DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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-k option (cpp) #1
-k option (cpp) #2
KAP preprocessor
    improving run-time performance
kill library routine
Kind type parameter
    COMPLEX declarations
    INTEGER declarations
    LOGICAL declarations
    REAL declarations
    See also LRM
Korn shell (ksh)
    FORTn environment variables
    process limits
    setting and unsetting environment variables
-l option #1
-l option #2
    in computed or assigned GOTO list
        maximum allowed
    See also LRM
Ladebug debugger
-ladebug option #1
-ladebug option #2
    for Ladebug
Language compatibility
    See Compatibility
Language dialects
    DIGITAL Fortran compatibility information
    options for #1
    options for #2
    options for #3
Language extensions
    compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for DIGITAL UNIX systems
    compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for OpenVMS systems
    compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 90 on other platforms
    compatibility with DIGITAL Visual Fortran
    DIGITAL Fortran 90 on other platforms (summary)
    See also LRM
Language interface
    C and DIGITAL Fortran 90
        allowing C programs to use DIGITAL Fortran 90 RTL
        appending underscore for external names
        C language main program #1
        C language main program #2
        calling subroutines
        changing default argument passing mechanisms #1
        changing default argument passing mechanisms #2
        changing default mechanisms
        character arguments
        complex arguments
        handling arrays
        handling common blocks
        integer arguments
        invoking a C function from DIGITAL Fortran 90
        invoking a DIGITAL Fortran 90 subprogram from C
        library routines for
        null-terminating character arguments
        opening file with user-supplied function
        passing arguments between #1
        passing arguments between #2
        passing arguments between #1
        passing arguments between #2
        USEROPEN function
        using C conventions
        using f90 command
    DIGITAL Fortran 77 and DIGITAL Fortran 90
        alignment options
        common block values
        data types to avoid
        function values
        I/O compatibility
        passing arguments
        passing target or pointer data
        pointer data
    DIGITAL Fortran 90
        argument passing rules
        changing default argument passing mechanisms #1
        changing default argument passing mechanisms #2
        default argument passing mechanism
        descriptor format
        explicit interface
        passing arguments #1
        passing arguments #2
        passing arrays
        passing character arguments
        passing pointers
    external names
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #1
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #2
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #3
    USEROPEN function
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PDO directive #1
    for PDO directive #2
    for DO directive #1
    for DO directive #2
    for DO directive #3
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #1
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #2
    for SECTIONS directive #1
    for SECTIONS directive #2
    for SECTIONS directive #3
ld linker
    creating shared object libraries
    effect of EXTERNAL statement
    f90 command options for
    functions performed
    libraries passed to ld by f90 command
    locating undefined symbols using nm command
    messages #1
    messages #2
    option to prevent running ld
    options and files passed by f90
    options for
    relationship to f90 command #1
    relationship to f90 command #2
    relationship to f90 command #3
    relationship to f90 command #4
    request threaded run-time library #1
    request threaded run-time library #2
    restrictions creating shared libraries
    routines with opposition settings
    sample use with f90 command #1
    sample use with f90 command #2
    sample use with f90 command #3
    specifying object libraries
    specifying shared object libraries
-ldir option #1
-ldir option #2
.LE. operator
    See also LRM
LEN specifier
    See also LRM
    DOUBLE PRECISION declarations
        options controlling size
    INTEGER or LOGICAL declarations
        options controlling size
    REAL or COMPLEX declarations
        options controlling size
Lexical tokens per statement
    linker searching options
    list passed by f90 command to ld
    list searched automatically by f90 command
    obtaining information about
    recognized file name suffixes
    See also Shared library; Archive library
    selecting archive or shared for linking (f90 options) #1
    selecting archive or shared for linking (f90 options) #2
    specifying with f90 command
    types of
Library routines
    accessing reference pages for
    bessel #1
    bessel #2
    bit manipulation
    directories and files
    equivalent intrinsic functions
    error handling
    example program #1
    example program #2
    EXTERNAL statement
    for arithmetic exception handling
    for C main language program
    for timing program execution
        See LRM
    language interface
    overview of 3f procedures available
    parallel execution
    random numbers
    return data and time
    return error function
    return file descriptor
    return process, system, or command-line information
    shared memory
    signals and processes
    thread locking
    using intrinsic procedures instead of
    virtual memory allocation
Line length
    fixed-format source
    free-format source
        See LRM
link library routine
Linker and library searching
    See ld linker
LINPACK benchmark
List-directed I/O statements
    See also LRM
Listing file
    See also Source code listing
lnblnk library routine
loc library routine
LOCAL option
    for PARALLEL directive
    for PARALLEL DO directive
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive
    for PDO directive #1
    for PDO directive #2
    for PSECTIONS directive
    for SINGLE PROCESS directive
local_to_global library routine
Lock routines
    for dependences
    using CRITICAL directive
Logical data type
    converting nonnative data
    declarations and options #1
    declarations and options #2
        See also LRM
    differences with nonnative formats
    options controlling size of LOGICAL declarations
Logical I/O unit
    implicit system defaults
    INQUIRE statement
    OPEN statement options
    See also LRM
    system unit numbers and names
Logical operators
    use in debugging
long library routine
Loop control variable
    and implied-DO loop collapsing
    and register use
    blocking optimization #1
    blocking optimization #2
    controlling number of times unrolled
    distribution optimization #1
    distribution optimization #2
    efficient coding suggestions #1
    efficient coding suggestions #2
    efficient coding suggestions #3
    efficient coding suggestions #4
    fusion optimization #1
    fusion optimization #2
    interchange optimization #1
    interchange optimization #2
    limiting loop unrolling #1
    limiting loop unrolling #2
    loop transformation optimizations
    optimizations for #1
    optimizations for #2
    optimizations for #3
    outer loop unrolling optimization #1
    outer loop unrolling optimization #2
    relationship to basic block size
    scalar replacement optimization #1
    scalar replacement optimization #2
    See also DO loops; Optimization
    software pipelining optimization #1
    software pipelining optimization #2
    software pipelining optimization #3
    software pipelining optimization #4
    terminating execution early
    transformation optimizations #1
    transformation optimizations #2
    transformation optimizations #3
    transformation optimizations #4
    transformation optimizations #5
    unroll optimization
Lowercase names
    options controlling
    The acronym LRM in this index refers to the DIGITAL Fortran Language Reference Manual
lshift function
lstat library routine
-lstring option #1
-lstring option #2
    and creating shared libraries
.LT. operator
    See also LRM
ltime library routine

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