This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from cvs.texinfo. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * CVS: (cvs). Concurrent Versions System END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Signum Support AB Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.  File:, Node: cvsignore, Next: checkoutlist, Prev: rcsinfo, Up: Administrative files Ignoring files via cvsignore ============================ There are certain file names that frequently occur inside your working copy, but that you don't want to put under CVS control. Examples are all the object files that you get while you compile your sources. Normally, when you run `cvs update', it prints a line for each file it encounters that it doesn't know about (*note update output::). CVS has a list of files (or sh(1) file name patterns) that it should ignore while running `update', `import' and `release'. This list is constructed in the following way. * The list is initialized to include certain file name patterns: names associated with CVS administration, or with other common source control systems; common names for patch files, object files, archive files, and editor backup files; and other names that are usually artifacts of assorted utilities. Currently, the default list of ignored file name patterns is: RCS SCCS CVS CVS.adm RCSLOG cvslog.* tags TAGS .make.state .nse_depinfo *~ #* .#* ,* _$* *$ *.old *.bak *.BAK *.orig *.rej .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.exe *.Z *.elc *.ln core * The per-repository list in `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore' is appended to the list, if that file exists. * The per-user list in `.cvsignore' in your home directory is appended to the list, if it exists. * Any entries in the environment variable `$CVSIGNORE' is appended to the list. * Any `-I' options given to CVS is appended. * As CVS traverses through your directories, the contents of any `.cvsignore' will be appended to the list. The patterns found in `.cvsignore' are only valid for the directory that contains them, not for any sub-directories. In any of the 5 places listed above, a single exclamation mark (`!') clears the ignore list. This can be used if you want to store any file which normally is ignored by CVS. Specifying `-I !' to `cvs import' will import everything, which is generally what you want to do if you are importing files from a pristine distribution or any other source which is known to not contain any extraneous files. However, looking at the rules above you will see there is a fly in the ointment; if the distribution contains any `.cvsignore' files, then the patterns from those files will be processed even if `-I !' is specified. The only workaround is to remove the `.cvsignore' files in order to do the import. Because this is awkward, in the future `-I !' might be modified to override `.cvsignore' files in each directory. Note that the syntax of the ignore files consists of a series of lines, each of which contains a space separated list of filenames. This offers no clean way to specify filenames which contain spaces, but you can use a workaround like `foo?bar' to match a file named `foo bar' (it also matches `fooxbar' and the like). Also note that there is currently no way to specify comments.  File:, Node: checkoutlist, Next: history file, Prev: cvsignore, Up: Administrative files The checkoutlist file ===================== It may be helpful to use CVS to maintain your own files in the `CVSROOT' directory. For example, suppose that you have a script `' which you run by including the following line in the `commitinfo' administrative file: ALL $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/ To maintain `' with CVS you would add the following line to the `checkoutlist' administrative file: The format of `checkoutlist' is one line for each file that you want to maintain using CVS, giving the name of the file. After setting up `checkoutlist' in this fashion, the files listed there will function just like CVS's built-in administrative files. For example, when checking in one of the files you should get a message such as: cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database and the checked out copy in the `CVSROOT' directory should be updated. Note that listing `passwd' (*note Password authentication server::) in `checkoutlist' is not recommended for security reasons. For information about keeping a checkout out copy in a more general context than the one provided by `checkoutlist', see *Note Keeping a checked out copy::.  File:, Node: history file, Next: Variables, Prev: checkoutlist, Up: Administrative files The history file ================ The file `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history' is used to log information for the `history' command (*note history::). This file must be created to turn on logging. This is done automatically if the `cvs init' command is used to set up the repository (*note Creating a repository::). The file format of the `history' file is documented only in comments in the CVS source code, but generally programs should use the `cvs history' command to access it anyway, in case the format changes with future releases of CVS.  