This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from gtk.texi. This file documents GTK, the GIMP Toolkit Copyright (C) 1996 Peter Mattis Copyright (C) 1997 Peter Mattis Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by Peter Mattis. INFO-DIR-SECTION User Interface Toolkit START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * GTK: (gtk). The GIMP Toolkit END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Copying, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) The GIMP Toolkit **************** This is edition 1.0 of the GTK documentation, 23 August 1998. * Menu: * Copying:: Your rights. * Overview:: What is GTK? * Types:: * Objects:: * Signals:: Signals overview. * Widgets:: Widget overview. * Other Objects:: Utility objects. * Miscellaneous:: Initialization, exit and other features. * Examples:: Using GTK. * Object Implementation:: Object internals. * Signal Implementation:: Signal internals. * Widget Implementation:: Widget internals. * Function Index:: Index of functions. * Concept Index:: Index of concepts.  File:, Node: Copying, Next: Overview, Prev: Top, Up: Top Copying ******* GTK is "free"; this means that everyone is free to use it and free to redistribute it on a free basis. GTK is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of GTK that they might get from you. Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give away copies of GTK, that you receive source code or else can get it if you want it, that you can change GTK or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute copies of GTK, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must tell them their rights. Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone finds out that there is no warranty for GTK. If GTK is modified by someone else and passed on, we want their recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will no reflect on our reputation. The precise conditions of the licenses for GTK are found in the General Public Licenses that accompany it.  File:, Node: Overview, Next: Types, Prev: Copying, Up: Top What is GTK? ************ GTK is a library for creating graphical user interfaces similar to the Motif "look and feel". It is designed to be small and efficient, but still flexible enough to allow the programmer freedom in the interfaces created. GTK allows the programmer to use a variety of standard user interface widgets (*note Widgets::) such as push, radio and check buttons, menus, lists and frames. It also provides several "container" widgets which can be used to control the layout of the user interface elements. GTK provides some unique features. (At least, I know of no other widget library which provides them). For example, a button does not contain a label, it contains a child widget, which in most instances will be a label. However, the child widget can also be a pixmap, image or any combination possible the programmer desires. This flexibility is adhered to throughout the library. To make life easier for you, GTK presents this flexibility in a uniform framework. Specifically, it implements its own support for object oriented programming that is well adapted to the purposes of a user interface toolkit and it aims at providing a reasonable sane and disciplined programming interface. This uniformity and discipline is intended to make it easy and reliable to access GTK from languages other than C. Especially more dynamic languages like Perl, Python or Scheme will find amble support, and in fact, bindings to these languages already exist.  File:, Node: Types, Next: Objects, Prev: Overview, Up: Top Types ***** Other kid's games are all such a bore! They've gotta have rules and they gotta keep score! - Calvin about CalvinBall(tm) GTK implements a semi-simple type system with an associated class mechanism for widgets and several other useful objects. This type system is intended to be general enough to allow both a smooth binding of dynamically typed languages to Gtk, as well as to serve for a rigorous and formalistic definition of the larger part of the Gtk API. The classes for the individual widgets are by far the most important part of this type system, but before we get to them, we describe the basics of the type system itself. This is mostly of interest for widget writers and language binders, so you might want to skip ahead to the next chapter, which talks about the object oriented stuff. * Menu: * Type introduction:: * Basics:: * Simple types:: * Enumerations and flags:: * Strings:: * Boxed types:: * Callbacks:: * Composite types::  File:, Node: Type introduction, Next: Basics, Prev: Types, Up: Types Introduction to the Type System =============================== Gtk defines its own system of types, much like a computer language defines what types it supports. Of course, the Gtk type system is build on top of the types that C provides, so it includes members like `int', `long' and `float'. But, compared to C, it allows only few carefully selected types and specifies a lot of restrictions on the way you can use values of these types. For example, there is no general facility for specifying _pointer to X_. Instead, we take a more higher level approach and define such things as `string', which is just like a `char*' but with additional rules about how to manage the memory that it points to. The type system has two purposes: to define a formal system with which to describe the various exported features of Gtk; and to implement this system at run-time so that we get sound and flexible "dynamic" types for the dynamic languages that want to