============================================================================== TiMidity++ Installation guide Masanao Izumo Last updated on Sep.2.1999 ============================================================================== This document describes how to install TiMidity++(version 2.6.0 or later) for your UNIX-like machine. Methods for Macintosh are not described in this document. It is enabled to configure and make timidity.exe on the Cygwin environment of Windows98/95/NT. If you are in Windows, install cygnus and egcs (or mingw) if you don't have them (which is available from http://sourceware.cygnus.com/cygwin/), and run `cygnus', and make symbolik link /bin/sh to bash. Installing process: 1. configure 2. edit common.makefile, Makefile, timidity.h (not necessary) 3. make (required:GNU make) 4. installation 5. search for various voice data :) Each processes are explained in following sections. (Note that '%' is the shell prompt.) 1. configure ------------ First, execute the following command: % /bin/sh configure --help Many options of configure will be displayed. Main of these are the following: --help Displays help messages. --prefix=PREFIX Specifies the base of installing directory. By default, PREFIX is "/usr/local/". Any files are installed in : PREFIX/bin : executable file PREFIX/lib/timidity : configuration files and patches PREFIX/man : online manual Example: % sh configure --prefix=/opt/gnu # installs to /opt/gnu/bin, /opt/gnu/lib/timidity, /opt/gnu/man --x-includes=DIR Specifies include directory of X library. --x-libraries=DIR Specifies library directory of X library. --enable-debug Compiles TiMidity++ with debugging methods/informations. --with-x You should specify this option if you have X Window environment. --with-x is `yes' by default. --without-x You must specify this option if you don't have X Window environment. --with-tcl-includes=dir Specifies include directory of Tcl. (If you fail to detect it automatically, try to specify this.) --with-tcl-libs=dir Specifies library directory of Tcl. (If you fail to detect it automatically, try to specify this.) --with-tk-includes=dir Specifies include directory of Tk. (If you fail to detect it automatically, try to specify this.) --with-tk-libs=dir Specifies library directory of Tk. (If you fail to detect it automatically, try to specify this.) --enable-audio Enables TiMidity++ to play MIDI files. If --enable-audio=no, TiMidity++ is only the MIDI-to-WAVE converter. --enable-nas Enables TiMidity++ to play MIDI files using NAS (Network Audio System). --enable-esd Enables TiMidity++ to play MIDI files using EsounD. --enable-dynamic Enables the feature of dynamic loading interface. --enable-ncurses Includes Ncurses interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-ncurses=dynamic. --enable-slang Includes slang interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-slang=dynamic. --enable-motif Includes Motif interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-motif=dynamic. If you don't have Motif for the lack of a fund:), lesstif is the another answer. --enable-tcltk Includes Tcl/Tk interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-tcltk=dynamic. --enable-emacs Includes Emacs interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-emacs=dynamic. If you want use TiMidity++ on Emacs, install this interface and press M-x timidity. And you should edit timidity.el and install to appropriate directory. --enable-vt100 Includes VT100 interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-vt100=dynamic. This is the full-screen interface using VT100 terminal control codes. --enable-xaw Includes X Athena Widget interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-xaw=dynamic. --enable-xskin Includes skin interface. This is the small X interface using skins of WinAmp/x11amp. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-xaw=dynamic. --enable-gtk Includes Gtk+ interface. If you build this interface as dinamic link interface, please specify --enable-gtk=dynamic. --enable-w32gui Build TiMidity++ as Windows GUI. --enable-network This option allows TiMidity++ to play MIDI file getting via network. You can specify the location of MIDI files by http://foo.bar/baz.mid - like format. --enable-spectrogram This option allows TiMidity++ to open the sound-spectrogram window in X. --enable-wrd Includes WRD interface(on X). WRD is Japanese local lyric- contents format. For example: % sh configure --enable-ncurses --enable-slang --enable-motif \ --enable-tcltk --enable-emacs --enable-vt100 --enable-xaw \ --enable-xskin --enable-gtk \ --enable-network --enable-spectrogram --enable-wrd Some of MIDI file eats too much CPU power. If you choose correct optimizing method, TiMidity++ can play such MIDI files smoothly. Optimizing options can specify in configuration: (for example : super-sparc/gcc) (csh, tcsh) % env CFLAGS='-O3 -Wall -mv8 -funroll-all-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -msupersparc /bin/sh configure [configure-options]... (sh, bash) % CFLAGS='-O3 -Wall -mv8 -funroll-all-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -msupersparc /bin/sh configure [configure-options]... 