File:, Node: Variables, Next: config, Prev: history file, Up: Administrative files Expansions in administrative files ================================== Sometimes in writing an administrative file, you might want the file to be able to know various things based on environment CVS is running in. There are several mechanisms to do that. To find the home directory of the user running CVS (from the `HOME' environment variable), use `~' followed by `/' or the end of the line. Likewise for the home directory of USER, use `~USER'. These variables are expanded on the server machine, and don't get any reasonable expansion if pserver (*note Password authenticated::) is in use; therefore user variables (see below) may be a better choice to customize behavior based on the user running CVS. One may want to know about various pieces of information internal to CVS. A CVS internal variable has the syntax `${VARIABLE}', where VARIABLE starts with a letter and consists of alphanumeric characters and `_'. If the character following VARIABLE is a non-alphanumeric character other than `_', the `{' and `}' can be omitted. The CVS internal variables are: `CVSROOT' This is the value of the CVS root in use. *Note Repository::, for a description of the various ways to specify this. `RCSBIN' In CVS 1.9.18 and older, this specified the directory where CVS was looking for RCS programs. Because CVS no longer runs RCS programs, specifying this internal variable is now an error. `CVSEDITOR' `VISUAL' `EDITOR' These all expand to the same value, which is the editor that CVS is using. *Note Global options::, for how to specify this. `USER' Username of the user running CVS (on the CVS server machine). When using pserver, this is the user specified in the repository specification which need not be the same as the username the server is running as (*note Password authentication server::). If you want to pass a value to the administrative files which the user who is running CVS can specify, use a user variable. To expand a user variable, the administrative file contains `${=VARIABLE}'. To set a user variable, specify the global option `-s' to CVS, with argument `VARIABLE=VALUE'. It may be particularly useful to specify this option via `.cvsrc' (*note ~/.cvsrc::). For example, if you want the administrative file to refer to a test directory you might create a user variable `TESTDIR'. Then if CVS is invoked as cvs -s TESTDIR=/work/local/tests and the administrative file contains `sh ${=TESTDIR}/runtests', then that string is expanded to `sh /work/local/tests/runtests'. All other strings containing `$' are reserved; there is no way to quote a `$' character so that `$' represents itself. Environment variables passed to administrative files are: `CVS_USER' The CVS-specific username provided by the user, if it can be provided (currently just for the pserver access method), and to the empty string otherwise. (CVS_USER and USER may differ when `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd' is used to map cvs usernames to system usernames.)  File:, Node: config, Prev: Variables, Up: Administrative files The CVSROOT/config configuration file ===================================== The administrative file `config' contains various miscellaneous settings which affect the behavior of CVS. The syntax is slightly different from the other administrative files. Variables are not expanded. Lines which start with `#' are considered comments. Other lines consist of a keyword, `=', and a value. Note that this syntax is very strict. Extraneous spaces or tabs are not permitted. Currently defined keywords are: `RCSBIN=BINDIR' For CVS 1.9.12 through 1.9.18, this setting told CVS to look for RCS programs in the BINDIR directory. Current versions of CVS do not run RCS programs; for compatibility this setting is accepted, but it does nothing. `SystemAuth=VALUE' If VALUE is `yes', then pserver should check for users in the system's user database if not found in `CVSROOT/passwd'. If it is `no', then all pserver users must exist in `CVSROOT/passwd'. The default is `yes'. For more on pserver, see *Note Password authenticated::. `TopLevelAdmin=VALUE' Modify the `checkout' command to create a `CVS' directory at the top level of the new working directory, in addition to `CVS' directories created within checked-out directories. The default value is `no'. This option is useful if you find yourself performing many commands at the top level of your working directory, rather than in one of the checked out subdirectories. The `CVS' directory created there will mean you don't have to specify `CVSROOT' for each command. It also provides a place for the `CVS/Template' file (*note Working directory storage::). `LockDir=DIRECTORY' Put CVS lock files in DIRECTORY rather than directly in the repository. This is useful if you want to let users read