#!/usr/bin/perl # read the lpd.conf file, and set up values from it package LPRng; require 5.003; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( Set_Debug Setup_LPRng Get_printer_name FixStrVals Setup_pc_entry Real_printer MatchHost MakeMask Read_printcap_file CheckRecurse Read_pc_entry Dump_index Dump_pc Read_conf Dump_conf Fix_value trimall Get_remote_pr_host getconnection sendit sendbuffer sendfile ); use strict; use FileHandle; use Sys::Hostname; use Socket; use English; sub FixStrVals( $ \% ); sub Setup_pc_entry( $ ); sub Real_printer( $ ); sub MatchHost( \@ $ ); sub MakeMask( $ ); sub Read_printcap_file( $ \% \% $ $ \@ ); sub CheckRecurse( $ \% \% $ $ \@ ); sub Read_pc_entry( $ ); sub Dump_index( $ \% ); sub Dump_pc( $ \% ); sub Read_conf( $ \% ); sub Dump_conf( $ \% ); sub Fix_value( $ ); sub trimall( $ ); my( $Debug, %Init_hash, %Pc_hash, %Pc_index, @Hostname, %Keyvals, ); # permanent values # Debug level # # %Init_hash: lpd.conf file values # %Pc_hash: printcap entries # %Pc_index: printcap entry names # @Hostname: hostname information, used for 'oh' printcap information # # maximum depth of recursion for printcap file lookup my($Max_depth) = 10; sub trimall( $ ) { my($line) = @_; $line ||= ""; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; return( $line ); } # convert a printcap or config file value into # a corresponding string or integer value sub Fix_value( $ ) { my($value) = @_; if( $value =~ /^=/ or $value =~ /^#/ ){ $value = trimall( substr( $value, 1 ) ); } elsif ( $value =~ /^\@/ ){ $value = 0; } else { $value = 1; } return $value; } # sub Read_conf( $conf_file, \%conf_values ) # Read a configuration file # $conf_file = configuration file # $conf_values = hash to store values in # sub Dump_conf( $ \% ) { my($title, $hash) = @_; my($key); print "$title config\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %$hash ){ print " '$key'='". $hash->{$key} . "'\n"; } } sub Read_conf( $ \% ) { my($conf_file,$conf_values) = @_; my($file,$key,$value,$line); # open the conf file $file = new FileHandle; if( not defined( $file->open("<$conf_file")) ){ return "cannot open $conf_file - $!"; } while( defined( $line = <$file>) ){ chomp $line; next if not $line or $line =~ /^\s*#/; ($key,$value) = ($line =~ /^\s*([\w-]*)(.*)/); $value = trimall($value); ($key = trimall($key)) =~ s/-/_/g; print "key '$key'='$value'\n" if $Debug > 2; $conf_values->{$key} = Fix_value( $value ); print "set key '$key'='" . $conf_values->{$key} . "'\n" if $Debug > 2; } $file->close; Dump_conf( "Read_conf", %$conf_values ) if $Debug > 1; return ""; } # Dump_pc( $title, %Pc_hash ) # dump the printcap hash # sub Dump_pc( $ \% ) { my($title, $hash) = @_; my($key, $name); $name = (); $name = \@{$hash->{'NAME'}}; print "Dump_pc: $title pc '". join( "','",@$name) . "'\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %$hash ){ print " '$key'='". $hash->{$key} . "'\n"; } } sub Dump_index( $ \% ) { my($title, $hash) = @_; my($key); print "Dump_index: $title index\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %$hash ){ print " '$key'='". $hash->{$key} . "'\n"; } } # sub Read_pc_entry( $file ) # $file = filehandle # find and read a printcap entry # my($lastline); sub Read_pc_entry( $ ) { my($file) = @_; my($hash,$state,$escape,$line,@lines,$len,$i,@names); my($key,$value,$add_next); $state = ""; $hash = (); $add_next = 0; print "Read_pc_entry: starting\n" if $Debug > 1; while( $lastline or defined( $lastline = <$file> ) ){ $line = trimall( $lastline ); print "line '$line'\n" if $Debug > 3; if( not $line or $line =~ /^\s*#/ ){ $lastline = ""; next; } # beginning of next entry? last if not $add_next and $line =~ /^\s*\w/ and $state ne ""; # we get rid of escapes at the end of the line $lastline = ""; $add_next = 0; ($line, $escape) = ($line =~ /^(.