Merge in all the changes that accumulated while I was gone. (Point your mail reader at libungif.mail to see these messages.) Besides fixing bugs, what's really needed is for someone to work out how to calculate a colormap for writing gifs from rgb sources. Right now, an rgb source that has only two colors (b/w) is being converted into an 8 bit gif.... Which is horrendously wasteful without compression. Any volunteers? ======= The Present Extension code is pretty hacky. It looks like giflib's ability to do Extension code was added on at a later time and also was not implemented entirely in conformance with the gif89a spec. I've hacked it further to make it conform to the spec, but it would benefit greatly from a complete rewrite. If there is ever a version-5.0 of this library (with API level changes), this should definitely be one of the areas that gets worked on. ======= Documentation needs updating to reflect additions to the API. (As I'm interested in experimenting with docbook, I may eventually create docbook documentation.) ======= [UPDATE at bottom] Here's a change to the library code that has been proposed: Pulling known extensions (comment blocks, etc) out of the Extensions array and putting them in actual places within the GifType structure so application programmers don't have to search through the Extension array for them. I'm not sure how I want to implemement this yet -- Actually removing them from the extension array would break the API compatibility with libungif. Making copies would waste resources needlessly. Making convenience links with the idea of deprecating the access of the extension block directly for standard features would be okay, but creates extra work in the long run -- really we need to put the convenience links into the current Extension array. We have to decide where in the structure each extension belongs, generalize the AddExtensionBlock function to be able to add the extensionblock to any area of the structure, rework the gif writing code to place the structures where they belong, rework the code writing to the Extension Array so that it can handle links as well as blocks. And on the other hand, it could turn out that putting extensions into the main structure is not intuitive to everyone. Extensions are "extensions" and people may want to look for them grouped together.... I suppose this could either mean leaving everything in the extension array, or creating a new extension field that has the extensions dangling off of it (comment, gifanim stuff, unknown, etc.) This is okay except that it'd be best to have real copies of the extension in the fields instead of links (so that we could make arrays rather than arrays of pointers.) [UPDATE:1998 3 Dec] After reading through the gif89a specification, I'm not sure this is all that great. It seems that each image in a gif stream needs to have separate extension blocks. This means that an animated gif will have a Graphics Extension Block for each Image in the animation. Linking this up to the GifFileType is wrong. Making a link in each SaveFile is correct, but will take space that won't be needed when that particular extension doesn't appear in this file.... Unless someone wants to correct me here, I don't think I'm going to implement this.