HERMES 1.3.2 (c)1998 Christian Nentwich (brn) ( library and all the files enclosed in this package are free softwareunder the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). Pleaserefer to the included file COPYING.LIB for the exact terms.A special note for Windows users: Free means free as in speech, notfree beer. You can link this application against your own but you haveto stick to the license. Read it now.------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How to compile HERMES under Windows"1) Get NASMAs of version 1.2.5, you MUST have NASM installed to build Hermes.NASM is an excellent assembler for a variety of x86 operating systemsand it is freely available. You can get it from do a web-search for it. Make sure the executable is called 'nasmw.exe'and is in your path, otherwise you will get errors.2) Build itEasy enough. Go to the 'src' directory (or folder if you must..),open the "Hermes.dsw" Workspace with Visual Studio. Go to the "Build" menu and select "Batch Build...". Select whichversion you want (don't build the debug version unless your programcrashes, it is vital that Hermes runs as fast as possible) and startthe build.In the src\ directory two new directories will be created: \Debug and\Release. You can guess what they mean.. Each of them contains acouple of object files and more importantly Hermes.dll.I suggest that you do the following things after having compiled Hermes: Copy Hermes.dll somewhere you can link against it Copy Hermes.h Types.h and H_*.h to your include directoryYou are now ready to use HERMES. It is probably a good idea to readthe FAQ and the API so you find out how to use HERMES. Also, a quick look into README will not harm you (it might harm you if youuse Notepad as that file uses UNIX linebreaks).brn(19/05/1999)