from the repository while giving them write access only to DIRECTORY, not to the repository. You need to create DIRECTORY, but CVS will create subdirectories of DIRECTORY as it needs them. For information on CVS locks, see *Note Concurrency::. Before enabling the LockDir option, make sure that you have tracked down and removed any copies of CVS 1.9 or older. Such versions neither support LockDir, nor will give an error indicating that they don't support it. The result, if this is allowed to happen, is that some CVS users will put the locks one place, and others will put them another place, and therefore the repository could become corrupted. CVS 1.10 does not support LockDir but it will print a warning if run on a repository with LockDir enabled. `LogHistory=VALUE' Control what is logged to the `CVSROOT/history' file. Default of `TOFEWGCMAR' (or simply `all') will log all transactions. Any subset of the default is legal. (For example, to only log transactions that modify the `*,v' files, use `LogHistory=TMAR'.)  File:, Node: Environment variables, Next: Compatibility, Prev: Administrative files, Up: Top All environment variables which affect CVS ****************************************** This is a complete list of all environment variables that affect CVS. `$CVSIGNORE' A whitespace-separated list of file name patterns that CVS should ignore. *Note cvsignore::. `$CVSWRAPPERS' A whitespace-separated list of file name patterns that CVS should treat as wrappers. *Note Wrappers::. `$CVSREAD' If this is set, `checkout' and `update' will try hard to make the files in your working directory read-only. When this is not set, the default behavior is to permit modification of your working files. `$CVSUMASK' Controls permissions of files in the repository. See *Note File permissions::. `$CVSROOT' Should contain the full pathname to the root of the CVS source repository (where the RCS files are kept). This information must be available to CVS for most commands to execute; if `$CVSROOT' is not set, or if you wish to override it for one invocation, you can supply it on the command line: `cvs -d cvsroot cvs_command...' Once you have checked out a working directory, CVS stores the appropriate root (in the file `CVS/Root'), so normally you only need to worry about this when initially checking out a working directory. `$EDITOR' `$CVSEDITOR' `$VISUAL' Specifies the program to use for recording log messages during commit. `$CVSEDITOR' overrides `$EDITOR'. See *Note Committing your changes::. `$PATH' If `$RCSBIN' is not set, and no path is compiled into CVS, it will use `$PATH' to try to find all programs it uses. `$HOME' `$HOMEPATH' `$HOMEDRIVE' Used to locate the directory where the `.cvsrc' file, and other such files, are searched. On Unix, CVS just checks for `HOME'. On Windows NT, the system will set `HOMEDRIVE', for example to `d:' and `HOMEPATH', for example to `\joe'. On Windows 95, you'll probably need to set `HOMEDRIVE' and `HOMEPATH' yourself. `$CVS_RSH' Specifies the external program which CVS connects with, when `:ext:' access method is specified. *note Connecting via rsh::. `$CVS_SERVER' Used in client-server mode when accessing a remote repository using RSH. It specifies the name of the program to start on the server side when accessing a remote repository using RSH. The default value is `cvs'. *note Connecting via rsh:: `$CVS_PASSFILE' Used in client-server mode when accessing the `cvs login server'. Default value is `$HOME/.cvspass'. *note Password authentication client:: `$CVS_CLIENT_PORT' Used in client-server mode when accessing the server via Kerberos, GSSAPI, or CVS's password authentication if the port is not specified in $CVSROOT. *note Remote repositories:: `$CVS_RCMD_PORT' Used in client-server mode. If set, specifies the port number to be used when accessing the RCMD demon on the server side. (Currently not used for Unix clients). `$CVS_CLIENT_LOG' Used for debugging only in client-server mode. If set, everything sent to the server is logged into ``$CVS_CLIENT_LOG'.in' and everything sent from the server is logged into ``$CVS_CLIENT_LOG'.out'. `$CVS_SERVER_SLEEP' Used only for debugging the server side in client-server mode. If set, delays the start of the server child process the specified amount of seconds so that you can attach to it with a debugger. `$CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT' For CVS 1.10 and older, setting this variable prevents CVS from overwriting the `CVS/Root' file when the `-d' global option is specified. Later versions of CVS do not rewrite `CVS/Root', so `CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT' has no effect. `$COMSPEC' Used under OS/2 only. It specifies the name of the command interpreter and defaults to CMD.EXE. `$TMPDIR' `$TMP' `$TEMP' Directory in which temporary files are located. The CVS server uses `TMPDIR'. *Note Global options::, for a description of how to specify this. Some parts of CVS will always use `/tmp' (via the `tmpnam' function provided by the system). On Windows NT, `TMP' is used (via the `_tempnam' function provided by the system). The `patch' program which is used by the CVS client uses `TMPDIR', and if it is not set, uses `/tmp' (at least with GNU patch 2.1). Note that if your server and client are both running CVS 1.9.10 or later, CVS will not invoke an external `patch' program.  