
mallinfomalloc_stats, mallopt

[malloc support]


struct mallinfo mallinfo(void);
void malloc_stats(void);
int mallopt(int parameter , value );
struct mallinfo _mallinfo_r(void * reent );
void _malloc_stats_r(void * reent );
int _mallopt_r(void * reent , int parameter , value );


mallinfo returns a structure describing the current state of memory allocation. The structure is defined in malloc.h. The following fields are defined:
malloc_stats prints some statistics about memory allocation on standard error.
mallopt takes a parameter and a value. The parameters are defined in malloc.h, and may be one of the following:
The alternate functions, _mallinfo_r, _malloc_stats_r, and _mallopt_r, are reentrant versions. The extra argument, reent, is a pointer to a reentrancy structure.


mallinfo returns a mallinfo structure. The structure is defined in malloc.h.
malloc_stats does not return a result.
mallopt returns zero if the parameter could not be set, or non-zero if it could be set.



mallinfo and mallopt are provided by SVR4, but mallopt takes different parameters on different systems.
malloc_stats is not portable.