interface with Gtk. Let me restate this with different words, because I think it is important to understand this idea. We will see in a moment that the type system is indeed well defined and all this detail is implemented with functions and data structures in Gtk. For example, every type (and there can be any number of them) can be represented with a unique integer and Gtk has support for the necessary bookkeeping for this. Every type also has a name and there are functions for converting between the name of a type and its unique number. Maybe more useful, there is a big discriminated union that can be used to pass around a value of any representable type, together with its precise type. This is the run-time or dynamic side of the type system. Mostly, you do not need to use it when you don't want to. The compile-time or static side of the type system can is used to statically define the programming interface of Gtk. For example, suppose there is function `gtk_foo' in the Gtk API that has a prototype char *gtk_foo (char *); This looks like it does something with strings. But what does it do with the memory of the string that has been passed in, and what are we supposed or allowed to do with the memory that the returned pointer points to? The more restricted type `string' from the Gtk type system can be used to be more precise. In fact, the definition of `string' below includes the rule that when a `string' is passed to a function, that function is not allowed to retain a pointer into the string beyond the life time of that function call. So we are safe to deallocate it or override it when the function has returned. Likewise, the definition specifies that the memory of a `string' that is returned from a function becomes the sole property of the calling function. The calling function is responsible for deallocating it eventually and it can be sure that nobody else scribbles in it. When `gtk_foo' really obeys these rules, we can say that it takes one argument, which is a `string', and it returns a `string'. Now we can understand why it makes sense to have a more restrictive type system than that of C. With it, it is possible to be more precise and we actually have a framework where we can be sure that as long as we stay inside this framework we are not gratuitously causing trouble for languages that are more disciplined than C. Of course, you are not restricted to making all your interfaces expressible within the framework. There are valid reasons for breaking it, for performance or simply for convenience. But please try to provide all the functionality of your module in such a way that it can be described with this type system and treat the non-conforming functions as additional goodies that are nice to have but not essential. The reward is an instant accessibility of your code from a huge number of scripting and extension languages such as Perl, Python, and Guile. These formal specifications of the Gtk interface are contained in special declarations in the header files of Gtk. They are ignored by the C compiler, but can be used by other language processors. For extra convenience, these declarations are also available in a more condensed form that is easier to parse. Tools for generating bindings of Gtk to other languages can read these declarations and--because all the important details are defined--automatically generate the bulk of the needed glue code. It is also possible to feed these declarations into a running application (an interface builder, say) and thus make it aware of new widgets and functions without recompiling anything. The run-time side of the type system is also somewhat introspective. This means that you can query Gtk about all the members of an enumeration for example. Gtk provides tools that help you provide this introspection for your definitions also. Types are not enough to completely specify an interface, so GTK also has "modes". A mode specifies what happens to a value when it crosses a module boundary; it can be `in', `out', or `inout'. Most fundamental types (and their derived types) support only mode `in'. The modes `out' and `inout' can only be used with the composite types: lists and vectors. When argument of these types are marked as `out' or `inout' it means that the called module is allowed to change the contents of the composite value and that these changes need to be propagated back to the originator of the value. Mode `out' means that the argument has no meaningful value at the beginning and should not be read. Mode `in' specifies that the called module is not allowed to change the value in any way. The type system allows for an unbounded number of types. Every widget is a type for example and you can add new widget types at any time without confusing the run-time implementation of the type system. Nevertheless, all types are derived from a certain "fundamental" type, and there are only a small and finite number of fundamental types. We only specify rules for the fundamental types and all other types inherit these rules from their fundamental type. For example, `int' is a fundamental type, as is `GtkObject'. All widgets derive from `GtkObject' and so the rules for `GtkObject' apply to all widgets as well. This derivation defines a type hierarchy, but this hierarchy is not completely general. You can't derive from `int' for example, and you can only have one level of derivation from `enum'. The fundamental type `GtkObject', however, is the basis for the large and deep hierarchy of widget types. The individual fundamental types are defined