File:, Node: Compatibility, Next: Troubleshooting, Prev: Environment variables, Up: Top Compatibility between CVS Versions ********************************** The repository format is compatible going back to CVS 1.3. But see *Note Watches Compatibility::, if you have copies of CVS 1.6 or older and you want to use the optional developer communication features. The working directory format is compatible going back to CVS 1.5. It did change between CVS 1.3 and CVS 1.5. If you run CVS 1.5 or newer on a working directory checked out with CVS 1.3, CVS will convert it, but to go back to CVS 1.3 you need to check out a new working directory with CVS 1.3. The remote protocol is interoperable going back to CVS 1.5, but no further (1.5 was the first official release with the remote protocol, but some older versions might still be floating around). In many cases you need to upgrade both the client and the server to take advantage of new features and bugfixes, however.  File:, Node: Troubleshooting, Next: Credits, Prev: Compatibility, Up: Top Troubleshooting *************** If you are having trouble with CVS, this appendix may help. If there is a particular error message which you are seeing, then you can look up the message alphabetically. If not, you can look through the section on other problems to see if your problem is mentioned there. * Menu: * Error messages:: Partial list of CVS errors * Connection:: Trouble making a connection to a CVS server * Other problems:: Problems not readily listed by error message  File:, Node: Error messages, Next: Connection, Up: Troubleshooting Partial list of error messages ============================== Here is a partial list of error messages that you may see from CVS. It is not a complete list--CVS is capable of printing many, many error messages, often with parts of them supplied by the operating system, but the intention is to list the common and/or potentially confusing error messages. The messages are alphabetical, but introductory text such as `cvs update: ' is not considered in ordering them. In some cases the list includes messages printed by old versions of CVS (partly because users may not be sure which version of CVS they are using at any particular moment). `cvs COMMAND: authorization failed: server HOST rejected access' This is a generic response when trying to connect to a pserver server which chooses not to provide a specific reason for denying authorization. Check that the username and password specified are correct and that the `CVSROOT' specified is allowed by `--allow-root' in `inetd.conf'. See *Note Password authenticated::. `FILE:LINE: Assertion 'TEXT' failed' The exact format of this message may vary depending on your system. It indicates a bug in CVS, which can be handled as described in *Note BUGS::. `cvs COMMAND: conflict: removed FILE was modified by second party' This message indicates that you removed a file, and someone else modified it. To resolve the conflict, first run `cvs add FILE'. If desired, look at the other party's modification to decide whether you still want to remove it. If you don't want to remove it, stop here. If you do want to remove it, proceed with `cvs remove FILE' and commit your removal. `cannot change permissions on temporary directory' Operation not permitted This message has been happening in a non-reproducible, occasional way when we run the client/server testsuite, both on Red Hat Linux 3.0.3 and 4.1. We haven't been able to figure out what causes it, nor is it known whether it is specific to linux (or even to this particular machine!). If the problem does occur on other unices, `Operation not permitted' would be likely to read `Not owner' or whatever the system in question uses for the unix `EPERM' error. If you have any information to add, please let us know as described in *Note BUGS::. If you experience this error while using CVS, retrying the operation which produced it should work fine. `cvs [server aborted]: Cannot check out files into the repository itself' The obvious cause for this message (especially for non-client/server CVS) is that the CVS root is, for example, `/usr/local/cvsroot' and you try to check out files when you are in a subdirectory, such as `/usr/local/cvsroot/test'. However, there is a more subtle cause, which is that the temporary directory on the server is set to a subdirectory of the root (which is also not allowed). If this is the problem, set the temporary directory to somewhere else, for example `/var/tmp'; see `TMPDIR' in *Note Environment variables::, for how to set the temporary directory. `cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory' This generally indicates a CVS internal error, and can be