****************************************************************************** * * * NEW FEATURES * * * * This file summarizes major changes made from one official release to the * * next. See file "CHANGES" if you are interested in viewing an exhaustive * * list of changes (including bug fixes, porting modifications, etc.) made * * to the program. * * * ****************************************************************************** ************************************* * New Features in LLNL XDIR 2.1 * ************************************* Major New Functionality: ---------------------- o In most cases, LLNL XDIR now does a much better job transparently reconnecting when the FTP server times out. A new user preference, "Connection Check Time", was added to allow the user to fine tune this mechanism. o Added firewall support for proxy servers (see "Firewall Preferences" under "Prefs" menu). o Added firewall support for passive (PASV) mode (see "Firewall Preferences" under "Prefs" menu). Minor New Functionality: ------------------------ o Added support for WFTPD, a shareware FTP daemon for Windows platforms written by Alun Jones. o Added "Multiclick Interval" user preference to set double-click time interval in directory window. o Improved support for standard Windows NT FTP server. o Added support for SOCKS5. Changed Functionality: ------------------------ o Local, uncompressed files are now viewed in-place (instead of first being copied to a temporary directory). o File transfer dialog now displays data rate instead of number of bytes moved. ************************************* * New Features in LLNL XDIR 2.0 * ************************************* Major New Functionality: ------------------------ o The "LLNL XDIR" button in the upper right corner of the directory window now transforms into a blinking "Stop" button during most time-consuming operations. Click on the Stop button to interrupt the operation. A new user preference, "Stop Button Blinking", controls whether the stop button blinks while displayed. o You now have the option of caching directory lists from remote hosts during a session, allowing fast redisplay of previously visited directories. This feature is controlled by the "C" mode button in the toolbar and by the general preferences "Initial Cache Mode" and "Max Dir Cache Len (KB)". o You can now search for strings in the built-in viewer. o You can use a new dialog, "Edit History", for editing history information. The dialog is accessible via the "File" menu. Minor New Functionality: ------------------------ o You now have the ability to specify (via a new user preference, "Overwrite Dir on Copy") whether it is okay to overwrite an existing directory when recursively copying another directory with the same name. o Now the copy (i.e., file transfer) operation automatically stages and read Unitree files that are not on disk. o You can now pop up the launch commands menu in the directory list area by holding down the third mouse button. o The number of files to transfer and to be transferred is now reported in the file transfer dialog. o Initial width of built-in viewer is now determined by examining file to be viewed. (See general preference "Initial Max Viewer Width"). o A new command line option, "-color," forces LLNL XDIR to use a nice color scheme, even if the application defaults file, XDir, is not found. o A menu is now available for changing to an ancestor directory. This menu is accessible in two ways: (1) As a pullright in the "Goto" menu and (2) as a right-mouse-button popup in the "Up Arrow" button of the toolbar. o You can now specify starting directory for local host on the command line. o SOCKS firewall support. Changed Functionality: ------------------------ o Dropping entries onto another directory window will always initiate a copy or move operation (before, it was a noop to drop entries onto a file name in another window). o The user preference "Auto Refresh" was removed. o The user preference "Add To Cache" was removed. o The following name changes were made to the general preferences: "Directory Cache Size" --> "Max Dir Name History" "Host Cache Size" --> "Max Host Name History" "User Cache Size" --> "Max User Name History" "Wildcard Cache Size" --> "Max Quoted Cmd History" "Quoted Cmd Cache Size" --> "History Sort Order" o The configuration parameters in the General Preferences dialog are now organized by category. o The keyboard accelerators for the "Search" and "Search Again" menu items have been changed to Ctrl-F and Ctrl-G, respectively. o The diamond-shaped tree controls have been replaced with triangles. o The diagnostics window is now taller. o By default, tunneling mode is now "On". o Processing of "quoted" command now continues if a 3xx reply is received from the FTP server.