ACE Tutorial 011
Passing non-trivial data through an ACE_Message_Queue

We'll look first at main(). A large part of this is the same as before, so I've only commented the changes.

// page02.html,v 1.11 1999/09/22 03:13:46 jcej Exp

/* Most of this is the same as the previous tutorial, so I'll just
   point out the differences.  */
#include "task.h"
#include "block.h"
#include "data.h"

static int
run_test (int iterations,
          int threads)

  Task task (threads);

  if ( () == -1)

  ACE_OS::sleep (ACE_Time_Value (1));

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
      /* Construct a Data object that we'll put into the Queue.  */
      Data data (i);

      /* Create a block large enough for our Data object as well as a
        text message.  */
      Block *message;

      ACE_NEW_RETURN (message,
                      Block (sizeof (data) + 128),

      /* As before, put a text message into the block.  */
      ACE_OS::sprintf (message->wr_ptr (), "This is message %d.", i);
      message->wr_ptr (strlen (message->rd_ptr ()));

      *(message->wr_ptr ()) = 0;  // Null-terminate the string we just wrote

      message->wr_ptr (1);        // Move beyond the NULL

      /* To copy arbitrary data into a message block, we use the
        copy() method.  Since it wants a 'const char*', we have to
        cast our Data pointer.

        Note that copy() will advance the wr_ptr() for us.  This means
        we don't have to do it ourselves!  If you do advance it, it
        will be way beyond what you want.  */
      message->copy ((const char *) &data,
                     sizeof (data));

      if (task.putq (message) == -1)

  Block *message;
  ACE_NEW_RETURN (message,
  message->msg_type (ACE_Message_Block::MB_HANGUP);
  task.putq (message);

  task.wait ();

  return 0;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int iterations = argc > 1 ? atoi (argv[1]) : 4;
  int threads = argc > 2 ? atoi (argv[2]) : 2;

  run_test (iterations,

              "(%P|%t) Application exiting\n"));

  return 0;

The new trick here is the use of copy() to copy our abstract data object into the message block memory. Notice that it's OK to let the Data object go out of scope at that point since we've got a separate copy. If you've got something with a non-trivial ctor/dtor then this won't work. We'll address that in the next tutorial.

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