Jef Poskanzer's -- Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit NetPbm version 1mar94 plus patches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PBMPLUS is a toolkit for converting various image formats to and from portable formats, and therefore to and from each other. In addition to the converters, the package includes some simple tools for manipulating the portable formats. The package is broken up into four parts. First is PBM, for bitmaps (1 bit per pixel). Then there is PGM, for grayscale images. Next is PPM, for full-color images. Last, there is PNM, which does content-independent manipulations on any of the three internal formats, and also handles external formats that have multiple types. Note the parts are upward compatable PGM commands can be used on PBM files and PNM can be used on any Portable Bitmap Files. The commands are installed in the ``/usr/local/bin/pbmplus'' directory via the rpm installable kit. You should add this to your path if you wish to try them out. Anthony Thyssen 13 August 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMAND SUMMARY PBM Format (Bitmap) atktopbm convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to PBM brushtopbm convert Xerox doodle brushes to PBM cmuwmtopbm convert CMU window manager format to PBM g3topbm convert Group 3 FAX to PBM gemtopbm convert GEM .img format to PBM icontopbm convert Sun icon to PBM macptopbm convert MacPaint to PBM mgrtopbm convert MGR format to PBM pi3topbm convert Atari Degas .pi3 to PBM pktopbm conversion from a packed (PK) format font xbmtopbm convert X10 or X11 bitmap to PBM ybmtopbm convert Bennet Yee "face" file into PBM pbmto10x convert PBM to Gemini 10x printer graphics pbmto4425 display PBM on AT&T 4425 terminal (132 col mode) pbmtoascii convert PBM to ASCII graphics (improved) pbmtoatk convert PBM to Andrew Toolkit raster object pbmtobbnbg convert PBM to BBN BitGraph graphics pbmtocmuwm convert PBM to CMU window manager format * pbmtoepsi convert PBM to encapsulated PS preview bitmap pbmtoepson convert PBM to Epson printer graphics pbmtog3 convert PBM to Group 3 FAX pbmtogem convert PBM into GEM .img file pbmtogo convert PBM to GraphOn graphics pbmtoicon convert PBM to Sun icon pbmtolj convert PBM to HP LaserJet graphics pbmtoln03 convert PBM to DEC LN03+ pbmtolps a Fast PostScript creator pbmtomacp convert PBM to MacPaint pbmtomgr convert PBM to MGR format pbmtopi3 convert PBM to Atari Degas .pi3 pbmtopk conversion to a packed (PK) format font pbmtoplot convert PBM into Unix plot(5) file pbmtoptx convert PBM to Printronix graphics pbmtox10bm convert PBM to X10 bitmap pbmtoxbm convert PBM to X11 bitmap pbmtoybm convert PBM into Bennet Yee "face" file pbmtozinc convert PBM to Zinc Interface Library icon pbmclean flip isolated pixels in bitmap pbmlife apply Conway's rules of Life to a PBM pbmmake create a blank bitmap of a specified size pbmmask create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap pbmpscale enlarge pbm image with edge smoothing pbmreduce reduce a PBM N times, using Floyd-Steinberg pbmtext render text into a bitmap (with BDF font support) pbmupc create a Universal Product Code bitmap PGM Format (Greymap -- Grey Scale Images) * asciitopgm convert ASCII graphics to PGM bioradtopgm convert biorad confocal microscope files to PGM fstopgm convert Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format to PGM hipstopgm convert HIPS format to PGM lispmtopgm convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format pbmtopgm convert PBM to PGM by averaging areas psidtopgm convert PostScript "image" data to PGM rawtopgm convert raw grayscale bytes to PGM (without file size) spottopgm convert SPOT satellite images to PGM pgmtofs convert PGM to Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format pgmtolispm convert PGM into Lisp Machine format pgmtopbm convert PGM to portable bitmap * pgmtoppm convert PGM to portable pixmap pgmbentley Bentleyize a PGM pgmcrater create cratered terrain by fractal forgery pgmedge edge-detect a PGM pgmenhance edge-enhance a PGM pgmhist print a histogram of the values in a PGM * pgmkernel generate a convolution kernel (for pnmconvol use) pgmnoise create a PGM made up of white noise pgmnorm normalize contrast in a PGM pgmoil turn a PGM into an oil painting pgmramp generate a grayscale ramp pgmtexture calculate textural features on a PGM PPM Format (Pixmap -- Color images) bmptoppm convert PC Windows bitmap format to PPM gouldtoppm convert Gould scanner file to PPM * hpcdtoppm convert a Photo-CD file to PPM ilbmtoppm convert IFF ILBM to PPM (updated) imgtoppm convert Img-whatnot to PPM mtvtoppm convert MTV ray-tracer output to PPM pcxtoppm convert PC Paintbrush format to PPM pgmtoppm colorize a portable graymap into a PPM