//// This example is from the ACE Programmers Guide.
////  Chapter:  "The Acceptor/Connector"  (Connection Initialization)
//// For details please see the guide at
//// http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/ACE.html
////  AUTHOR: Umar Syyid (usyyid@hns.com)
//// and Ambreen Ilyas (ambreen@bitsmart.com)

//Example 1
#include "ace/Reactor.h"
#include "ace/Svc_Handler.h"
#include "ace/Acceptor.h"
#include "ace/Synch.h"
#include "ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h"

//Create a Service Handler whose open() method will be called back automatically.
//This class MUST derive from ACE_Svc_Handler which is an interface and
//as can be seen is a template container class itself. The first parameter to //ACE_Svc_Handler is the underlying stream that it may use for communication.
//Since we are using TCP sockets the stream is ACE_SOCK_STREAM.
//The second is the internal synchronization mechanism it could use.
//Since we have a single threaded application we pass it a "null" lock
//which will do nothing.

class My_Svc_Handler:
//the open method which will be called back automatically after the
//connection has been established.

int open(void*){
 cout<<?Connection established?<<endl;
// Create the acceptor as described above.
typedef ACE_Acceptor<My_Svc_Handler,ACE_SOCK_ACCEPTOR> MyAcceptor;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
//create the  address on which we wish to connect. The constructor takes
//the port number on which to listen and will automatically take the hosts
//IP address as the IP Address for the addr object


//instantiate the appropriate acceptor object with the address on which we wish to
//accept and the Reactor instance we want to use. In this case we just use the global
//ACE_Reactor singleton. (Read more about the reactor in the previous chapter)
MyAcceptor acceptor(address, ACE_Reactor::instance());

 // Start the reactors event loop

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