Chapter 4. Miscellaneous Information

Table of Contents
New Features
Known Problems, Deficiencies, and Possible Workarounds
Planned Development and Top Suggestions So Far...
Planned Feature Additions

New Features

Version 0.2.4 more bug fixes, mostly works on irix now. incompatible changes to client side API. streams and samples now have names, and you can specify a host in esd_open_sound().

Version 0.2.3 bug fixes

Version 0.2.2 added reference counting to samples, so freeing samples works added first cut at drivers for other platforms. no idea if they work

Version 0.2.1 the configure style installation now works if you don't already have a previous version installed. Evil gnu automake >=P better handling of "dead" time: should use 0% cpu if it's not actually doing anything

Version 0.2 a configure style installation is now available. added network support optional /dev/dsp fallback for stream play and record other forgotten features and bug fixes