Chapter 3. Running EsounD

Table of Contents
esdcat, esdmon, esdrec
esdsample, esdloop
Environment Variables


The Enlightened Sound Daemon

esd [options]

-nobeepsinhibits the default startup tone sequence
-d DEVICEuse audio device DEVICE (esd -h for values)
-brun server in 8 bit sound mode
-r RATErun server at sample rate of RATE
-as SECSfree audio device after SECS of inactivity
-vtenable trace diagnostic info (debug builds only)
-vcenable comms diagnostic info (debug builds only)
-vmenable mixer diagnostic info (debug builds only)
-port portaccept connections on given port (default=5001)

In addition, "kill -HUP esd-pid resets ownership of the daemon. The file, ˜/.esd-auth, is used for authentication, and is created if needed.