DDD 3.3.1 is available -*- text -*- ********************** Release 3.3.1 of DDD, the Data Display Debugger, is now available. What is DDD? ============ DDD is a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers such as GDB, the Perl debugger, or the Python debugger. Besides ``usual'' front-end features such as viewing source texts, DDD has become famous through its interactive graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. More information is available at the GNU DDD homepage at http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/ What's new in DDD? ================== DDD 3.3.1 ========= DDD 3.3.1 brings a couple of minor bug fixes: - The option to create new displays `left-to-right' is restored upon startup. - Fortran struct members are accessed as `A%B' instead of `A.B'. - Structure changes in plotted displays no longer crash DDD. - You can specify the top-level geometry via `-geometry'. - The `pydb' debugger has been fixed to work with recent Python releases. - Ornamented Perl debugger prompts are handled correctly. - DDD honors the TMPDIR environment variable for creating temporary files. - `config.guess' and `config.sub' scripts have been updated. - Minor compilation problems with GCC 2.7.2 have been fixed. - Minor compilation problems with GCC 3.0 (prerelease) have been fixed. - Minor compilation problems with Sun CC have been fixed. - Minor potential problems with 64 bit pointers have been fixed. DDD 3.3 ======= DDD 3.3 brings data themes, debugger interaction while the program is running, support for JDB 1.2, and several bug fixes. Data Themes ----------- - DDD supports _data themes_ - modifiers that change the appearance of program data. Try `Data->Themes'. - Data themes included with this release are: * Show specific expressions in a smaller font (useful for arrays). * Show display titles in a smaller font. * Suppress specific structure members or expressions. - New data themes can be defined by users and installed at run-time. - More themes are in preparation, such as rendering of C++ STL data structures. Debuggers and Languages ----------------------- - JDB as of JDK 1.2 is supported. - GDB 5.0 is supported. - You can use `ddd --wdb' to have DDD startup with WDB. - When choosing a debugger automatically, DDD will try `wdb' if `gdb' is not available. - WindRiver's version of GDB (within the Tornado/vxworks environment) is supported. See the DDD Reference, Section `WindRiver GDB' for details. (5) - SGI DBX, Sun DBX, other DBXes as well as Compaq Ladebug can now attach to processes via DDD. (1) - Parsing of GDB breakpoint information has been improved. (2) - Parsing of Perl breakpoint information has been improved. - Perl hash keys containing spaces are supported. (8) - Using the separate execution window now improves parsing debugger output. See the DDD documentation for the new `bufferGDBOutput' resource. Examining Data -------------- - New displays can be created left-to-right. See `Edit => Preferences => Data => Placement'. (6) - Handling of Ladebug array output has been improved. (7) - Handling of multiple C++ base classes has been improved. - Names that are keywords in some programming languages (such as `interface', `object', `class') should no longer impose problems when occurring in programs of other languages. - Several memory leaks have been plugged. (1) User Interface -------------- - The default DDD font has been changed from `helvetica-bold' to `helvetica-medium', thus integrating better into KDE and GNOME environments. - You can interact with the debugger while the program is running; DDD automatically interrupts and resumes debuggee execution. See the `stopAndContinue' resource for details. - Undo and Redo now apply on logical groups of commands. If an action caused multiple commands, Undo will undo them with one click. - Interrupts (Ctrl+C) from the controlling TTY can be issued multiple times. - With LessTif, the source window no longer scrolls around when setting or deleting breakpoints. - With LessTif, combo boxes (drop-down text boxes) no longer shrink. - With LessTif, Text selection works better. - With LessTif, typing in the debugger console works better. - With LessTif, switching the register set works. - Drag and Drop of breakpoints in the machine code is supported. - Names of debuggee files and directories may contain spaces. - Spin boxes (used to step values) have been slightly improved. - Forwarding of keyboard events from the source window into the debugger console is now optional. See the `consoleHasFocus' resource. (10) Printing -------- - PostScript printing includes background colors (e.g. changed values) Installation ------------ - PLEASE NOTE: Several installation details have changed. Be sure to read the `INSTALL' file for new installation instructions. - Several DDD resources (such as the application defaults) now reside in separate files, reducing DDD executable size and memory footprint by about 300k. - To run DDD from the build directory (i.e. before installing), you must set the DDD_HOME and XUSERFILESEARCH environment variables. See the `INSTALL' file for details. - The configure `--enable-rpath' option allows you to specify a path to be searched for dynamic libraries at run-time. - DDD Makefiles are now GNU standards-compliant and generated by automake. - DDD Makefiles use libtool for generic shared library support. - A bad dependency on $(SHELL) in the Makefile has been fixed. This caused unnecessary calls of flex and bison in the distribution. (9) - A bad wildcard use in the Makefile has been fixed. (3) - A compilation problem in `PannedGE.C' with some GCC variants has been fixed. - DDD now compiles cleanly even with `gcc -Wwrite-strings'. This avoids several warnings/errors on C++ compilers other than GCC. (1) - The `--configuration' option now gives more information about the compiler being used to compile DDD. (1) - ddd.texi rules in the Makefile have been fixed. (4) - The release includes the `libiberty' and `readline' packages as of GDB 5.0. License ------- - All remaining parts of DDD that used the GNU Library Public General License (LGPL) have been changed to use the GNU General Public License (GPL) instead. - The DDD Manual is released under the new GNU Free Documentation License. Acknowledgments --------------- Thanks to: (1) Arnaud Desitter (2) Hiro Sugawara (3) Yann Dirson (4) H. Nanosecond (5) Gary Cliff (6) Danny Van Elsen (7) Philippe Midol-Monnet (8) Felipe Rivera (9) Thomas Anders (10) Colin Where can you get it? How can you compile it? ============================================== The ddd-3.3.1.tar.gz distribution file has been placed on `ftp.gnu.org' in `gnu/ddd'. DDD 3.3.1 requires - LessTif 0.90 or later, available from `http://www.lesstif.org/' (or any other M*tif library) - GCC 2.95 or later (or any other C++ compiler) The most recent (not necessarily tested) snapshots of DDD will be placed on `alpha.gnu.org' in `gnu/ddd'. Where do I send bug reports? ============================ Bug reports can be sent to . Enjoy! The DDD maintainers Obtaining GNU Software ====================== Check out the GNU web site. (`http://www.gnu.org/') Most GNU software is packed using the GNU `gzip' compression program. Source code is available on most sites distributing GNU software. For information on how to order GNU software on tape, floppy or cd-rom, or printed GNU manuals, check the file etc/ORDERS in the GNU Emacs distribution or in GNUinfo/ORDERS on prep, or e-mail a request to: By ordering your GNU software from the FSF, you help us continue to develop more free software. Media revenues are our primary source of support. 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