1.2. Additional Resources

The main LPRng documentation is the LPRng-HOWTO, which is available in several formats. Information about LPRng and the latest release can be found on the LPRng web page http://www.lprng.com/LPRng.html

The ifhp documentation is the IFHP-HOWTO, which is available in the ifhp distribution. Information about ifhp and the latest release can be found on the LPRng web page http://www.lprng.com/LPRng.html

There is also a mailing list at lprng@lprng.com. To post to the list you must subscribe by sending send an email to lprng-request@lprng.com, with the message subject or body containing the word `subscribe' or `help'.

Several presentations of LPRng and print spooling software have been made at the Large Installation System Administrator (LISA) conferences. The presentation at the LISA 98 conference is in the PowerPoint file LISA98.ppt in the LPRng distribution documentation.