DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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5.2.4 Atom Toolkit

The Atom toolkit includes a programmable instrumentation tool and several prepackaged tools. The prepackaged tools include:

To invoke atom tools, use the following general command syntax:

% atom -tool tool-name ...) 

For more information, see the DIGITAL UNIX Programmers Guide, atom(1), hiprof(5), pixie(5), and third(5).

Atom does not work on programs built with the -om option.

5.3 Data Alignment Considerations

For optimal performance on Alpha systems, make sure your data is aligned naturally.

A natural boundary is a memory address that is a multiple of the data item's size (data type sizes are described in Table 9-1). For example, a REAL (KIND=8) data item aligned on natural boundaries has an address that is a multiple of 8. An array is aligned on natural boundaries if all of its elements are.

All data items whose starting address is on a natural boundary are naturally aligned. Data not aligned on a natural boundary is called unaligned data.

Although the DIGITAL Fortran 90 compiler naturally aligns individual data items when it can, certain DIGITAL Fortran 90 statements (such as EQUIVALENCE) can cause data items to become unaligned (see Section 5.3.1).

Although you can use the f90 command -align keyword options to ensure naturally aligned data, you should check and consider reordering data declarations of data items within common blocks and structures. Within each common block, derived type, or record structure, carefully specify the order and sizes of data declarations to ensure naturally aligned data. Start with the largest size numeric items first, followed by smaller size numeric items, and then nonnumeric (character) data.

5.3.1 Causes of Unaligned Data and Ensuring Natural Alignment

Common blocks (COMMON statement), derived-type data, and DIGITAL Fortran 77 record structures (RECORD statement) usually contain multiple items within the context of the larger structure.

The following declaration statements can force data to be unaligned:

To avoid unaligned data in a common block, derived-type data, or record structure (extension), use one or both of the following:

Other possible causes of unaligned data include unaligned actual arguments and arrays that contain a derived-type structure or DIGITAL Fortran record structure.

When actual arguments from outside the program unit are not naturally aligned, unaligned data access will occur. DIGITAL Fortran 90 assumes all passed arguments are naturally aligned and has no information at compile time about data that will be introduced by actual arguments during program execution.

For arrays where each array element contains a derived-type structure or DIGITAL Fortran record structure, the size of the array elements may cause some elements (but not the first) to start on an unaligned boundary.

Even if the data items are naturally aligned within a derived-type structure without the SEQUENCE statement or a record structure, the size of an array element might require use of f90 -align options to supply needed padding to avoid some array elements being unaligned.

If you specify -align norecords or specify -vms without -align records , no padding bytes are added between array elements. If array elements each contain a derived-type structure with the SEQUENCE statement, array elements are packed without padding bytes regardless of the f90 command options specified. In this case, some elements will be unaligned.

When -align records option is in effect, the number of padding bytes added by the compiler for each array element is dependent on the size of the largest data item within the structure. The compiler determines the size of the array elements as an exact multiple of the largest data item in the derived-type structure without the SEQUENCE statement or a record structure. The compiler then adds the appropriate number of padding bytes.

For instance, if a structure contains an 8-byte floating-point number followed by a 3-byte character variable, each element contains five bytes of padding (16 is an exact multiple of 8). However, if the structure contains one 4-byte floating-point number, one 4-byte integer, followed by a 3-byte character variable, each element would contain one byte of padding (12 is an exact multiple of 4).

For More Information:

On the -align keyword options, see Section 5.3.4.

5.3.2 Checking for Inefficient Unaligned Data

During compilation, the DIGITAL Fortran 90 compiler naturally aligns as much data as possible. Exceptions that can result in unaligned data are described in Section 5.3.1.

Because unaligned data can slow run-time performance, it is worthwhile to:

There are two ways unaligned data might be reported:

5.3.3 Ordering Data Declarations to Avoid Unaligned Data

For new programs or when the source declarations of an existing program can be easily modified, plan the order of your data declarations carefully to ensure the data items in a common block, derived-type data, record structure, or data items made equivalent by an EQUIVALENCE statement will be naturally aligned.

