Invoking the C preprocessor

Most often when you use the C preprocessor you will not have to invoke it explicitly: the C compiler will do so automatically. However, the preprocessor is sometimes useful on its own.

The C preprocessor expects two file names as arguments, infile and outfile. The preprocessor reads infile together with any other files it specifies with #include. All the output generated by the combined input files is written in outfile.

Either infile or outfile may be -, which as infile means to read from standard input and as outfile means to write to standard output. Also, if outfile or both file names are omitted, the standard output and standard input are used for the omitted file names.

What follows is a list of command options accepted by the C preprocessor. (These options can also be given when compiling a C program; they are passed along automatically to the preprocessor when it is invoked by the compiler.)