handled as with other CVS bugs (*note BUGS::). Usually there is a workaround--the exact nature of which would depend on the situation but which hopefully could be figured out. `cvs [init aborted]: cannot open CVS/Root: No such file or directory' This message is harmless. Provided it is not accompanied by other errors, the operation has completed successfully. This message should not occur with current versions of CVS, but it is documented here for the benefit of CVS 1.9 and older. `cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot rename file FILE to CVS/,,FILE: Invalid argument' This message has been reported as intermittently happening with CVS 1.9 on Solaris 2.5. The cause is unknown; if you know more about what causes it, let us know as described in *Note BUGS::. `cvs [COMMAND aborted]: cannot start server via rcmd' This, unfortunately, is a rather nonspecific error message which CVS 1.9 will print if you are running the CVS client and it is having trouble connecting to the server. Current versions of CVS should print a much more specific error message. If you get this message when you didn't mean to run the client at all, you probably forgot to specify `:local:', as described in *Note Repository::. `ci: FILE,v: bad diff output line: Binary files - and /tmp/T2a22651 differ' CVS 1.9 and older will print this message when trying to check in a binary file if RCS is not correctly installed. Re-read the instructions that came with your RCS distribution and the INSTALL file in the CVS distribution. Alternately, upgrade to a current version of CVS, which checks in files itself rather than via RCS. `cvs checkout: could not check out FILE' With CVS 1.9, this can mean that the `co' program (part of RCS) returned a failure. It should be preceded by another error message, however it has been observed without another error message and the cause is not well-understood. With the current version of CVS, which does not run `co', if this message occurs without another error message, it is definitely a CVS bug (*note BUGS::). `cvs [login aborted]: could not find out home directory' This means that you need to set the environment variables that CVS uses to locate your home directory. See the discussion of `HOME', `HOMEDRIVE', and `HOMEPATH' in *Note Environment variables::. `cvs update: could not merge revision REV of FILE: No such file or directory' CVS 1.9 and older will print this message if there was a problem finding the `rcsmerge' program. Make sure that it is in your `PATH', or upgrade to a current version of CVS, which does not require an external `rcsmerge' program. `cvs [update aborted]: could not patch FILE: No such file or directory' This means that there was a problem finding the `patch' program. Make sure that it is in your `PATH'. Note that despite appearances the message is _not_ referring to whether it can find FILE. If both the client and the server are running a current version of CVS, then there is no need for an external patch program and you should not see this message. But if either client or server is running CVS 1.9, then you need `patch'. `cvs update: could not patch FILE; will refetch' This means that for whatever reason the client was unable to apply a patch that the server sent. The message is nothing to be concerned about, because inability to apply the patch only slows things down and has no effect on what CVS does. `dying gasps from SERVER unexpected' There is a known bug in the server for CVS 1.9.18 and older which can cause this. For me, this was reproducible if I used the `-t' global option. It was fixed by Andy Piper's 14 Nov 1997 change to src/filesubr.c, if anyone is curious. If you see the message, you probably can just retry the operation which failed, or if you have discovered information concerning its cause, please let us know as described in *Note BUGS::. `end of file from server (consult above messages if any)' The most common cause for this message is if you are using an external `rsh' program and it exited with an error. In this case the `rsh' program should have printed a message, which will appear before the above message. For more information on setting up a CVS client and server, see *Note Remote repositories::. `cvs [update aborted]: EOF in key in RCS file FILE,v' `cvs [checkout aborted]: EOF while looking for end of string in RCS file FILE,v' This means that there is a syntax error in the given RCS file. Note that this might be true even if RCS can read the file OK; CVS does more error checking of errors in the RCS file. That is why you may see this message when upgrading from CVS 1.9 to CVS 1.10. The likely cause for the original corruption is hardware, the operating system, or the like. Of course, if you find a case in which CVS seems to corrupting the file, by all means report it, (*note BUGS::). There are quite a few variations of this error message, depending on exactly where in the RCS file CVS finds the syntax error. `cvs commit: Executing 'mkmodules'' This means that your repository is set up for