, args): if len(args) != 1: raise SystemExit, (USAGE % vars()) + "\nWrong number of arguments" setup_script = args[0] dist = run_setup(setup_script, script_args=[], stop_after="init") print """\ %s is the setup script for %s; description: %s contact: %s <%s> info url: %s licence: %s """ % (setup_script, dist.get_fullname(), dist.get_description(), dist.get_contact(), dist.get_contact_email(), dist.get_url(), dist.get_licence()) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])