// server.cpp,v 1.6 1999/09/22 03:13:29 jcej Exp /* Include the header file where our client acceptor is defined. */ #include "ace/Reactor.h" /* For simplicity, we create our reactor in the global address space. In later tutorials we will do something more clever and appropriate. However, the purpose of this tutorial is to introduce a connection acceptance and handling, not the full capabilities of a reactor. */ ACE_Reactor *g_reactor; /* Include the header where we define our acceptor object. An acceptor is an abstraction that allows a server to "accept" connections from clients. */ #include "acceptor.h" /* A TCP/IP server can listen to only one port for connection requests. Well-known services can always be found at the same address. Lesser-known services are generally told where to listen by a configuration file or command-line parameter. For this example, we're satisfied with simply hard-coding a random but known value. */ static const u_short PORT = ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT; int main (int, char *[]) { /* Create a Reactor instance. Again, a global pointer isn't exactly the best way to handle this but for the simple example here, it will be OK. We'll get cute with it later. Note how we use the ACE_NEW_RETURN macro, which returns 1 if operator new fails. */ ACE_NEW_RETURN (g_reactor, ACE_Reactor, 1); /* Like the Reactor, I'm skimming over the details of the ADDR object. What it provides is an abstraction for addressing services in the network. All we need to know at this point is that we are creating an address object which specifies the TCP/IP port on which the server will listen for new connection requests. */ ACE_INET_Addr addr (PORT); Logging_Acceptor *peer_acceptor; /* We now create an acceptor object. No connections will yet be established because the object isn't "open for business" at this time. Which brings us to the next line... */ ACE_NEW_RETURN (peer_acceptor, Logging_Acceptor, 1); /* where the acceptor object is opened. You'll find that most ACE objects have to be open()ed before they're of any use to you. On this open() call, we're telling the acceptor where to listen for connections via the 'addr' object. We're also telling it that we want it to be registered with our 'g_reactor' instance. */ if (peer_acceptor->open (addr, g_reactor) == -1 ) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Opening Acceptor\n"), -1); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) starting up server logging daemon\n")); /* The reactor's handle_events member function is responsible for looking at all registered objects and invoking an appropriate member function when anything of interest occurs. When an event is processed, the handle_events function returns. In order to get all events, we embed this in an infinite loop. Since we put ourselves into an infinite loop, you'll need to CTRL-C to exit the program. */ for (;;) g_reactor->handle_events (); return 0; }