a version of CVS prior to CVS 1.8. When using CVS 1.8 or later, the above message will be preceded by cvs commit: Rebuilding administrative file database If you see both messages, the database is being rebuilt twice, which is unnecessary but harmless. If you wish to avoid the duplication, and you have no versions of CVS 1.7 or earlier in use, remove `-i mkmodules' every place it appears in your `modules' file. For more information on the `modules' file, see *Note modules::. `missing author' Typically this can happen if you created an RCS file with your username set to empty. CVS will, bogusly, create an illegal RCS file with no value for the author field. The solution is to make sure your username is set to a non-empty value and re-create the RCS file. `cvs [checkout aborted]: no such tag TAG' This message means that CVS isn't familiar with the tag TAG. Usually this means that you have mistyped a tag name; however there are (relatively obscure) cases in which CVS will require you to try a few other CVS commands involving that tag, before you find one which will cause CVS to update the `val-tags' file; see discussion of val-tags in *Note File permissions::. You only need to worry about this once for a given tag; when a tag is listed in `val-tags', it stays there. Note that using `-f' to not require tag matches does not override this check; see *Note Common options::. `*PANIC* administration files missing' This typically means that there is a directory named CVS but it does not contain the administrative files which CVS puts in a CVS directory. If the problem is that you created a CVS directory via some mechanism other than CVS, then the answer is simple, use a name other than CVS. If not, it indicates a CVS bug (*note BUGS::). `rcs error: Unknown option: -x,v/' This message will be followed by a usage message for RCS. It means that you have an old version of RCS (probably supplied with your operating system), as well as an old version of CVS. CVS 1.9.18 and earlier only work with RCS version 5 and later; current versions of CVS do not run RCS programs. `cvs [server aborted]: received broken pipe signal' This message seems to be caused by a hard-to-track-down bug in CVS or the systems it runs on (we don't know--we haven't tracked it down yet!). It seems to happen only after a CVS command has completed, and you should be able to just ignore the message. However, if you have discovered information concerning its cause, please let us know as described in *Note BUGS::. `Too many arguments!' This message is typically printed by the `' script which is in the `contrib' directory in the CVS source distribution. In some versions of CVS, `' has been part of the default CVS installation. The `' script gets called from the `loginfo' administrative file. Check that the arguments passed in `loginfo' match what your version of `' expects. In particular, the `' from CVS 1.3 and older expects the logfile as an argument whereas the `' from CVS 1.5 and newer expects the logfile to be specified with a `-f' option. Of course, if you don't need `' you can just comment it out of `loginfo'. `cvs [update aborted]: unexpected EOF reading FILE,v' See `EOF in key in RCS file'. `cvs [login aborted]: unrecognized auth response from SERVER' This message typically means that the server is not set up properly. For example, if `inetd.conf' points to a nonexistent cvs executable. To debug it further, find the log file which inetd writes (`/var/log/messages' or whatever inetd uses on your system). For details, see *Note Connection::, and *Note Password authentication server::. `cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied' `cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied' See *Note Connection::. `cvs commit: Up-to-date check failed for `FILE'' This means that someone else has committed a change to that file since the last time that you did a `cvs update'. So before proceeding with your `cvs commit' you need to `cvs update'. CVS will merge the changes that you made and the changes that the other person made. If it does not detect any conflicts it will report `M FILE' and you are ready to `cvs commit'. If it detects conflicts it will print a message saying so, will report `C FILE', and you need to manually resolve the conflict. For more details on this process see *Note Conflicts example::. `Usage: diff3 [-exEX3 [-i | -m] [-L label1 -L label3]] file1 file2 file3' Only one of [exEX3] allowed This indicates a problem with the installation of `diff3' and `rcsmerge'. Specifically `rcsmerge' was compiled to look for GNU diff3, but it is finding unix diff3 instead. The exact text of the message will vary depending on the system. The simplest solution is to upgrade to a current version of CVS, which does not rely on external `rcsmerge' or `diff3' programs. `warning: unrecognized response `TEXT' from cvs server' If TEXT contains a valid response (such as `ok') followed by an extra carriage return character (on many systems this will cause the second part of the message