HERMES 1.3.2 (c)1998 Christian Nentwich (brn) ( This library and all the files enclosed in this package are free software under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). Please refer to the included file COPYING.LIB for the exact terms. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, Hermes will compile and install on FreeBSD, with full assembler support, even without NASM, using gcc directly (if you have a gcc that supports MMX instructions! gcc 2.7.2 does NOT support MMX instructions) Note, however, that the 'make' utility on my FreeBSD at least could not cope with the automatically generated make files. So, here's the condition: You need GNU make installed somewhere. Use the following command when configuring the package (see INSTALL.unix): env MAKE=/path/to/gnumake/make ./configure If you are using bash, leave away the 'env' command. To build: /path/to/gnumake/make Note that if your gcc is too old to support MMX instructions (e.g. gcc 2.7.2), the assembler files will not build. Use ./configure --disable-x86asm in this case. That's it, enjoy. Read INSTALL.unix and README for more. brn (21/04/1999)