
Detailed Description of Normal Format

The normal output format consists of one or more hunks of differences; each hunk shows one area where the files differ. Normal format hunks look like the following:

< from-file-line
< from-file-line ...
> to-file-line
> to-file-line ...

There are three types of change commands. Each consists of a line number or comma-separated range of lines in the first file, a single character indicating the kind of change to make, and a line number or comma-separated range of lines in the second file. All line numbers are the original line numbers in each file. The types of change commands are the following.

Add the lines in range r of the second file after line l of the first file. For example, '8a12,15' means append lines 12–15 of file 2 after line 8 of file 1; or, if changing file 2 into file 1, delete lines 12–15 of file 2.

Replace the lines in range f of the first file with lines in range t of the second file. This is like a combined add and delete, but more compact. For example, '5,7c8,10' means change lines 5–7 of file 1 to read as lines 8–10 of file 2; or, if changing file 2 into file 1, change lines 8–10 of file 2 to read as lines 5–7 of file 1.

Delete the lines in range r from the first file; line l is where they would have appeared in the second file had they not been deleted. For example, '5,7d3' means delete lines 5–7 of file 1; or, if changing file 2 into file 1, append lines 5–7 of file 1 after line 3 of file 2.