and explained in the following sections. Here is a complete list of them: `none' The not-a-value type, similar to `void'. `char' A character. Internationalization issues are still undecided. `bool' True or false. `byte, ubyte, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double' The usual assortment of scalar types. `string' A string. Internationalization issues are still undecided. `enum, flags' Enumerations with a fixed set of literals. Either used to express a single choice from this set or to individually turn on and off several flags. `boxed' A pointer to an opaque structure that can be copied and destroyed. `callback' A pointer to a function with enough extra information so that it can also be used for functions written in languages completely different from C. `GtkObject' A pointer to a GtkObject or derived type. The fun starts here. `args, slist, dlist, cvec, tvec' An assortment of composite types like linked lists and counted or zero-terminated arrays. `pointer, signal, c_callback' Obsolete types.  File:, Node: Basics, Next: Simple types, Prev: Type introduction, Up: Types Basic Concepts ============== The basis for the type system are the fundamental types. At run-time, they are represented by members of the `GtkFundamentalType' enumeration. For the static declarations, they are identified with a unique name. - Enumeration: GtkFundamentalType This enumeration contains a member for each defined fundamental type. Most members are listed along with the description of their semantics, but one is listed here: `GTK_TYPE_INVALID' No valid type is derived from this. Use `GTK_TYPE_INVALID' to express exceptional situations. This member does not really correspond to a fundamental type and thus there is no name for it. - Data type: GtkType The type `GtkType' holds the run-time representation of a type. It is an integer of a certain size. The follwing macros are defined to access the basic properties of a `GtkType': - Macro: unsigned int GTK_TYPE_SEQNO (GtkType type) Returns the sequence number of TYPE. The sequence numbers are guaranteed to be dense, i.e., you can use them to index a table and the table need not be much larger than the number of different GtkTypes that you might encounter. - Macro: GtkFundamentalType GTK_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE (GtkType type) Returns the fundamental type of TYPE. Both macros simply access different bit-fields of a `GtkType', so they are very efficient. New types are registered with the `gtk_type_unique' function. Any kind oftype can be registered with `gtk_type_unique' but there are convenience functions for most fundamental types. Each fundamental type has its own interpretation of the rules below and these convenience functions should be used to automatically get the type registration right. So, don't be put off by the apparent complexity of the interface to `gtk_type_unique'. You will be using it only for new widgets, and there the rules are simple. The `GtkTypeInfo' structure is used to communicate information to `gtk_type_unique' as opposed to passing in large numbers of parameters. typedef struct _GtkTypeInfo GtkTypeInfo; struct _GtkTypeInfo { gchar *type_name; guint object_size; guint class_size; GtkClassInitFunc class_init_func; GtkObjectInitFunc object_init_func; gpointer reserved_1; gpointer reserved_2; GtkClassInitFunc base_class_init_func; } * The `type_name' field refers to the name of the type. This is the same name that is used in the static definitions. It is convention for the type name to be closely related to the name of the underlying C type. For example, the type name of the `GtkObject' structure is "GtkObject", and the name of the `GtkWindowType' enumeration is "GtkWindowType". Note that the C type corresponding to "GtkObject" is really a pointer to a `GtkObject' struct, but the name has no "*" in it. * The `object_size' field refers to the size in bytes of the C structure for types that have such a structure. The easiest (and portable) means of computing this size is by using the C `sizeof' operator. For instance, the sizeof of the `GtkObject' structure is computed by doing `sizeof (GtkObject)'. When the type has no associated structure or when you do not want to support the `gtk_type_new' function for the new type, set `object_size' to 0. Only types derived from GTK_TYPE_OBJECT can be handled by `gtk_type_new', anyway. * The `class_size' field refers to the size in bytes of the C structure for the class. Again, the `sizeof' operator should be used to compute this value. If you don't want to have a class structure for this type, set the field to 0. `gtk_type_class' will then always return `NULL'. * The `class_init_func' and `base_class_init_func' fields are callbacks which are used by the type mechanism to initialize class specific fields. The single argument these functions take is a pointer to a class structure. When you do not need one or both of them, set the corresponding field to `NULL'. The `class_init_func' will be called at most once, right after the class structure of size `class_size' has been allocated. The interaction between `class_init_func' and `base_class_init_func' is only really useful for the full-fledged object system. It is described there *note Objects::. * The `object_init_func' field is a callback which is used by the type mechanism to initialize object specific fields for structures that have been allocated via `gtk_type_new'. The single argument this functions takes is a pointer to an object structure. If you do not want any special object initialization to