
Line Formats

Line formats control how each line taken from an input file is output as part of a line group in if-then-else format. For example, the following command outputs text with a one-column change indicator to the left of the text. The first column of output is '-' for deleted lines, '|' for added lines, and a space for unchanged lines. The formats contain newline characters where newlines are desired on output.

diff \
' \
' \
   --unchanged-line-format=' %l
' \
   old new

To specify a line format, use one of the following options. You should quote format, since it often contains shell metacharacters.

Formats lines just from the first file.

Formats lines just from the second file.

Formats lines common to both files.

Formats all lines; in effect, it simultaneously sets all three of the previous options.

In a line format, ordinary characters represent themselves; conversion specifications start with '%' and have one of the following forms.

Stands for the the contents of the line, not counting its trailing newline (if any). This format ignores whether the line is incomplete; see
Incomplete Lines.

Stands for the the contents of the line, including its trailing newline (if any). If a line is incomplete, this format preserves its incompleteness.

Stands for '

'%c' C''
Stands for
C, where C is a single character. C may not be a backslash or an apostrophe. For example, '%c':'' stands for a colon.

'%c'\ O''
Stands for the character with octal code
O where O is a string of 1, 2, or 3 octal digits. For example, '%c'\0'' stands for a null character.

'Fn '
Stands for the line number formatted with
F where F is a printf conversion specification. For example, '%.5dn' prints the line number using the printf format, "%.5d". See Line Group Formats for more about printf conversion specifications.

The default line format is '%l' followed by a newline character.

If the input contains tab characters and it is important that they line up on output, you should ensure that '%l' or '%L' in a line format is just after a tab stop (e.g., by preceding '%l' or '%L' with a tab character), or you should use the '-t' or '--expand-tabs' option.

Taken together, the line and line group formats let you specify many different formats. For example, the following command uses a format similar to diff's normal format. You can tailor this command to get fine control over diff's output.

diff \
   --old-line-format='< %l
' \
   --new-line-format='> %l

' \
%<' \
%>' \
%>' \
   --unchanged-group-format='' \
   old new