ImageMagick AnnotateInfo Structure

The AnnotateInfo structure is used to support annotating an image with text.
Methods Using AnnotateInfo
GetAnnotateInfo() Allocate new structure with defaults set.
CloneAnnotateInfo() Copy existing structure, allocating new structure.
DestroyAnnotateInfo() Deallocate structure, including any members.
AnnotateImage() Annotate image with text.

The public members of AnnotateInfo are shown in the following table. The structure is initialized to reasonable defaults
by first initializing the equivalent members of ImageInfo, and then initializing the structure using GetAnnotateInfo().
 AnnotateInfo Structure Members
affine AffineInfo Coordinate transformation (rotation, scaling, and translation).
antialias unsigned int Set to True (non-zero) to obtain anti-aliased text rendering.
box PixelPacket Text solid background color.
decorate DecorationType Text decoration type.
density char * Text rendering density in DPI (effects scaling font according to pointsize). E.g. "72x72"
fill PixelPacket Text internal fill (within outline) color.
font char * Font to use when rendering text.
geometry char * Text placement coordinate (e.g. "340x230").
gravity GravityType Text placement preference (e.g. NorthWestGravity).
pointsize double Font size (also see density).
stroke PixelPacket Text outline color.
text char * Text to draw. Optionally the annotation can include the image filename, type, width, height, or scene number by embedding special format characters.

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