take place, set this to `NULL'. All object initialization functions for all types that are part of the inheritance chain are called, starting with the most basic type. - Function: guint gtk_type_unique (GtkType PARENT_TYPE, GtkTypeInfo *TYPE_INFO) The PARENT_TYPE is simply the new types parent type. If PARENT_TYPE is GTK_TYPE_INVALID, then the new type is a new fundamental type. You should never register new fundamental types. TYPE_INFO is a pointer to a structure which contains necessary information for construction of the new type. You can only register a specific name once. - Function: gchar* gtk_type_name (GtkType TYPE) The returned string is the name of TYPE as specified to `gtk_type_unique'. - Function: GtkType gtk_type_from_name (guchar *NAME) Return the type associated with NAME. If there is no type associated with NAME, then GTK_TYPE_INVALID will be returned. - Function: GtkType gtk_type_parent (GtkType TYPE) Returns the parent type of TYPE or GTK_TYPE_INVALID if TYPE is a fundamental type. - Function: gpointer gtk_type_class (GtkType TYPE) Returns the initialized class structure for TYPE. The class structure is actually created and initialized the first time it is needed. Refer to *note Objects:: for details on how this initialization works for GTK_TYPE_OBJECT derived types. The returned structure is shared by all objects of TYPE and, as such, should not be modified. - Function: gpointer gtk_type_new (GtkType TYPE) Returns a new instance of an TYPE object. This works only for GTK_TYPE_OBJECT derived types. Please see *note Objects::. - Function: void gtk_type_describe_heritage (GtkType TYPE) Prints the type heritage for TYPE. The heritage for a type includes the type and all its parent types up the type tree. - Function: void gtk_type_describe_tree (GtkType TYPE, gboolean SHOW_SIZE) Prints the type tree which starts at TYPE. SHOW_SIZE is a boolean which determines whether type sizes are printed. - Function: gboolean gtk_type_is_a (GtkType TYPE, GtkType IS_A_TYPE) A predicate function which determines whether the relation TYPE is_a IS_A_TYPE is true. Values of all types can be handled uniformly by storing them into a `GtkArg' structure. The `GtkArg' has the following fields: `gchar *name' This can be used to give the value represented by this `GtkArg' structure a name. It is not used much. `GtkType type' The type of this value. `union d' A big union that has (at least conceptually) one member for each fundamental type. You should not access these members directly. Rather, use the `GTK_VALUE_*' macros. There is one macro for each fundamental type, and its name is derived from the name of the GtkFundamentalType enumeration members simply by replacing "Gtk_TYPE" with "GTK_VALUE". All `GTK_VALUE_*' macros take a `GtkArg' structure as their only parameter (_not_ a pointer) and evaluate to a lvalue. For example, the accessor for the fundamental type GTK_TYPE_INT is called GTK_VALUE_INT and you could use it like this: GtkArg value; = NULL; value.type = GTK_TYPE_INT; GTK_VALUE_INT(value) = 7;  File:, Node: Simple types, Next: Enumerations and flags, Prev: Basics, Up: Types Simple Types ============ The Gtk type system has a full set of the usual simple types: integers, floating point numbers, but also boolean and character. You can not derive new types from these. Enum Name Description GTK_TYPE_NONE "void" A type without value. GTK_TYPE_CHAR "char" A 8-bit unsigned number representing a character. Numbers between 0 and 127 are ASCII, the rest is undefined. GTK_TYPE_BOOL "gboolean" The boolean type. It is some small integer where the number 0 represents false and 1 is true. No other values are allowed. GTK_TYPE_INT "gint" A signed integer with at least 32 bits. GTK_TYPE_UINT "guint" A unsigned integer with at least 32 bits. GTK_TYPE_LONG "glong" A signed integer with at least 32 bits. GTK_TYPE_ULONG "gulong" A unsigned integer with at least 32 bits. This is large enough to hold a coerced pointer. GTK_TYPE_FLOAT "gfloat" A single precision floating point number. GTK_TYPE_DOUBLE "gfloat" A souble precision floating point number. GTK_TYPE_POINTER "gpointer" A untyped pointer. Do not use this if you can avoid it. The values of these types are all represented `directly' with the C types that are indicated in the `name' column above. *note Boxed types:: for a discussion of this.  File:, Node: Enumerations and flags, Next: Strings, Prev: Simple types, Up: Types Enumerations and Flags ======================  File:, Node: Strings, Next: Boxed types, Prev: Enumerations and flags, Up: Types Strings =======  File:, Node: Boxed types, Next: Callbacks, Prev: Strings, Up: Types Boxed Types ===========  File:, Node: Callbacks, Next: Composite types, Prev: Boxed types, Up: Types Callbacks =========  File:, Node: Composite types, Prev: Callbacks, Up: Types Composite Types ===============  File:, Node: Objects, Next: Signals, Prev: Types, Up: Top Objects ******* Object functions ================ The GtkObject type is the root of the type hierarchy used by GTK. It provides a minimal set of fields used to implement the actual object, class and signal mechanisms, as well as several utility routines which make dealing with objects easier. For the adventurous, see *Note Object Implementation::. - Function: guint gtk_object_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkObject' type identifier. - Function: void gtk_object_class_add_signals (GtkObjectClass *CLASS, gint *SIGNALS, gint NSIGNALS) Adds SIGNALS to the `signals' field in the GtkObjectClass structure CLASS. *Note Signals::. - Function: