NOTE: This list is far from being complete. Please mail, if you want to be included. David TURNER ( Main engine design and coding. Pascal source maintainer. Robert WILHELM ( Web, FTP and CVS wizard & administrator. C source maintainer. Incredible bug and spell fixer! Werner LEMBERG ( Internationalization and CJK guru. ttf2pk author. Mark LEISHER ( Internationalization. X11 font server prototype author. ttf2bdf author. Pavel KANKOVSKY ( Logo, Internationalization, humor, and remarkable bug hunter! Erwin DIETERICH ( *real* internationalization :-) Author of the ftxerr18 and gettext support. Michal NECASEK ( Author and maintainer of the OS/2 font driver based on FreeType. ..... and the many that I'm forgetting there and deserve at least one line :-)