2. edits common.makefile, Makefile, timidity.h ------------------------------ If configure failed or compile not complete successfully, edit common.makefile, Makefile, and timidity.h to appropriate value. 3. make ------- Once finished above setting, type % make This make method requires GNU make. Some system has it as gmake. Note: Some system announces warnings vendorShellClassRec vendorShellWidgetClass in linking XAW. But it makes no matter. Don't worry. 4. install ---------- On UNIX, you can type `make install' to install all files. Or you can select follows: make install.bin - installs executable files make install.tk - installs Tcl/Tk interface make install.el - installs Emacs interface make install.man - installs man files make install - installs all files I recommend to check the install directories and files by executing % make -n ... 5. Search for various voice data TiMidity++ uses GUS/patch (Glavis Ultrasound) as the voice data to play. You must get GUS/patch files, and make the configuration file. You must make the configuration file (*.cfg). By default, timidity.cfg is /usr/local/share/timidity/timidity.cfg (or C:\WINDOWS\TIMIDITY.CFG on Windows). And please check the following sites for many voice(patch) data: http://www.goice.co.jp/member/mo/timidity/link.html#gus http://www.goice.co.jp/member/mo/timidity/dist/cfg/ (Some samples of *.cfg) http://www.i.h.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~shom/timidity/ (10M or 4M patch) ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/gus/sound/patches/files/ (GUS site) If you got funny voice archive, extract it to appropriate directory and configure *.cfg files with the name and path of these voice dates. ============================================================================== configuration of timidity.h ============================================================================== Edit CONFIG_FILE to your convenience. By default, #define CONFIG_FILE DEFAULT_PATH "/timidity.cfg" are recommended. DEFAULT_PATH is the same as TIMID_DIR in Makefile. If you want to place it to another path, specify as the following: #define CONFIG_FILE "/etc/timidity.cfg" The next configuration is the file extractor (please ignore in Windows). By default: #define DECOMPRESSOR_LIST { \ ".gz", "gunzip -c %s", \ ".bz2", "bunzip2 -c %s", \ ".Z", "zcat %s", \ ".zip", "unzip -p %s", \ ".lha", "lha -pq %s", \ ".lzh", "lha -pq %s", \ ".shn", "shorten -x %s -", \ 0 } TiMidity++ can handle some of archive format directly. But other format will use this extractor. Next, configuration of patch file converter(please ignore in Windows). By default: #define PATCH_CONVERTERS { \ ".wav", "wav2pat %s", \ 0 } Next, configuration of extensions of GUS/patch file. If specified in this configuration, the extension can omit in all *.cfg. By default: #define PATCH_EXT_LIST { \ ".pat", \ ".shn", ".pat.shn", \ ".gz", ".pat.gz", \ ".bz2", ".pat.bz2", \ 0 } Next, configuration of default instrument. By default: #define DEFAULT_PROGRAM 0 If no Program Change event, this program name are adopted. Usually 0 is Piano. Next, configuration of drum channel. By default: #define DEFAULT_DRUMCHANNELS {10, -1} Numbers is the list of drum channels, and -1 is the terminator. For example, if you wish to default drum channel be 10 and 16, #define DEFAULT_DRUMCHANNELS {10, 16, -1} This channel can change in command line option. Next, type of floating point number. Choose one of these: typedef double FLOAT_T; typedef float FLOAT_T; Many machine which has FPU results faster operations with double than that with float. But some machine results contrary. Next, minimum and max range of playing sample rate. By default: #define MIN_OUTPUT_RATE 4000 #define MAX_OUTPUT_RATE 65000 Next, default value of master volume. By default: #define DEFAULT_AMPLIFICATION 70 This number is the percentage of max volume. This default value will be nice in any occasions. This number can specify in command line option (-A). Next, default sampling rate. By default: #define DEFAULT_RATE 32000 If you have much CPU power, CD quality GUS/patch and want to listen funny sound, #define DEFAULT_RATE 44100 is good solution. Next, configuration of max polyphony numbers. By default: #define DEFAULT_VOICES 32 #define MAX_VOICES 256 DEFAULT_VOICE is the polyphony number in boot-time. This value is configurable by the command line option (-p) from 0 to MAX_VOICES. If your machine has much CPU power, #define DEFAULT_VOICES 64 enables good harmony. Next, size of internal buffer. By default: #define AUDIO_BUFFER_BITS 11 I guess this values no need to change. Next, value of CONTROLS_PER_SECOND. By default: #define CONTROLS_PER_SECOND 1000 Next, interpolation in re-sampling. By default: #define LINEAR_INTERPOLATION This definition cause TiMidity++ to linear interpolation in re-sampling, and the quality of sound would be nice. But it eats CPU powers. I recommends define it if your machine has much power. Next, configuration of LOOKUP_HACK. By default, this features are undefined like this: /* #define LOOKUP_HACK #define LOOKUP_INTERPOLATION */ This option saves a little CPU power, but sound quality would decrease noticeably. If your machine suffers from lack of CPU power, enable