to overwrite the first part), then it probably means that you are using the `:ext:' access method with a version of rsh, such as most non-unix rsh versions, which does not by default provide a transparent data stream. In such cases you probably want to try `:server:' instead of `:ext:'. If TEXT is something else, this may signify a problem with your CVS server. Double-check your installation against the instructions for setting up the CVS server. `cvs commit: [TIME] waiting for USER's lock in DIRECTORY' This is a normal message, not an error. See *Note Concurrency::, for more details. `cvs commit: warning: editor session failed' This means that the editor which CVS is using exits with a nonzero exit status. Some versions of vi will do this even when there was not a problem editing the file. If so, point the `CVSEDITOR' environment variable to a small script such as: #!/bin/sh vi $* exit 0  File:, Node: Connection, Next: Other problems, Prev: Error messages, Up: Troubleshooting Trouble making a connection to a CVS server =========================================== This section concerns what to do if you are having trouble making a connection to a CVS server. If you are running the CVS command line client running on Windows, first upgrade the client to CVS 1.9.12 or later. The error reporting in earlier versions provided much less information about what the problem was. If the client is non-Windows, CVS 1.9 should be fine. If the error messages are not sufficient to track down the problem, the next steps depend largely on which access method you are using. `:ext:' Try running the rsh program from the command line. For example: "rsh servername cvs -v" should print CVS version information. If this doesn't work, you need to fix it before you can worry about CVS problems. `:server:' You don't need a command line rsh program to use this access method, but if you have an rsh program around, it may be useful as a debugging tool. Follow the directions given for :ext:. `:pserver:' Errors along the lines of "connection refused" typically indicate that inetd isn't even listening for connections on port 2401 whereas errors like "connection reset by peer" or "recv() from server: EOF" typically indicate that inetd is listening for connections but is unable to start CVS (this is frequently caused by having an incorrect path in `inetd.conf'). "unrecognized auth response" errors are caused by a bad command line in `inetd.conf', typically an invalid option or forgetting to put the `pserver' command at the end of the line. Another less common problem is invisible control characters that your editor "helpfully" added without you noticing. One good debugging tool is to "telnet servername 2401". After connecting, send any text (for example "foo" followed by return). If CVS is working correctly, it will respond with cvs [pserver aborted]: bad auth protocol start: foo If instead you get: Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments] ... then you're missing the `pserver' command at the end of the line in `inetd.conf'; check to make sure that the entire command is on one line and that it's complete. Likewise, if you get something like: Unknown command: `pserved' CVS commands are: add Add a new file/directory to the repository ... then you've misspelled `pserver' in some way. If it isn't obvious, check for invisible control characters (particularly carriage returns) in `inetd.conf'. If it fails to work at all, then make sure inetd is working right. Change the invocation in `inetd.conf' to run the echo program instead of cvs. For example: 2401 stream tcp nowait root /bin/echo echo hello After making that change and instructing inetd to re-read its configuration file, "telnet servername 2401" should show you the text hello and then the server should close the connection. If this doesn't work, you need to fix it before you can worry about CVS problems. On AIX systems, the system will often have its own program trying to use port 2401. This is AIX's problem in the sense that port 2401 is registered for use with CVS. I hear that there is an AIX patch available to address this problem. Another good debugging tool is the `-d' (debugging) option to inetd. Consult your system documentation for more information. If you seem to be connecting but get errors like: cvs server: cannot open /root/.cvsignore: Permission denied cvs [server aborted]: can't chdir(/root): Permission denied then you probably haven't specified `-f' in `inetd.conf'. If you can connect successfully for a while but then can't, you've probably hit inetd's rate limit. (If inetd receives too many requests for the same service in a short period of time, it assumes that something is wrong and temporarily disables the service.) Check your inetd documentation to find out how to adjust the rate limit (some versions of inetd have a single rate limit, others allow you to set the limit for each service separately.)  