Chapter 21. Remote Logger Operation

Table of Contents
21.1. Logger Network Communication
21.2. Logger Messages
21.3. Message Format
21.4. Dump Messages
21.5. LPD Messages
21.6. Job Status Messages - UPDATE
21.7. Printer Status Messages - PRSTATUS

Several sites have wanted a way to provide central logging of job status and/or information. In order to do this, the following functionality is implemented in LPRng.

21.1. Logger Network Communication

Options used:

The printcap/configuration variable logger_destination specifies a destination in the standard host%port notation used by LPRng. Host is the destination host, and can be a name or IP address. Port is the port on the destination host. A TCP/IP connection is made to the indicated port.

Log information is save in a temporary file specified by logger_path, and up to logger_max_size K bytes of data will be saved.

If a connection cannot be made to the logger_destination, then every logger_timeout seconds a new connection attempt will be made. If logger_timeout is 0, then a connection attempt will be made every time new data arrives to be logged.