This file: FIXES. Describes the list of bugfixes made. Bugfix numbering: -, , initials: kdh: Koen D'Hondt (alias newt), dp: Dick Porter, tma: Thanh Ma, rr: Ricky Ralston ( ro: Richard Offer ( sl: Susan Liebeskind ( aj: Antony Jankelowitz ------------------ 09/17/97-01, format.c, kdh explicitly reset list of named anchors. Not resetting this caused a core in the following sequence of events: 1. load a document; 2. load an *empty* document (--> list was cleared but not reset); 3. load a new document (--> cored, previous list is invalid); 09/17/97-02, XmHTML.c, kdh always free list of imagemaps when document layout recomputation is required; ------------------ 09/01/97-01, images.c, rr added a XmIsHTML() in _XmHTMLFreeImageInfo. Required 'cause it's also called from the XmImage code, where the parent isn't necesseraly a XmHTML widget. 09/01/97-02, images.c, kdh memory leak fix in getImageAttributes. The alt text was allocated twice for specs without an ALT attribute. 09/01/97-03, XCC.c, kdh memory leak fix in XCCFree(). HashTable wasn't freed. ------------------ 08/30/97-01, quantize.c, rr array bounds error fix. ------------------ 08/29/97-01, XCC.c, rr color allocation verification array initialization. ------------------ 08/04/97-01, parse.c, kdh element verification: elements with an optional closure are now being flushed when they prevent a new element from becoming legal. Previously the new element was discarded, which sometimes lead to bad results. (e.i., in
the closing table was discarded and thus everything following was placed inside the table.) ------------------ 07/24/97, format.c, kdh No horizontal spacing for images when they are part of

07/09/97-01, format.c, kdh
	memory leak in anchor freeing: the name field was never freed.

07/04/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	Fixed baseline adjustment for form components: text aligned in the middle
	but baseline is fully shifted down now.

07/03/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	Fix in text outlining: a space is now also added before the longest word
	in a line instead of just shifting all following words to the right. This
	produces *much* better results.

07/03/97-02, paint.c, kdh
	Special case for outlining of a line consisting of two words: the second
	word is now just flushed to the right margin. The outlining algorithm 
	can't handle this case properly, it always breaks out after the maximum
	allowable iterations.

07/03/97-03, paint.c, kdh
	Fixed a bug in baseline adjustment: when the baseline changes while
	laying out a line, the baseline of the words already placed on the line
	wasn't updated at all.

07/03/97-04, paint.c, kdh
	image and form text object baseline checking messed up when the last line
	in a paragraph was being laid out. The conditional used for lineheight 
	updating always evaluated to True for these cases, while it should have
	been evaluated to False when it was the last object in a paragraph.

06/18/97-01, parse.c, dp
	Fix in parser driver: previously it was assumed that if the document had
	undergone more than 1 pass, the previous text could be freed without

06/18/97-02, paint.c, kdh
	Fixed incorrect handling of transparent animation frames in animations
	with a dispose by background disposal method. Previously the clipmask
	was also used when substituting the current background setting. Pointed out
	by dp.

06/17/97-01, XmHTML.c, aj
	An explicit check for the presence of the XmNvalue resource is now
	made to see if new text has indeed been set. Previously this test was
	not done which in certain cases could cause the present contents to be
	lost when a SetValues call was made without setting new text.

06/16/97, colors.c, kdh
	Changed XmHTMLAllocColor to not use an XCC, the xcc with which a color
	was allocated most likely isn't going to be around when the color is
	freed using XmHTMLFreeColor (and it was messing with XmHTML's private
	color allocation as well).

06/16/97-01, XCC.c, kdh
	Fixed incorrect RGB shifts in XCCGetPixels. Previously all components
	were shifted out of range, causing the mapping from unallocated to
	allocated colors to fail miserably.

05/26/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	Fixed memory leak/serious bug in DrawAnchor: words was freed when
	all_words should have been freed. This obviously caused a crash since
	this was only done when the test if(words == NULL) was satisfied...
	It was probably very late when I added that one...

04/30/97-1, parse.c, sl
	Fix to recognize comments with a dashcount that is not a multiple of four.

04/27/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh
	Horizontal scrollbar check did not take the presence of a possible vertical
	scrollbar into account, which could lead to the loss of text.

04/26/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	Line numbers did not get set on preformatted text.

04/23/97-01, XCC.c, ro
	SGI fix: return value from XQueryColors was returned while XQueryColors
	is declared to return void...

04/03/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	anchor rendering when XmNanchorButtons was False and a body image present
	would draw anchors against the current background color instead of
	being overlaid on the current background.

04/01/97-01, images.c, kdh
	used image data instead of image clip data to scale the clipmask for
	an image.

03/25/97-01, paint.c, kdh 
	image anchors did not always painted themselves correctly: the image
	position was first compared with an exposure region before painting the
	anchor rectangle. Reversing these two actions corrected the problem.
03/25/97-02, images.c, kdh
	changed all XtDisplay(html->html.work_area) to XtDisplay((Widget)html).
	The Destroy method caused a segv when it was freeing the images: the
	work_area was already destroyed and hence didn't have a display anymore.