File:, Node: Other problems, Prev: Connection, Up: Troubleshooting Other common problems ===================== Here is a list of problems which do not fit into the above categories. They are in no particular order. * On Windows, if there is a 30 second or so delay when you run a CVS command, it may mean that you have your home directory set to `C:/', for example (see `HOMEDRIVE' and `HOMEPATH' in *Note Environment variables::). CVS expects the home directory to not end in a slash, for example `C:' or `C:\cvs'. * If you are running CVS 1.9.18 or older, and `cvs update' finds a conflict and tries to merge, as described in *Note Conflicts example::, but doesn't tell you there were conflicts, then you may have an old version of RCS. The easiest solution probably is to upgrade to a current version of CVS, which does not rely on external RCS programs.  File:, Node: Credits, Next: BUGS, Prev: Troubleshooting, Up: Top Credits ******* Roland Pesch, then of Cygnus Support wrote the manual pages which were distributed with CVS 1.3. Much of their text was copied into this manual. He also read an early draft of this manual and contributed many ideas and corrections. The mailing-list `info-cvs' is sometimes informative. I have included information from postings made by the following persons: David G. Grubbs . Some text has been extracted from the man pages for RCS. The CVS FAQ by David G. Grubbs has provided useful material. The FAQ is no longer maintained, however, and this manual is about the closest thing there is to a successor (with respect to documenting how to use CVS, at least). In addition, the following persons have helped by telling me about mistakes I've made: Roxanne Brunskill , Kathy Dyer , Karl Pingle , Thomas A Peterson , Inge Wallin , Dirk Koschuetzki and Michael Brown . The list of contributors here is not comprehensive; for a more complete list of who has contributed to this manual see the file `doc/ChangeLog' in the CVS source distribution.  File:, Node: BUGS, Next: Index, Prev: Credits, Up: Top Dealing with bugs in CVS or this manual *************************************** Neither CVS nor this manual is perfect, and they probably never will be. If you are having trouble using CVS, or think you have found a bug, there are a number of things you can do about it. Note that if the manual is unclear, that can be considered a bug in the manual, so these problems are often worth doing something about as well as problems with CVS itself. * If you want someone to help you and fix bugs that you report, there are companies which will do that for a fee. One such company is: Signum Support AB Box 2044 S-580 02 Linkoping Sweden Email: Phone: +46 (0)13 - 21 46 00 Fax: +46 (0)13 - 21 47 00 * If you got CVS through a distributor, such as an operating system vendor or a vendor of freeware CD-ROMs, you may wish to see whether the distributor provides support. Often, they will provide no support or minimal support, but this may vary from distributor to distributor. * If you have the skills and time to do so, you may wish to fix the bug yourself. If you wish to submit your fix for inclusion in future releases of CVS, see the file HACKING in the CVS source distribution. It contains much more information on the process of submitting fixes. * There may be resources on the net which can help. Two good places to start are: If you are so inspired, increasing the information available on the net is likely to be appreciated. For example, before the standard CVS distribution worked on Windows 95, there was a web page with some explanation and patches for running CVS on Windows 95, and various people helped out by mentioning this page on mailing lists or newsgroups when the subject came up. * It is also possible to report bugs to `bug-cvs'. Note that someone may or may not want to do anything with your bug report--if you need a solution consider one of the options mentioned above. People probably do want to hear about bugs which are particularly severe in consequences and/or easy to fix, however. You can also increase your odds by being as clear as possible about the exact nature of the bug and any other relevant information. The way to report bugs is to send email to `'. Note that submissions to `bug-cvs' may be distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, so if you don't like this, don't submit them. There is usually no justification for sending mail directly to one of the CVS maintainers rather than to `bug-cvs'; those maintainers who want to hear about such bug reports read `bug-cvs'. Also note that sending a bug report to other mailing lists or newsgroups is _not_ a substitute for sending it to `bug-cvs'. It is fine to discuss CVS bugs on whatever forum you prefer, but there are not necessarily any maintainers reading bug reports sent anywhere except `bug-cvs'. People often ask if there is a list of known bugs or whether a particular bug is a known one. The file BUGS in the CVS source distribution is one list of known bugs, but it doesn't necessarily try to be comprehensive. Perhaps there will never be a comprehensive, detailed list of known bugs.