GtkObject* gtk_object_new (guint TYPE, ...) - Function: GtkObject* gtk_object_newv (guint TYPE, guint NARGS, GtkArg *ARGS) - Function: void gtk_object_ref (GtkObject *OBJECT); - Function: void gtk_object_unref (GtkObject *OBJECT); - Function: void gtk_object_getv (GtkObject *OBJECT, guint NARGS, GtkArg *ARGS) - Function: void gtk_object_set (GtkObject *OBJECT, ...) - Function: void gtk_object_setv (GtkObject *OBJECT, guint NARGS, GtkArg *ARGS) - Function: GtkArg* gtk_object_query_args (GtkType CLASS_TYPE, guint *NARGS) - Function: void gtk_object_add_arg_type (gchar *ARG_NAME, GtkType ARG_TYPE, guint ARG_ID) - Function: GtkType gtk_object_get_arg_type (gchar *ARG_NAME) - Function: void gtk_object_destroy (GtkObject *OBJECT) Performs checks to make sure it is alright to destroy OBJECT and then emits the `destroy' signal. The check which is performed is to make sure OBJECT is not already processing another signal. If this were the case then destroying the object immediately would undoubtedly cause problems as the other signal would not be able to tell the object was destroyed. The solution is that if OBJECT is processing another signal we mark OBJECT is needing to be destroyed. When we finish processing of the other signal we check whether the object needs to be destroyed. The GtkObject type provides a mechanism for associating arbitrary amounts of data with an object. The data is associated with the object using a character string key. The functions `gtk_object_set_data', `gtk_object_get_data', and `gtk_object_remove_data' are the interface to this mechanism. Two other routines, `gtk_object_set_user_data' and `gtk_object_get_user_data', exist as convenience functions which simply use the same mechanism. - Function: void gtk_object_set_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, const char *KEY, gpointer DATA) Associate DATA with KEY in the data list of OBJECT. - Function: gpointer gtk_object_get_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, const char *KEY) Retrieve the data associated with KEY in the data list of OBJECT. - Function: void gtk_object_remove_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, const char *KEY) Remove the data associated with KEY in the data list of OBJECT. - Function: void gtk_object_set_user_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, gpointer DATA) Sets DATA into the `user_data' field of OBJECT. - Function: gpointer gtk_object_get_user_data (GtkObject *OBJECT) Returns the `user_data' field of OBJECT. The GtkObject type also provides a mechanism for specifying initialization values for fields. This general mechanism is called object value stacks. The reason for using value stacks is that they can simplify the life of the programmer. For instance, by default widgets are non-visible when created. However, the "visible" value for widgets may be specified so that widgets are made visible when created. (FIXME: unfinished). - Function: void gtk_object_value_stack_new (guint OBJECT_TYPE, const gchar *VALUE_ID, GtkParamType VALUE_TYPE) - Function: void gtk_object_push_value (guint OBJECT_TYPE, const gchar *VALUE_ID, ...) Push a value on the value stack specified by OBJECT_TYPE and VALUE_ID. The type of value is implicitly given in the context of OBJECT_TYPE and VALUE_ID. (That is, it is not specified explicitly in the function call). Only a single extra argument is expected which is the data which is to be placed on the stack. - Function: void gtk_object_pop_value (guint OBJECT_TYPE, const gchar *VALUE_ID) Pop a value of the value stack specified by OBJECT_TYPE and VALUE_ID. - Function: gint gtk_object_peek_value (guint OBJECT_TYPE, const gchar *VALUE_ID, gpointer DATA) Peek at the value on the top of the value stack specified by OBJECT_TYPE and VALUE_ID. The DATA argument is interpreted as the location of where to place the "peeked" data. For instance, if the peeked data is of type `GTK_PARAM_POINTER', then DATA will be a pointer to a pointer. If the value stack is empty or does not exist or an error occurs, `gtk_object_peek_value' will return `FALSE'. On success it will return `TRUE'.  File:, Node: Signals, Next: Widgets, Prev: Objects, Up: Top Signals Overview **************** Signals are GTK's method for objects to perform callbacks. A signal is an event which occurs upon an object. The programmer can connect to a signal of an object which involves specifying a function to be called when that signal is emitted in the specified object. When a signal is emitted, both the class function associated with the signal (when it was defined) and all signal handlers installed for that signal on the particular object emitting the signal are called. The widget programmer can specify whether the class function is to be called before after or both before and after the signal handlers installed by the widget user. The widget user can, however, specify that their signal handler is to be run after the class function (using the "_after" signal connection routines). Any signal handling function can emit the same signal on the same object while it is running causing that signal emission to either restart or to run recursively. Additionally, signal emission can be terminated prematurely. While both such abilities are rarely used, they do allow for greater flexibility in regards to signals. For instance, a programmer can attach to the key press event signal and intercept all tab key presses from a widget. This particular example is used in the file selection dialog to implement tab completion of filenames and prevent the entry widget