pi1toppm convert Atari Degas .pi1 to PPM picttoppm convert Macintosh PICT to PPM pjtoppm convert HP PaintJet file to PPM qrttoppm convert QRT ray-tracer output to PPM rawtoppm convert raw RGB bytes to PPM rgb3toppm combine three portable graymaps into one PPM sldtoppm convert an AutoCAD slide file into a PPM spctoppm convert Atari compressed Spectrum to PPM sputoppm convert Atari uncompressed Spectrum to PPM tgatoppm convert TrueVision Targa file to PPM ximtoppm convert Xim to PPM xpmtoppm convert XPM format (v3) to PPM * xvminitoppm convert XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM yuvsplittoppm convert YUV triplets. (MPEG / JPEG) to PPM yuvtoppm convert Abekas YUV format to PPM ppmtoacad convert PPM to AutoCAD database or slide ppmtobmp convert PPM to PC Windows bitmap format ppmtogif convert PPM to GIF (updated and both directions) ppmtoicr convert PPM to NCSA ICR graphics ppmtoilbm convert PPM to IFF ILBM (updated) ppmtomap extract all colors from a ppm file ppmtomitsu convert PPM to Mitsubishi S340-10 printer format ppmtopcx convert PPM to PC Paintbrush format ppmtopgm convert PPM to portable graymap ppmtopi1 convert PPM to Atari Degas .pi1 ppmtopict convert PPM to Macintosh PICT ppmtopj convert PPM to HP PaintJet file ppmtopjxl convert PPM into an HP PaintJet XL PCL file ppmtopuzz convert PPM to X11 "puzzle" file ppmtorgb3 separate PPM into three portable graymaps ppmtosixel convert PPM to DEC sixel format ppmtotga convert PPM to TrueVision Targa file ppmtouil convert PPM to Motif UIL icon file ppmtoxpm convert PPM to XPM format (v3) ppmtoyuv convert PPM to Abekas YUV format ppmtoyuvsplit convert PPM to YUV triplets. (MPEG / JPEG) ppm3d merge two PPM files into a red/blue 3d glasses PPM ppmbrighten change image saturation and value on an HSV map ppmchange change one color into another color ppmdim dim a portable pixmap (simular to ppmbrighten) ppmdist Simplistic grayscale convert for colour images ppmdither ordered dither for color images ppmflash brighten a picture (simular to ppmbrighten) ppmforge fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies ppmhist print a histogram of a PPM ppmmake create a pixmap of a specified size and color ppmmix blend together two portable pixmaps (fade between) ppmnorm Normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap ppmntsc make PPM look like a tv image (dim every other row) ppmpat create a pretty pixmap ppmquant quantize colors down to a specified number ppmquantall script to run ppmquant on a set of pixmaps ppmqvga Eight plane quantization ppmrelief run a Laplacian Relief filter on a PPM ppmshift shift rows randomly left and right (water reflection) ppmspread displace pixels by random amounts (unfocus image) PNM Format (Anymap -- works on bitmaps, graymap and pixmaps) anytopnm script to attempt to convert any format to PNM * fitstopnm convert FITS format to PNM giftopnm convert GIF to the appropiate PNM * pstopnm convert Postscript to PNM (via the ghostscript program) rasttopnm convert Sun raster file to PNM * sgitopnm convert SGI image file to PNM sirtopnm convert Solitaire image recorder format to PNM tifftopnm convert TIFF file to PNM xwdtopnm convert X10 or X11 window dump to PNM zeisstopnm convert Zeiss confocal microscopes to PNM pnmtoddif convert PNM to ddif format (dec image format?) * pnmtofits convert PNM to FITS format pnmtops convert PNM to PostScript pnmtorast convert PNM to Sun raster file * pnmtosgi convert PNM to SGI image file pnmtosir convert PNM to Solitaire image recorder format pnmtotiff convert PNM to TIFF file pnmtoxwd convert PNM to X11 window dump * pnmalias antialias a PNM (remove the jaggies!) pnmarith perform arithmetic on two PNMs pnmcat concatenate PNMs pnmcomp create a composite image from two PNM's pnmconvol general MxN convolution on a PNM pnmcrop crop all like-colored borders off a PNM (new options) pnmcut select a rectangular region from a PNM pnmdepth change the maxval in a PNM pnmenlarge enlarge a PNM N times pnmfile describe a PNM pnmflip perform one or more flip operations on a PNM pnmgamma perform gamma correction on a PNM * pnmhisteq histogram equalise a PNM pnmhistmap draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file pnmindex script to build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps pnminvert invert a PNM pnmmargin script to add a margin to a PNM * pnmnlfilt miscelanous non-linear filters -- see manpage pnmnoraw force a PNM into ASCII format pnmpad Add borders to PNM pnmpaste paste a rectangle into a PNM pnmrotate rotate a PNM pnmscale scale a PNM pnmshear shear a PNM pnmsmooth script that uses pnmconvol to smooth a anymap pnmtile replicate a PNM into a specified size -------------------------------------------------------------------------------