*?)(\\*)$/); if( defined( $escape ) ){ print "escape '$escape'\n" if $Debug > 3; $len = length($escape); if( $len % 2 ){ $escape = substr($escape,0,$len-1); $add_next = 1; } $line .= $escape; } last if( not $state and $line =~ /^\s*include\s/ ); $state .= $line; print "state '$state'\n" if $Debug > 3; } print "Read_pc_entry: final state '$state'\n" if $Debug > 2; if( $state eq "" ){ return undef; } @lines = split( /\s*:+/,$state); if( $Debug > 3 ){ print "Read_pc_entry: split values=\n"; for( $i = 0 ; $i < @lines; ++$i ){ print "[$i] '$lines[$i]'\n"; } } @names = split( /\s*\|+/, shift(@lines)); @names = map { trimall($_) } @names; @{$hash->{'NAME'}} = @names; foreach $line (@lines){ ($key,$value) = ($line =~ /^\s*([\w-]*)(.*)/); $value = trimall($value); ($key = trimall($key)) =~ s/-/_/g; print " key '$key'='$value'\n" if $Debug > 3; $hash->{$key} = Fix_value( $value ); print " set key '$key'='" . $hash->{$key} . "'\n" if $Debug > 3; } Dump_pc( "Read_pc_entry: final value", %$hash ) if $Debug > 1; return $hash; } sub CheckRecurse( $ \% \% $ $ \@ ) { if( defined $lastline ){ my($v,$file) = split( ' ', $lastline ); if( $v eq 'include' ){ $lastline = ""; print "CheckRecurse: file '$file'\n" if $Debug>0; my( $pc_file, $Pc_hash, $Pc_index, $server, $depth, $hostname ) = @_; Read_printcap_file($file, %$Pc_hash, %$Pc_index, $server, $depth, @$hostname ); } } } # sub Read_printcap_file( # $pc_file - file name # %Pc_hash - hash to store printcap values in # %Pc_index - index of all printcap names # $server - if $server != 0 then a server, and use server printcap entries # $depth - recursion depth # @Hostname - hostname information # # read the printcap file and produce a # hash with pointers to hashes of printcap vars # # Algorithm: # open file # while (read a printcap entry){ # decode the printcap entry # if printcap values exist then # merge values # else # create printcap entry # endif # endwhile sub Read_printcap_file( $ \% \% $ $ \@ ) { my( $pc_file, $Pc_hash, $Pc_index, $server, $depth, $hostname ) = @_; my($file,$file_name,$hash,$key,$value,$names,$first,$name); my($i,@n,@Hostentry); # open the conf file $file = new FileHandle; ++$depth; print "Read_printcap_file: file '$pc_file', depth $depth\n" if $Debug>0; if( $depth > $Max_depth ){ return "nesting too deep for '$pc_file'"; } # get either file or filter $file_name = trimall($pc_file); if( ($file_name =~ s/^\|//) ){ $file_name = $file_name . '|'; } else { $file_name = '<' . $file_name; } $file_name = FixStrVals( $file_name, %Keyvals ); print "Read_printcap_file: opening '$file_name'\n" if $Debug>0; if( not defined( $file->open($file_name)) ){ return "cannot open '" . $file_name . "' - $!"; } for(; defined( $hash = Read_pc_entry($file) ); CheckRecurse($pc_file, %$Pc_hash, %$Pc_index, $server, $depth, @$hostname ) ){ Dump_pc( "Read_printcap_file: checking", %$hash ) if $Debug > 1; if( $hash->{'server'} and not $server ){ print "Read_printcap_file: " . "server=(pc '$hash->{server}', need '$server')\n" if $Debug>1; next; } if( $hash->{'oh'} and not MatchHost( @$hostname, $hash->{'oh'} ) ){ print "Read_printcap_file: " . "oh '$hash->{oh}' not matched\n" if $Debug>1; next; } $names = $hash->{'NAME'}; $first = $names->[0]; # find out if we need to add or merge printcap # entries my(%k) = (); for( $i = 1; $i < @$names; ++$i ){ $name = $names->[$i]; $k{$name} = $name; } $value = $Pc_hash->{$first}->{'NAME'}; if( defined @$value ){ for( $i = 1; $i < @$value; ++$i ){ $name = $value->[$i]; $k{$name} = $name; } } @n = ( $first, sort keys %k ); @{$Pc_hash->{$first}->{'NAME'}} = @n; foreach $key (keys %$hash){ $value = $hash->{$key}; if( $key ne 'NAME' ){ $Pc_hash->{$first}->{$key} = $value; } } foreach $name (@$names){ $Pc_index->{$name} = $first; } if( not $Pc_index->{'FIRST'} ){ $Pc_index->{'FIRST'} = $first; } if( $Debug > 1 ){ Dump_index( "Read_printcap_file: after adding '$first'", %$Pc_index ); foreach $name (sort keys %$Pc_hash){ Dump_pc( "Read_printcap_file: after adding '$first'", %{$Pc_hash->{$name}} ); } } } if( $Debug > 0 ){ Dump_index( "Read_printcap_file: after '$pc_file'", %$Pc_index ); foreach $name (sort keys %$Pc_hash){ Dump_pc( "Read_printcap_file: after '$pc_file'", %{$Pc_hash->{$name}} ); } } } sub MakeMask( $ ) { my($mask) = @_; my($mnum,$v,@v,$x,$i,$j,@d); if( defined $mask ){ if( $mask =~ /\./ ){ $mnum = inet_aton( $mask ); } else { if( $mask < 32 and $mask >= 0 ){ $v = pack( "N", (1 << $mask ) - 1); @v = reverse split( '', unpack( "B32", $v )); for( $i = 0; $i < 4; ++$i ){ $x = 0; for( $j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j ){ $x *= 2; $x += $v[$i*8+$j]; } $d[$i] = $x; } $i = join(".", @d ); #print "MakeMask: generated $mask = '$i'\n" if $Debug > 5; $mnum = inet_aton( $i ); } else { $mnum = inet_aton( "" ); } } } else { $mnum = inet_aton( "" ); } print "MakeMask: $mask = '" . inet_ntoa( $mnum ) . "'\n" if $Debug > 5; return $mnum; } # sub MatchHost( @Hostinfo, $matches ) # @Hostinfo is value returned by gethostbyname() # ($name, $alises, $addrtype, $length, @addrs ) # 0 1 2 3 4 # matches has format: ((glob|ip/mask),)* sub MatchHost( \@ $ ) { my($hostinfo,$matches) = @_; my(@list,$value,$addr,$mask,$anum,$mnum,$null,@v,$i,$ipaddr); @list = split( '[,\s]', $matches ); foreach $value ( @list ){ print "Matchhost: '$value' to $hostinfo->[0]\n" if $Debug>2; if( $value =~ /^\d/ ){ # we have addr/mask $null = inet_aton(""); ($addr,$mask) = split( '/',$value ); $anum = inet_aton( $addr ); $mnum = MakeMask( $mask ); print "Matchhost: addr '" . inet_ntoa($anum) . "', mask '" . inet_ntoa($mnum) . "'\n" if $Debug>3; for($i = 4; $i < @$hostinfo; ++$i ){ $ipaddr = $hostinfo->[$i]; print "Matchhost: ipaddr '" . inet_ntoa($ipaddr) . "'\n" if $Debug>3; $ipaddr = ($ipaddr ^ $anum) & $mnum; print "Matchhost: result '" . inet_ntoa($ipaddr) . "'\n" if $Debug>3; if( $ipaddr eq $null ){ print "Matchhost: found '".inet_ntoa( $hostinfo->[$i])."'\n" if $Debug>3; return 1; } } } else { # we have glob str $value =~ s/\./\\./g; $value =~ s/\*/.*/g; print "Matchhost: new value '$value'\n" if $Debug>3; if( $hostinfo->[0] =~ /$value/ ){ print "Matchhost: found\n" if $Debug>3; return 1; } } } return 0; } # sub Setup_pc_entry( $name ) # 1. look up the pc entry # 2. set the initial values to configuration defaults # 3. combine the pc values # returns: hash of combined values sub Real_printer( $ ) { my($name) = @_; $name = $Pc_index{$name}; return $name; } sub Setup_pc_entry( $ ) { my($name ) = @_; my($real, %hash, $value, $key, $tc_val, @tc_list, %tc_hash ); $real = Real_printer( $name ); if( not $real ){ return undef; } print "Setup_pc_entry: pr '$name', using real '$real'\n" if $Debug > 2; %hash = %Init_hash; Dump_pc( "Setup_pc_entry: after init", %hash ) if $Debug > 3; $value = $Pc_hash{$real}; Dump_pc( "Setup_pc_entry: pc value for '$real'", %$value ) if $Debug > 3; foreach $key (keys %$value){ print "Setup_pc_entry: setting '$key'='$value->{$key}'\n" if $Debug > 5; $hash{$key} = $value->{$key}; } Dump_pc( "Setup_pc_entry: