Cross-development environment 
Using GNUPro Toolkit in one of the cross-development configurations usually requires some attention to setting up the target environment.
A cross-development configuration can develop software for a different target machine than the development tools themselves (which run on the host)--for example, a SPARCstation can generate and debug code for a Motorola Power PC-based board.
For our tools to work with a target environment (except for real-time operating systems, which provide full operating system support), set up the tools by using the following documentation.
The C run-time environment (crt0)

To link and run C or C++ programs, you need to define a small module (usually written in assembler as 'crt0.s') that makes sure the hardware is initialized for C conventions before calling main.
There are some examples of crt0.s code (along with examples of system call stub code) available in the source code for GNUPro Toolkit. Look in the following path.
installdir refers to your installation directory, by default '/usr/cygnus'.
For example, look in '.../sys/h8300hms' for Hitachi H8/300 bare boards, or in '.../sys/sparclite' for the Fujitsu SPARClite board.
More examples are in the following directory.
To write your own crt0.s module, you need the following information about your target.
At a minimum, your crt0.s module must do the following processes.
A more complete crt0.s module might also do the following processes.