from inserting the tab into its buffer. Signals are selected using either an integer identifier or a character string name. It is convention to name the signal the same as the class function which is associated with it. There are two versions of most of the signal functions, one which takes an integer identifier and one which takes a character string name for the signal. - Function: gint gtk_signal_new (gchar *NAME, GtkSignalRunType RUN_TYPE, gint OBJECT_TYPE, gint FUNCTION_OFFSET, GtkSignalMarshaller MARSHALLER, GtkParamType RETURN_VAL, gint NPARAMS, ...) Create a new signal and give it the character string identifier NAME. NAME needs to be unique in the context of OBJECT_TYPE's branch of the class hierarchy. That is, OBJECT_TYPE cannot create a signal type with the same name as a signal type created by one of its parent types. RUN_TYPE specifies whether the class function should be run before (`GTK_RUN_FIRST'), after (`GTK_RUN_LAST') or both before and after normal signal handlers (`GTK_RUN_BOTH'). Additionally, the `GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE' value can be or'ed with any of those values to specify that the signal should not be recursive. By default, emitting the same signal on the same widget will cause the signal to be emitted twice. However, if the `GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE' flag is specified, emitting the same signal on the same widget will cause the current signal emission to be restarted. This allows the widget programmer to specify the semantics of signal emission on a per signal basis. (The `GTK_RUN_NO_RECURSE' flag is used by the GtkAdjustment widget). The FUNCTION_OFFSET is the byte offset from the start of the class structure to the class function field within the class structure. The easiest means to compute this offset is by using the `GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET' macro which takes the class structure type as the first argument and the field as the second argument. For example, `GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (GtkObjectClass, destroy)' will give the offset of the `destroy' class function within the `GtkObjectClass'. Note: An offset is specified instead of an absolute location since there will be multiple instances of a class structure being referenced. (The `GtkWidgetClass' structure "is a" `GtkObjectClass' structure, etc.) The MARSHALLER function is used to invoke a signal handler. Since signal handlers may take different parameters and return values and a general mechanism for invoking them is not apparent, the approach of making the signal creator responsible for invoking the signal handler was taken. (FIXME: unfinished). The RETURN_VAL and NPARAMS and the remaining arguments specify the return value and the arguments to the signal handler respectively. Note: There is an implicit first argument to every signal handler which is the widget the signal has been emitted from. The variable argument list (...) specifies the types of the arguments. These can be one of `GTK_PARAM_CHAR', `GTK_PARAM_SHORT', `GTK_PARAM_INT', `GTK_PARAM_LONG', `GTK_PARAM_POINTER' or `GTK_PARAM_FUNCTION'. It is undefined to specify `GTK_PARAM_NONE' as an argument type, however it is OK to use `GTK_PARAM_NONE' for RETURN_VAL. (This corresponds to returning a `void'). `gtk_signal_new' returns the integer identifier of the newly created signal. Signal identifiers start numbering at 1 and increase upwards. A value of -1 will be returned if an error occurs. *Note:* `gtk_signal_new' is only needed by widget writers. A normal user of GTK will never needed to invoke this function. - Function: gint gtk_signal_lookup (gchar *NAME, gint OBJECT_TYPE) Returns the integer identifier for the signal referenced by NAME and OBJECT_TYPE. If OBJECT_TYPE does not define the signal NAME, then the signal is looked for in OBJECT_TYPE's parent type recursively. - Function: gchar* gtk_signal_name (gint SIGNAL_NUM) - Function: gint gtk_signal_emit (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint SIGNAL_TYPE, ...) Emit the signal specified by the integer identifier SIGNAL_TYPE from OBJECT. If an error occurs, `gtk_signal_emit' will return `FALSE' and will return `TRUE' on success. The signal definition determines the parameters passed in the variable argument list (`...'). For example, if the signal is defined as: gint (* event) (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event); Then a call to emit the "event" signal would look like: GdkEvent event; gint return_val; ... gtk_signal_emit (some_object, gtk_signal_lookup ("event", GTK_OBJECT_TYPE (some_object)), &event, &return_val); Notice that the `widget' argument is implicit in that the first argument to every signal is a type derived from `GtkObject'. The RETURN_VAL argument is actually a pointer to the return value type since the signal mechanism needs to be able to place the return value in an actual location. And lastly, the `gtk_signal_lookup' call is normally avoided by using the `gtk_signal_emit_by_name' function instead. `gtk_signal_emit' is normally used internally by widgets which know the signal identifier (since they defined the signal) and can therefore side-step the cost of calling `gtk_signal_lookup'. - Function: gint gtk_signal_emit_by_name (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, ...) Similar to `gtk_signal_emit' except that the signal is referenced by NAME instead of by its integer identifier. - Function: void gtk_signal_emit_stop (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint SIGNAL_TYPE) Stop