it. Next, configuration of FAST_DECAY. By default: /* #define FAST_DECAY */ This option makes envelopes twice as fast and saves CPU power. But since the release time of voices is shorten, the sound would be poor. This feature is controllable in command line option. Next, configuration of FRACTION_BITS. By default: #define FRACTION_BITS 12 I recommend leave this value. Next, configuration of adjusting amplitude of GUS/patch. By default: #define ADJUST_SAMPLE_VOLUMES This option makes TiMidity to adjust amplitudes of each GUS/patch to same volume. Next, configuration of DANGEROUS_RENICE. By default this feature is disabled: /* #define DANGEROUS_RENICE -15 */ If you want to increase process priority of TiMidity++ by using setuid root enable this option. This option is only available in UNIX. Once you enabled this option, you should install timidity with the following procedure: # chown root /usr/local/bin/timidity # chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/timidity Note: You should not set setuid to timidity if DANGEROUS_RENICE isn't enabled. Next, configuration of MAX_DIE_TIME. By default: #define MAX_DIE_TIME 20 If this value is too small, click noise would be come. I recommend this value leave to this. Next, configuration of optimizing re-sampling. By default: #define PRECALC_LOOPS This option saves some CPU power only in some system. Next, configuration of use of ldexp(). By default this feature if disabled: /* #define USE_LDEXP */ If your machine can multiply floating point number with ldexp() faster than other method, enable this option. Next, configuration of size of pre-re-sampling cache. By default: #define DEFAULT_CACHE_DATA_SIZE (2*1024*1024) Next, configuration about networks. TiMidity++ can access any files via networks with URL. This feature are configurable in Makefile. If you have enabled this feature in Makefile(configure --enable-network), configure the following macros: MAIL_DOMAIN specifies domain name of your name address. If your name address is: "mo@goice.co.jp" set the macro: #define MAIL_DOMAIN "@goice.co.jp" MAIL_NAME specifies mail name of yours if in Windows. In UNIX, uncomment it. For example, your name address is "mo@goice.co.jp" set the macro: #define MAIL_NAME "mo" This mail addresses are used when TiMidity++ access to anonymous FTP sites. Next, configuration of temporary directory. By default, this option is disabled: /* #define TMPDIR "/var/tmp" */ In UNIX, if this option is disabled TiMidity++ creates temporary files in the path specified by the environment variable TMPDIR. If environment variable TMPDIR also isn't defined, TiMidity++ creates temporary files in /tmp . In Windows, TMPDIR variable are ignored. So you should specify the temporary path with this macro. Next, recognizing GS drum part by GS exclusive message. #define GS_DRUMPART enables to recognize GS exclusive message to set drum part. /* #define GS_DRUMPART */ disables this feature. Next, output text code. If your system is in Japanese environment, define #define JAPANESE or comment out it like /* #define JAPANESE */ Next, specifies output text code (in Japanese environment). You should specify appropriate code name to OUTPUT_TEXT_CODE macro. The following strings are available: "AUTO" - Auto conversion by `LANG' environment variable (UNIX only) "ASCII" - Convert unreadable characters to '.'(0x2e) "NOCNV" - No conversion "EUC" - EUC "JIS" - JIS "SJIS" - shift JIS In Japanized UNIX system, all of above are available. In Windows, "ASCII", "NOCNV", "SJIS" are available. If your environment cannot handle Japanese, specify "ASCII" or "NOCNV" alternatively. Next, controllers of MIDI actions. By default: #define MODULATION_WHEEL_ALLOW #define PORTAMENTO_ALLOW #define NRPN_VIBRATO_ALLOW #define REVERB_CONTROL_ALLOW #define CHORUS_CONTROL_ALLOW /* #define GM_CHANNEL_PRESSURE_ALLOW */ /* #define XG_BANK_SELECT_LSB_ALLOW */ /* #define ALWAYS_TRACE_TEXT_META_EVENT */ #define OVERLAP_VOICE_ALLOW These values are configurable in command line options. So you may leave these in default value. MODULATION_WHEEL_ALLOW Enables modulation wheel by default. (-Ew:on -EW:off) PORTAMENTO_ALLOW Enables portamento by default. (-Ep:on -EP:off) NRPN_VIBRATO_ALLOW Enables NRPN vibration by default. (-Ev:on -EV:off) REVERB_CONTROL_ALLOW Enable reverb control by default. This feature requires too much CPU power. So this option prevents TiMidity++ from playing in real time if this option is enabled (in command line / this define). (-Er:on -ER:off) CHORUS_CONTROL_ALLOW Enables chorus control by default. This feature also requires a mount of CPU power too. (-Ec:on -EC:off) GM_CHANNEL_PRESSURE_ALLOW Enables Channel pressure by default. (-Es:on -ES:off) XG_BANK_SELECT_LSB_ALLOW Enables XG bank select by default. (-Ex:on -EX:off) ALWAYS_TRACE_TEXT_META_EVENT Enables tracing the Text Meta Event by default. (-Et:on -ET:off) OVERLAP_VOICE_ALLOW Enables allowing pronouncing overlapped voice. (-Eo:on -EO:off) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is translated from original INSTALL.jp (written in Japanese). Translator: NAGANO Daisuke (And modified by Masanao Izumo ) If you have any comment for this translation, please tell me.