
XmHTMLImageUpdate - update an image with new information.


XmImageStatus XmHTMLImageUpdate(Widget w, XmImageInfo *image)


Return Value

Any of the following values:
	typedef enum{
		XmIMAGE_ERROR    /* unknown error occured */
		XmIMAGE_BAD      /* bad function call: missing arguments */
		XmIMAGE_UNKNOWN  /* provided XmImageInfo structure unknown/unbound */
		XmIMAGE_ALMOST   /* action completed, further response necessary */
		XmIMAGE_OK       /* action completed. */
A return value of XmIMAGE_ALMOST indicates that a redisplay of the current document is necessary (this value can be returned if the dimensions of the image have changed).

See Also

XmHTML(3X), XmHTMLImageDefaultProc(3X), XmHTMLImageReplace(3X), XmHTMLRedisplay(3X), XmImageInfo(3X)

XmHTML, October 7, 1997