the emission of the signal SIGNAL_TYPE on OBJECT. SIGNAL_TYPE is the integer identifier for the signal and can be determined using the function `gtk_signal_lookup'. Alternatively, the function `gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name' can be used to refer to the signal by name. Attempting to stop the emission of a signal that isn't being emitted does nothing. - Function: void gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME) Similar to `gtk_signal_emit_stop' except that the signal is referenced by NAME instead of by its integer identifier. - Function: gint gtk_signal_connect (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, GtkSignalFunc FUNC, gpointer FUNC_DATA) Connects a signal handling function to a signal emitting object. FUNC is connected to the signal NAME emitted by OBJECT. The arguments and returns type of FUNC should match the arguments and return type of the signal NAME. However, FUNC may take the extra argument of FUNC_DATA. Due to the C calling convention it is OK to ignore the extra argument. (It is OK to ignore all the arguments in fact). `gtk_signal_connect' returns an integer identifier for the connection which can be used to refer to it in the future. Specifically it is useful for removing the connection and/or blocking it from being used. - Function: gint gtk_signal_connect_after (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, GtkSignalFunc FUNC, gpointer FUNC_DATA) Similar to `gtk_signal_connect' except the signal handler is connected in the "after" slot. This allows a signal handler to be guaranteed to run after other signal handlers connected to the same signal on the same object and after the class function associated with the signal. Like `gtk_signal_connect', `gtk_signal_connect_after' returns an integer identifier which can be used to refer to the connection. - Function: gint gtk_signal_connect_object (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, GtkSignalFunc FUNC, GtkObject *SLOT_OBJECT) Connects FUNC to the signal NAME emitted by OBJECT. Similar to `gtk_signal_connect' with the difference that SLOT_OBJECT is passed as the first parameter to FUNC instead of the signal emitting object. This can be useful for connecting a signal emitted by one object to a signal in another object. A common usage is to connect the "destroy" signal of dialog to the "clicked" signal emitted by a "close" button in the dialog. That is, the "clicked" signal emitted by the button will caused the "destroy" signal to be emitted for the dialog. This is also the "right" way to handle closing of a dialog since the "destroy" signal will be sent if the dialog is deleted using a window manager function and this enables the two methods of closing the window to be handled by the same mechanism. Returns an integer identifier which can be used to refer to the connection. - Function: gint gtk_signal_connect_object_after (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, GtkSignalFunc FUNC, GtkObject *SLOT_OBJECT) Similar to `gtk_signal_connect_object' except the signal handler is connected in the "after" slot. This allows a signal handler to be guaranteed to run after other signal handlers connected to the same signal on the same object and after the class function associated with the signal. Returns an integer identifier which can be used to refer to the connection. - Function: gint gtk_signal_connect_interp (GtkObject *OBJECT, gchar *NAME, GtkCallbackMarshal FUNC, gpointer DATA, GtkDestroyNotify DESTROY_FUNC, gint AFTER) - Function: void gtk_signal_disconnect (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint ID) Disconnects a signal handler from an object. The signal handler is identified by the integer ID which is returned by the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. - Function: void gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, gpointer DATA) Disconnects a signal handler from an object. The signal handler is identified by the DATA argument specified as the FUNC_DATA argument to the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. For the `gtk_signal_connect_object*' functions, DATA refers to the SLOT_OBJECT. *Note:* This will remove all signal handlers connected to OBJECT which were connected using DATA as their FUNC_DATA argument. Multiple signal handlers may be disconnected with this call. - Function: void gtk_signal_handler_block (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint ID) Blocks calling of a signal handler during signal emission. The signal handler is identified by the integer ID which is returned by the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. If the signal is already blocked no change is made. - Function: void gtk_signal_handler_block_by_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint DATA) Blocks calling of a signal handler during signal emission. The signal handler is identified by the DATA argument specified as the FUNC_DATA argument to the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. For the `gtk_signal_connect_object*' functions, DATA refers to the SLOT_OBJECT. If the signal is already blocked no change is made. *Note:* This will block all signal handlers connected to OBJECT which were connected using DATA as their FUNC_DATA argument. Multiple signal handlers may be blocked with this call. - Function: void gtk_signal_handler_unblock (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint ID) Unblocks calling of a signal handler during signal emission. The signal handler is identified by the integer ID which is returned by