Use the following rules to prevent unaligned data:

Using the suggested data declaration guidelines minimizes the need to use the -align keyword options to add padding bytes to ensure naturally aligned data. In cases where the -align keyword options are still needed, using the suggested data declaration guidelines can minimize the number of padding bytes added by the compiler. Arranging Data Items in Common Blocks

The order of data items in a COMMON statement determine the order in which the data items are stored. Consider the following declaration of a common block named X:

INTEGER          IARRY_I(3) 

As shown in Figure 5-1, if you omit the appropriate f90 command options, the common block will contain unaligned data items beginning at the first array element of IARRY_I.

Figure 5-1 Common Block with Unaligned Data

As shown in Figure 5-2, if you compile the program units that use the common block with the -align commons options, data items will be naturally aligned.

Figure 5-2 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Data

Because the common block X contains data items whose size is 32 bits or smaller, specify -align commons . If the common block contains data items whose size might be larger than 32 bits (such as REAL (KIND=8) data), use -align dcommons .

If you can easily modify the source files that use the common block data, define the numeric variables in the COMMON statement in descending order of size and place the character variable last. This provides more portability, ensures natural alignment without padding, and does not require the f90 command options -align commons or -align dcommons :

INTEGER          IARRY_I(3) 

As shown in Figure 5-3, if you arrange the order of variables from largest to smallest size and place character data last, the data items will be naturally aligned.

Figure 5-3 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Reordered Data

When modifying or creating all source files that use common block data, consider placing the common block data declarations in a module so the declarations are consistent. If the common block is not needed for compatibility (such as file storage or DIGITAL Fortran 77 use), you can place the data declarations in a module without using a common block. Arranging Data Items in Derived-Type Data

Like common blocks, derived-type data may contain multiple data items (members).

Data item components within derived-type data will be naturally aligned on up to 64-bit boundaries, with certain exceptions related to the use of the SEQUENCE statement and f90 options.

DIGITAL Fortran 90 stores a derived data type as a linear sequence of values, as follows:

Consider the following declaration of array CATALOG_SPRING of derived-type PART_DT:

    REAL              WEIGHT 

As shown in Figure 5-4, the largest numeric data items are defined first and the character data type is defined last. There are no padding characters between data items and all items are naturally aligned. The trailing padding byte is needed because CATALOG_SPRING is an array; it is inserted by the compiler when the -align records option is in effect.

Figure 5-4 Derived-Type Naturally Aligned Data (in CATALOG_SPRING : ( ,)) Arranging Data Items in DIGITAL Fortran Record Structures

DIGITAL Fortran 90 supports record structures provided by DIGITAL Fortran. DIGITAL Fortran record structures use the RECORD statement and optionally the STRUCTURE statement, which are extensions to the FORTRAN-77 and Fortran 90 standards. The order of data items in a STRUCTURE statement determine the order in which the data items are stored.

DIGITAL Fortran 90 stores a record in memory as a linear sequence of values, with the record's first element in the first storage location and its last element in the last storage location. Unless you specify the -vms option without the -align records option or specify -align norecords , padding bytes are added if needed to ensure data fields are naturally aligned.

The following example contains a structure declaration, a RECORD statement, and diagrams of the resulting records as they are stored in memory:


Figure 5-5 shows the memory diagram of record REC for naturally aligned records.

Figure 5-5 Memory Diagram of REC for Naturally Aligned Records

5.3.4 Options Controlling Alignment

The following options control whether the DIGITAL Fortran 90 compiler adds padding (when needed) to naturally align multiple data items in common blocks, derived-type data, and DIGITAL Fortran record structures:

The default behavior is that multiple data items in derived-type data and record structures will be naturally aligned; data items in common blocks will not ( -align records with -align nocommons ). In derived-type data, using the SEQUENCE statement prevents -align records from adding needed padding bytes to naturally align data items.

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