pr '$name', real '$real'; result", %hash ) if $Debug > 1; # now we have to resolve the TC values # $tc_val = $hash{'tc'}; $hash{'tc'} = ""; if( $tc_val ){ push @tc_list, split( /[\s,;:]/, $tc_val ); } while( @tc_list ){ $tc_val = shift @tc_list; print "Setup_pc_entry: tc '$tc_val'" if $Debug > 5; $real = Real_printer( $tc_val ); if( $tc_hash{$tc_val} ){ print STDERR "Setup_pc_entry: Printer '$name' has tc with multiple uses of '$tc_val', really '$real'"; return undef; } $tc_hash{$tc_val} = 1; if( not defined $real ){ print STDERR "Setup_pc_entry: Printer '$name' missing tc entry for '$tc_val', really '$real'"; return undef; } $value = $Pc_hash{$real}; foreach $key (keys %$value){ print "Setup_pc_entry: setting '$key'='$value->{$key}'\n" if $Debug > 5; if( $key ne 'NAME' ){ $hash{$key} = $value->{$key}; } } Dump_pc( "Setup_pc_entry: pr '$name', after tc '$real'", %hash ) if $Debug > 1; $tc_val = $hash{'tc'}; $hash{'tc'} = ""; if( $tc_val ){ push @tc_list, split( '\s,;:', $tc_val ); } } return \%hash; } sub FixStrVals( $ \% ) { my($str, $hash ) = @_; my( $key, $val ); while( $str =~ /%(.)/ ){ $key = $1; print "FixStrVals: fixing '$key' in '$str'\n" if $Debug > 5; $val = $hash->{$key}; $val = "" if( not defined $val ); $str =~ s/%$key/$val/g; } print "FixStrVals: final '$str'\n" if $Debug > 5; return $str; } sub Get_printer_name( \% ) { my($Args) = shift; my($printer); $printer ||= $Args->{'P'}; $printer ||= $Pc_index{'FIRST'}; $printer ||= $Init_hash{'default_printer'}; print "Get_printer_name: '$printer'\n" if $Debug>0; return( $printer ); } sub Setup_LPRng( \% ) { my($Args) = @_; my($pc_path,$file,$key); # get the command line options # get the hostname information $key = hostname(); @Hostname = gethostbyname( $key ); # set up the key values $Keyvals{'H'} = $Hostname[0]; #Read_conf("/var/tmp/LPD/lpd.conf", %Init_hash); Read_conf("/etc/lpd.conf", %Init_hash); $pc_path = "/etc/printcap"; if( $Init_hash{'printcap_path'} ){ $pc_path = $Init_hash{'printcap_path'}; } foreach $file ( split( '[:,]', $pc_path ) ){ $file = FixStrVals( $file, %Keyvals ); Read_printcap_file($file, %Pc_hash, %Pc_index, 1, 0, @Hostname); } } sub Set_Debug( $ ) { my($v) = $Debug; $Debug = $_[0]; } # sub Get_remote_pr_host( $Printer, $Pc_value ); # returns: ($pr, $remote, $port) # $pr = remote printer, $remote = remote host, $port = port to use # # if Pc_value # we use the lp value # if no lp value, we use rp, rm value # else # we use the lp value # if the lp value then we split it up # sub Get_remote_pr_host( $ $) { my( $prname, $pc ) = @_; my( $lp, $pr, $remote, $port ); if( defined $pc ){ $lp = $pc->{'lp'}; } else { $lp = $prname; } # we now check to see if we have pr@host if( defined $lp ){ if( $lp =~ /\@/ ){ ($pr, $remote ) = split( '@', $lp ); } else { $pr = $prname } } elsif( defined $pc ){ $pr = $pc->{'rp'}; $remote = $pc->{'rm'}; } if( not $pr ){ $pr = $prname; } $pr = $prname if( $pr =~ /%P/ ); if( not $remote ){ if( defined $pc ){ $remote = "localhost" if $pc->{'force_localhost'}; } else { $remote = "localhost" if $Init_hash{'force_localhost'}; } } if( not $remote ){ if( defined $pc ){ $remote = $pc->{'default_remote_host'}; } else { $remote = $Init_hash{'default_remote_host'}; } } if( not $remote ){ $remote = "localhost"; } ($remote, $port ) = split( '%', $remote ); if( not $port ){ if( defined $pc ){ $port = $pc->{'lpd_port'}; } else { $port = $Init_hash{'lpd_port'}; } } if( not $port ){ $port = "printer"; } if( $port + 0 == 0 ){ $port = getservbyname( $port, "tcp" ); } return( $pr, $remote, $port ); } sub getconnection ($ $) { my ($remote,$port) = @_; my ($iaddr,$paddr,$proto); my ($low_port, $high_port, $ports, $t, $euid ) if $Debug>0; $ports = $Init_hash{'originate_port'}; if( $ports ){ ($low_port, $high_port) = split( /[\s,;]+/, $ports ); print "low_port '$low_port', high_port '$high_port'\n" if $Debug>0; } $low_port += 0; $high_port += 0; print "num low_port '$low_port', high_port '$high_port'\n" if $Debug>0; $iaddr = inet_aton($remote) or die "no host: $remote"; $paddr = sockaddr_in($port,$iaddr); $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); print "remote='$remote', port ='$port', iaddr='" . inet_ntoa($iaddr). "'\n" if $Debug; $t = 0; if( $low_port < $high_port and ($EUID == 0 or $UID == 0 ) ){ $euid = $EUID; $EUID = 0; while( $t == 0 and $low_port < $high_port ){ close(SOCK); socket(SOCK,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) or die "socket: $!"; setsockopt( SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ) or warn "setsockopt failed - $!\n"; if( bind( SOCK, sockaddr_in( $low_port, INADDR_ANY ) ) ){ $t = 1; } else { print "bind to $low_port failed - $!\n"; ++$low_port; } } $EUID = $euid; } if( $t == 0 ){ close(SOCK); socket(SOCK,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,$proto) or die "socket: $!"; setsockopt( SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1 ) or warn "setsockopt failed - $!\n"; } connect(SOCK,$paddr) or die "connect: $!"; print "connection made\n" if $Debug; # unbufferred IO select(SOCK); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); return \*SOCK; } sub sendit( $ $ ) { my( $SOCK, $line ) = @_; my( $count ); print "sendit sending '$line'\n" if $Debug; print $SOCK $line or die "print to socket failed - $!\n"; $line = ""; $count = read $SOCK, $line, 1; print "sendit read $count\n" if $Debug; if( !defined($count) ){ die "read error on socket - $!\n"; } if( !$count ){ die "EOF on socket\n"; } $count = unpack( "C", $line ); if( $count ){ print "error: "; while( defined ( $line = <$SOCK> ) ){ print $line; } print "\n"; exit 1; } print "sendit no error\n" if $Debug; } sub sendbuffer( $ $ $ ) { my($SOCK, $line, $buffer ) = @_; my( $count ); print "sendbuffer line '$line'\n" if $Debug; sendit( $SOCK, $line ); print "sendbuffer buffer '$buffer'\n" if $Debug; print $SOCK $buffer; print $SOCK "\000"; $line = ""; $count = read $SOCK, $line, 1; print "sendbuffer read $count\n" if $Debug; if( !defined($count) ){ die "read error on socket - $!\n"; } if( !$count ){ die "EOF on socket\n"; } $count = unpack( "C", $line ); if( $count ){ print "error code: $count\n"; while( defined($line = <$SOCK>) ){ print $line; } print "\n"; exit 1; } print "sendbuffer no error\n" if $Debug; } sub sendfile ( $ $ $ ) { my( $SOCK, $name, $filename ) = @_; my( $size, $line, $count ); open( FILE, "<$filename") or die "cannot open file '$filename'\n"; $size = -s FILE; print "sendfile: '$name' size $size\n" if $Debug; sendit( $SOCK, "\003$size $name\n" ); print "sendfile: sending file\n" if $Debug; while( $size = read FILE, $line, 1024 ){ print "read $size bytes\n" if $Debug; print $SOCK $line; } print "sendfile: finished\n" if $Debug; if( !defined( $size ) ){ die "bad read from '$name' - $!\n"; } print $SOCK "\000"; $line = ""; $count = read $SOCK, $line, 1; print "sendfile: read $count\n" if $Debug; if( !defined($count) ){ die "read error on socket - $!\n"; } if( !$count ){ die "EOF on socket\n"; } $count = unpack( "C", $line ); if( $count ){ print "error code: $count\n"; while( defined($line = <$SOCK>) ){ print $line; } print "\n"; exit 1; } print "sendfile: no error\n" if $Debug; } $Debug = 0; 1;