the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. If the signal is already unblocked no change is made. - Function: void gtk_signal_handler_unblock_by_data (GtkObject *OBJECT, gint DATA) Unblocks calling of a signal handler during signal emission. The signal handler is identified by the DATA argument specified as the FUNC_DATA argument to the `gtk_signal_connect*' family of functions. For the `gtk_signal_connect_object*' functions, DATA refers to the SLOT_OBJECT. If the signal is already unblocked no change is made. *Note:* This will unblock all signal handlers connected to OBJECT which were connected using DATA as their FUNC_DATA argument. Multiple signal handlers may be unblocked with this call. - Function: void gtk_signal_handlers_destroy (GtkObject *OBJECT) Destroy all of the signal handlers connected to OBJECT. There should normally never be reason to call this function as it is called automatically when OBJECT is destroyed. - Function: void gtk_signal_default_marshaller (GtkObject *OBJECT, GtkSignalFunc FUNC, gpointer FUNC_DATA, GtkSignalParam *PARAMS) `gtk_signal_new' requires a callback in order to actually call a signal handler for a particular signal. The vast majority of signals are of the particular form: (* std_signal) (gpointer std_arg); `gtk_signal_default_marshaller' is a signal marshaller which marshals arguments for a signal of that form. - Function: void gtk_signal_set_funcs (GtkSignalMarshal MARSHAL_FUNC, GtkSignalDestroy DESTROY_FUN)  File:, Node: Widgets, Next: Other Objects, Prev: Signals, Up: Top Widget Overview *************** Widgets are the general term used to describe user interface objects. A widget defines a class interface that all user interface objects conform to. This interface allows a uniform method for dealing with operations common to all objects such as hiding and showing, size requisition and allocation and events. The common interface that widgets must adhere to is described by the GtkWidget and GtkWidgetClass structure. For the purposes of using GTK these structures can be considered read-only and, for the most part, opaque. All widget creation routines in GTK return pointers to GtkWidget structures. In reality, all widget creation routines create structures that can be viewed as equivalent to the GtkWidget structure, but often have contain additional information. *Note Object Implementation::. The widgets available for use are implemented in a hierarchy. Several widgets exist solely as common bases for more specific widgets. For example, it is not possible to create a ruler widget itself, but the ruler widget provides a base and functionality common to the horizontal and vertical rulers. The available widgets (in alphabetical order): * Menu: * GtkAlignment:: The alignment widget. * GtkArrow:: The arrow widget. * GtkAspectFrame:: The aspect frame widget. * GtkBin:: The bin widget. * GtkBox:: The box widget. * GtkButtonBox:: The button box widget. * GtkButton:: The button widget. * GtkCheckButton:: The check button widget. * GtkCheckMenuItem:: The check menu item widget. * GtkCList:: The compound list widget. * GtkColorSelection:: The color selector widget. * GtkCombo:: The combo box widget. * GtkContainer:: The container widget. * GtkCTree:: The multi-column tree widget. * GtkCurve:: The curve widget. * GtkGammaCurve:: The gamma curve widget. * GtkDialog:: The dialog widget. * GtkDrawingArea:: The drawing area widget. * GtkEntry:: The entry widget. * GtkEventBox:: The event box widget. * GtkFileSelection:: The file selection dialog widget. * GtkFixed:: The fixed widget. * GtkFrame:: The frame widget. * GtkGamma:: The gamma widget. * GtkHBox:: The horizontal box widget. * GtkHButtonBox:: The horizontal button box widget. * GtkHPaned:: The horizontal paned widget. * GtkHRuler:: The horizontal ruler widget. * GtkHScale:: The horizontal scale widget. * GtkHScrollbar:: The horizontal scrollbar widget. * GtkHSeparator:: The horizontal separator widget. * GtkImage:: The image widget. * GtkInputDialog:: The input dialog widget. * GtkItem:: The item widget. * GtkLabel:: The label widget. * GtkList:: The list widget. * GtkListItem:: The list item widget. * GtkMenu:: The menu widget. * GtkMenuBar:: The menu bar widget. * GtkMenuItem:: The menu item widget. * GtkMenuShell:: The menu shell widget. * GtkMisc:: The misc widget. * GtkNotebook:: The notebook widget. * GtkOptionMenu:: The option menu widget. * GtkPaned:: The paned widget. * GtkPixmap:: The pixmap widget. * GtkPreview:: The preview widget. * GtkProgressBar:: The progress bar widget. * GtkRadioButton:: The radio button widget. * GtkRadioMenuItem:: The radio menu item widget. * GtkRange:: The range widget. * GtkRuler:: The ruler widget. * GtkScale:: The scale widget. * GtkScrollbar:: The scrollbar widget. * GtkScrolledWindow:: The scrolled window widget. * GtkSeparator:: The separator widget. * GtkStatusbar:: The statusbar widget. * GtkTable:: The table widget. * GtkText:: The text widget. * GtkToggleButton:: The toggle button widget. * GtkToolbar:: The tool bar widget. * GtkTooltips:: The tool tips widget. * GtkTree:: The tree widget. * GtkTreeItem:: The tree item widget. * GtkVBox:: The vertical box widget. * GtkVButtonBox:: The vertical button box widget. * GtkViewport:: The viewport widget. * GtkVPaned:: The vertical paned widget. * GtkVRuler:: The vertical ruler widget. * GtkVScale:: The vertical scale widget. * GtkVScrollbar:: The vertical scrollbar widget. * GtkVSeparator:: The vertical separator widget. * GtkWidget:: The base widget type. * GtkWindow:: The window widget.