!! NOTE - This is a stable release. If you want newer features that are listed down there or even things that aren't listed, try the development version, although that is unsupported !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what the letters down there mean: F = Finished (or smaller optimisations left) O = Not well optimised, things that could be done, like read multiple pixels (every routine writes multiple pixels though!) = A blank means still missing (but covered by generic converters!!) - = Not planned at the moment (or not needed because it's completely covered by other converters) C = Handled by direct copy routines Note that none of the really frequent conversions are missing in this release, only rare conversion will have an M. Let me stress again that conversion not covered will normally still be done by generalised converters, just a bit slower. Finally, this file only lists C routines, assembly routines are not listed here. NEW: There are TWO values for each function now. The left one is for normal conversion, the right one for stretching. CLEAR FUNCTIONS: Generic32 F Generic24 O Generic16 F Generic8 F GENERIC ROUTINES (slow): From (normal|stretch) To Generic32 Generic24 Generic16 Generic32 F F F F Generic24 F F F Generic16 F O F F Generic8 F F F (03/01/1999: Those F's are all wrong, the generic routines could be much faster!!) SPECIALISED ROUTINES (fast): From (normal|stretch) To muhmu32 32rgb888 24rgb888 16rgb565 Index8 32rgb888 F C C * O ** O F F F 32bgr888 F F F O O F F F 32rgba888 F F F F O F F F 32bgra888 F F F O O F F F 24rgb888 O F C C O F 24bgr888 O O F O O 16rgb565 F O F O O C C F O 16bgr565 F O F O O F O F O 16rgb555 F O F O O F O F O 16bgr555 F O F O O F O F O 8rgb332 F O F O O F O - - Index8 C C * The 24 bit routines could all read 4 pixels at ones and thus dword reads but they aren't yet. ** Converters from 16 to 32 bit should be optimised in that they should read two pixels at a time, i.e. a dword