
Two Sample Input Files

The following are two sample files that we will use in numerous examples to illustrate the output of diff and how various options can change it. The following is the file, 'lao'.

The Way that can be told of is not the eternal Way;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Named is the mother of all things.
Therefore let there always be non-being,
   so we may see their subtlety,
And let there always be being,
   so we may see their outcome.
The two are the same,
But after they are produced,
   they have different names.

The following is the file, 'tzu'.

The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The named is the mother of all things.

Therefore let there always be non-being, so we may see their
And let there always be being,
   so we may see their outcome.
The two are the same,
But after they are produced,
   they have different names.
They both may be called deep and profound.
Deeper and more profound,
The door of all subtleties!

In this example, the first hunk contains just the first two lines of 'lao', the second hunk contains the fourth line of 'lao' opposing the second and third lines of 'tzu', and the last hunk contains just the last three lines of 'tzu'.