// mpool.h,v 1.6 1999/09/22 03:14:01 jcej Exp #ifndef MPOOL_H #define MPOOL_H // Everything else we need is in this one header #include "ace/Malloc.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_SYSV_SHMEM) /* With this we will abstract away some of the details of the memory pool. Note that we don't treat this as a singleton because an application may need more than one pool. Each would have a different name and be used for different purposes. */ class Allocator { public: // The pool name will be used to create a unique semaphore to // keep this pool separate from others. Allocator (const char * _name = "MemoryPool"); ~Allocator (void); typedef ACE_Malloc pool_t; // Provide an accessor to the pool. This will also allocate the // pool when first invoked. pool_t &pool (void); protected: // The name we gave to the pool char *name_; pool_t *pool_; }; /* The client and server need to agree on a certain set of values. By placing them in the Constants class we can eliminate a bit of confusion. */ class Constants { public: // The semaphore keys are needed for the two semaphores that // synch access to the shared memory area. static const int SEM_KEY_1; static const int SEM_KEY_2; // How big the pool will be and what we'll put into it. A real // app wouldn't need SHMDATA of course. static const int SHMSZ; static const char *SHMDATA; // The name assigned to the memory pool by the server is needed // by the client. Without it, the pool cannot be found. // Likewise, the name the server will bind() to the region of the // pool must be available to the client. static const char *PoolName; static const char *RegionName; }; #endif /* ACE_LACKS_SYSV_SHMEM */ #endif /* MPOOL_H */