03/24/97-01, readJPEG.c, rr
	allocation of image buffer was done using width*width instead of

03/23/97-01, format.c, kdh
	increase tab count when not in a word. Caused a buffer overwrite when
	tabs were expanded.

02/26/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh
	reset paint_start and paint_end when loading new document.
02/26/97-02, parse.c, dp
	ExpandEscapes: changed from while(True) to while(*string)

02/21/97-01, format.c, kdh
	changed object_type for MAP and AREA elements from OBJ_BLOCK to
	OBJ_NONE: multiple images and maps on a single line are now
	displayed correctly.
/2/21/97-02, paint.c, kdh
	added a SetBlock for OBJ_NONE objects. Before, the x and y positions 
	for the given object were left at 0. This broke the exposed region
	calculation in DrawRedisplay.

02/05/97-01, format.c, dp
	This one-liner typo fixes a core dump when an anchor has both TARGET 
	and HREF options.

02/03/07-01, format.c, dp
	use current font if LoadQueryFont fails. Previously a NULL font member
	was passed back which would cause a sigsegv eventually.

02/03/97-02, colors.c, dp
	forgot to reset color stack depth. Worked fine as long as a single
	XmHTML widget was destroyed. Gave a BadAccess when a second widget with
	a different number of colors was being destroyed: some or all pixel values 
	are already de-allocated.

02/03/97-03, StringUtil.c, tma
	Added strncasecmp and strcasecmp for systems that don't have it.
	Add a -DNEEDS_STRCASECMP to CPPFLAGS if your system doesn't have the
	above functions.

02/03/97-04, XmHTML.c, kdh
	added check whether passed anchor name is non-null.

02/03/97-05, format.c, kdh
	href field now always has a value. Unknown/misspelled anchors caused
	a sigsegv when doing strcmp/strcasecmp on a NULL href field.

01/30/97-01, paint.c, kdh
	added a sanity check: don't do a thing if no words have to be painted.

01/30/97-02, format.c, kdh
	major bug fixed: the piece of code that computes how many bytes is
	required to fully expand raw, preformatted text did underestimate in
	a few occasions. This resulted in a sigsegv when freeing the ObjectTable
	list (and probably a bunch of other things).

01/30/97-03, paint.c, kdh
	maximum text width determination for preformatted text now takes 
	margin_width into account.

01/30/97-04, XmHTML.c, kdh
01/30/97-05, callbacks.c, kdh
	check the value for the vertical scrollbar so it does not exceed the
	maximum allowable scrollbar value.

01/28/97-01, parse.c, kdh
	memory leak fixed: added a free when no element has been stored.

01/28/98-02, format.c, kdh
01/28/97-03, images.c, kdh 
	memory leak fixed, forgot a free when successfull return from

01/28/97-04, parse.c, kdh
	CheckTermination, the ObjectType for an inserted 

was wrongly set at HT_DT instead of HT_P. This caused an unbalanced alignment stack in _XmHTMLformatObjects. This one was hard to track down. 01/28/97-05, format.c, kdh memory leak fixed. 01/28/97-06, paint.c, kdh added a sanity check: no layout if the document is empty ------------------ 01/26/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh XmHTML no longer causes a BadWindow error when text is set using XtSetValues upon the widget *before* XtRealizeWidget was called. ------------------ 01/25/97-01, paint.c, kdh SetBlock now uses the height of the provided font to increase the vertical offset instead of the default font. This is necessary for text with a different pointsize than the default font: the linespacing was too small, causing text to be overlaid. ------------------ 01/24/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh when scrolling to the right, text is now moved beyond the right margin instead of disappearing at the right margin (which would be visible if the margin is non-zero). ------------------ 01/23/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh when scrolling to the left, text that has been rendered into the right margin is now properly removed. 01/23/97-02, XmHTML.c, kdh value of horizontal scrollbar slider pos is now checked before it's applied. ------------------ 01/20/97-01, XmHTML.c, kdh scrollCB now returns when a scrollbar slider hasn't been moved but just clicked on. 01/20/97-02, format.c, kdh HT_BR no longer breaks the linefeeding mechanism. 01/20/97-03, format.c kdh inadvertedly left HT_PRE out NextFont. Caused an unknown font switch warning. ------------------ 01/17/97-01, parse.c, kdh fixes for removing trailing spaces of elements without attributes. ------------------ 01/14/97-01, parse.c, kdh fix HTML comment parsing: added a break statement. 01/14/97-02, parse.c, kdh fix HTML comment parsing: HTML comment dashes only occur in a multiple of 2. ------------------ 01/12/97-01, parse.c, kdh added a free(buf) in _XmHTMLGetHorizontalAlignment 01/12/97-01, parse.c, kdh added a free(buf) in _XmHTMLGetVerticalAlignment ------------------ 12/21/96-01, parse.c, kdh added a free(buf) in _XmHTMLTagCheckValue