Small tips and tricks for more effective use of FileRunner So far I've only thought of two... :-) 1. HTTP download. When surfing the web with Netscape which has a really lousy file download function (always drops download after 90% without saying a word) use FileRunner instead like this: Point to the link in Netscape and choose "Copy Link to ClipBoard", then right-click on one of the directory entries in FileRunner and paste the link into the entry, edit it, and then hit return. When the directory comes up, get the file with FileRunner instead. This is really fast and very useful. This can now also be done for HTTP downloads, choose "Etc->HTTP Download...". 2. How to view .html files in Netscape from FileRunner. It is convenient to view .html files by right-clicking on them. Here is how to do it: First, add the following to your config(view,extensions) variable: { {viewhtml {%s}} {*.html} } Then create a script called viewhtml that looks like this: #!/bin/csh -f netscape -remote openFile\("$argv"\) The work-around with the external script is needed because tclsh won't do the normal evaluation on lists inside ( ). If you have a good tip to share with other FileRunner users, please send it to the author.