[The following describes my reasons for giving out XmHTML for free] Thanh Ma (tma@encore.com) wrote: > > Thanks for the reply. Here is another (dumb ?) question. > I know there are quite a few commercial html widgets/help-apps out there, > why yours is not ? Or because the motivation for writing these packages is to > 'give out' ?-) > That's a good question. I can think of a bunch of reasons, starting from idealism to ``let's make a better world'' ;-). The idea for creating the HTML widget originated when I started to read NCSA's distribution policy quite carefully, and I decided it is a completely ridiculous policy (you might have read that on the XntHelp pages somewhere). And NCSA's HTML widget is a rather resource hungry one (not that all of NCSA's is bad, they have done and are doing some pretty nifty pioneering). So I decided (IMHO ;-) that I could do it better. I'm hoping that I can make that true. But that doesn't really answer your question. Let me sum up some of my reasons: - First of all, the habit of giving out programs for ``free'' is historical in the Unix world. It is one of the reasons what has made Unix what it is today. And I would like to see it grow more in the future. - Second, I have seen a number of commercial programs which are just too expensive for what they offer, and often I wonder how these companies are able to get away with this. One of the answers is that there is no competition (or not fierce enough), or that these companies are soo damn big that they _can_ get away with it. By giving out my own applications for free (but copyrighted), I can offer users/programmers a cheap, but high quality, alternative. And maybe some day this will be noticed by companies, persuading them to pay more attention to the quality and price of their own applications. (I now sounds a whee bit naive ;-) - Third, (and this is a big reason), I am a huge Unix fan, and I hate m$ for what they have done with Win95. They make it seem like they have invented the wheel, while the truth is that what they want win95 to be has since long existed under the name Unix. This is something I have to live with. Now, one of the ways to persuade people to switch over to Unix is to offer an OS that is easy to use (easy adminstration tools), has a number of usefull applications (including a desktop environment, word processor, spreadsheet and a consistent help) and is cheap. (you might want to check the eXode homepage: http://www.linux-kheops.com/line/html/exodeenglish.html). Currently, the cheap OS is named Linux (or FreeBSD), and there are a number of people busy with all of the above. And XntHelp is an application that fits right in. - Fourth, there is a small part in me that wants people to notice me and my company. Writing and distributing quality programs for free might persuade people and/or companies to do business with us. - Fifth, the reason that I have choosen the LGPL/GPL is that [the LGPL/GPL] is a license which cleary states what you can and can't do with the library/application. The copyright is mine, other people can modify it as much as they want (but must make that clear), and it can be used in commercial programs (although no fee may be asked for my library/application). Also, the LGPL/GPL are an almost standard as it comes the Linux (and the FSF for that matter). I think the above fairly well describes my reasons for giving out my programs for ``free''. Friendly Greetings, Koen D'Hondt. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Ripley Software Development _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Roland Holstlaan 229 _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ 2624 HG Delft, The Netherlands _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ mailto:ripley@xs4all.nl _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~ripley _/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ tel: (++31) (0) 15 2567785 ----------------------------------------------------------------------