HERMES 1.3.2 (c)1998 Christian Nentwich (brn) ( This library and all the files enclosed in this package are free software under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). Please refer to the included file COPYING.LIB for the exact terms. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file describes how to compile and link HERMES under any UNIX type system. 1. Building 2. Installing 3. Cleaning up 1. Building You use a unix system, therefore you'll be spoiled. Basically, all you do is run './configure' and 'make'. Done. That's the basic build. If you want a proper library (i.e. fast) OR you want to use a C++ compiler instead of C, then use the following commands: CC=g++ CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure OR, on some systems env CC=g++ ./configure Personally, I use pgcc for compiling HERMES with PTC and the following flags: CC=pgcc CFLAGS="-O6 -mpentium -malign-loops=2 -malign-functions=2 -malign-jumps=2" ./configure After this you can type 'make' again, but this time you get a quicker library. That's all there is to it. You can link to your favourite graphics library now. ALWAYS remember to type 'make distclean' before changing to a new compiler!! 2. Installing Just type 'make install'. If you want to get rid of the whole thing again, type 'make uninstall'. Note that you can change the prefix of the install directories from '/usr/local' to whatever you like using configure. Type './configure --help' for help on that. 3. Cleaning up Type 'make clean' to remove all the .o files and 'make distclean' to erase the library, .o files, and configuration. brn (15/01/1999)