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Appendix A Example of a Compaq Fortran Installation from CD-ROM

The example installation in this appendix shows: The actual subset numbers for your installation are listed in the Release Notes. (See Section 1.2, "Reading the Release Notes and Cover Letter".)

For a detailed explanation of the Compaq Fortran installation, see Chapter 3, "How to Install Compaq Fortran".


This installation guide is not necessarily revised for each release of Compaq Fortran. When installing a version of Compaq Fortran later than Version 5.4, the displayed numbers for the subsets, version, and subset directory will be specific for that release.
The example installation follows:
# setld -l /mnt/dfa540/kit <Return> 
The subsets listed below are optional: 
        There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
        screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
        or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
        be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 
        1) CXML Common Files for the Extended Math Lib, V4.1
        2) CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev4, V4.1
        3) CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev5, V4.1
        4) CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev6, V4.1
        5) CXML Reference (man)Pages in HTML format
        6) CXML Reference (man)Pages
        7) CXML V4.1 SCIPORT library
        8) Compaq Compiled Code Support Library #211
        9) Compaq Fortran 90 and 77 V5.4 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems
        10) Compaq Fortran RTL #393 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems (f90 and f77)
        11) Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
        12) Compaq Fortran V5.4 Release Notes and Man Page
        13) Compaq Fortran V5.4 Tools & their Man Pages 
Or you may choose one of the following options: 
        14) ALL of the above
        15) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
        16) EXIT without installing any subsets 
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. 
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):1,3,5-13 
You are installing the following optional subsets: 
        CXML Common Files for the Extended Math Lib, V4.1
        CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev5, V4.1
        CXML Reference (man)Pages in HTML format
        CXML Reference (man)Pages
        CXML V4.1 SCIPORT library
        Compaq Compiled Code Support Library #211
        Compaq Fortran 90 and 77 V5.4 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems
        Compaq Fortran RTL #393 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems (f90 and f77)
        Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
        Compaq Fortran V5.4 Release Notes and Man Page
        Compaq Fortran V5.4 Tools & their Man Pages 
Is this correct? (y/n):y 
Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: 
File system space checked OK. 
11 subset(s) will be installed. 
Loading 1 of 11 subset(s).... 
*                                                                       *
*  Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.     *
*                                                                       *
        Compaq Extended Math Library V4.1 for Tru64 UNIX 
                Common Files Subset  XMDCOM410 
        The common CXML files will be installed. 
CXML Common Files for the Extended Math Lib, V4.1
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 2 of 11 subset(s).... 
*                                                                       *
*  Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.     *
*                                                                       *
         Obsolete versions of CXML HTML manpages will be deleted. 
Completed deleting obsolete versions of CXML HTML manpages 
CXML Reference (man)Pages in HTML format
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 3 of 11 subset(s).... 
*                                                                       *
*  Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.     *
*                                                                       *
         Compaq Extended Math Library V4.1 for Tru64 UNIX 
                CXML Serial and Parallel libraries, tuned for EV5 
CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev5, V4.1
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 4 of 11 subset(s).... 
*                                                                       *
*  Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.     *
*                                                                       *
                        Obsolete versions of CXML manpages will be deleted. 
Completed deleting obsolete versions of CXML manpages 
CXML Reference (man)Pages
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 5 of 11 subset(s).... 
*                                                                       *
*  Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.     *
*                                                                       *
         CXML V4.1 SCIPORT library for Tru64 UNIX 
CXML V4.1 SCIPORT library
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 6 of 11 subset(s)....
Installation of this subset proceeds automatically, and should complete
in approximately 1 minute. 
Compaq Compiled Code Support Library #211
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 7 of 11 subset(s).... 
Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation
Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
   for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems
Subset: Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5 (HPFLIBS185) 
Starting installation at Fri Nov  3 15:54:05 EST 2000. 
Installation of this subset proceeds automatically, and should complete
in approximately 1 minute. 
There are no installation questions for this subset. 
Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 8 of 11 subset(s).... 
Installation of this subset proceeds automatically, and should complete
in approximately 1 minute. 
Compaq Fortran RTL #393 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems (f90 and f77)
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 9 of 11 subset(s).... 
Installation of this subset proceeds automatically, and should complete
in approximately 1 minute. 
Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq or
authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying.
Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer
Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data
for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under
vendor's standard commercial license. 
Compaq Fortran 95/90 and 77 V5.4 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems
        Copying from . (disk)
Loading 10 of 11 subset(s).... 
Installation of this subset proceeds automatically, and should complete
in approximately 1 minute. 
Compaq Fortran V5.4 Tools & their Man Pages
        Copying from . (disk) 
Loading 11 of 11 subset(s).... 
Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 
Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq or
authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying.
Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer
Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data
for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under
vendor's standard commercial license. 
Compaq Fortran V5.4 Release Notes and Man Page
        Copying from . (disk)
11 of 11 subset(s) installed successfully. 
Configuring "CXML Common Files for the Extended Math Lib, V4.1" (XMDCOM410) 
        The CXML Manpages in HTML are now installed. 
        To view them,  point your browser to
Configuring "CXML Reference (man)Pages in HTML format" (XMDHTM410) 
        You are installing the CXML subset XMDLIB5410 .
        This subset contains serial and parallel libraries which are
        tuned for the 21164 family of the Alpha AXP processor types. 
        By default, both the serial and the parallel CXML libraries
        will be installed.  You can choose to install
                only the serial CXML   [s]
                only the parallel CXML [p] 

                Please choose now:  install only the serial CXML   [s]
                                install only the parallel CXML [p] 
    (hit RETURN to get the default -> install both) ? 
        By default, both shared and archive CXML libraries
        will be installed.  You can choose to install
             only shared libs, e.g.  [s]
             only archive libs, e.g. libcxml.a  [a] 
        Please choose now:  install only shared CXML libs  [s]
                        install only archive CXML libs [a]
                (hit RETURN to get the default -> install both) ? 
This installation will construct the CXML libraries you selected
with names that show the platform explicitly, e.g.
This installation will construct symbolic links from /usr/lib or
/usr/shlib to the selected libraries. 
By default, this installation will also construct symbolic links
from the standard CXML library names to your selected libraries
        e.g. /usr/shlib/
unless you choose NO standard names [n]. 
Please choose now:  no standard names [n]
        (hit RETURN to get the default -> standard names) ? 
The requested CXML libraries will be constructed and installed.
The installation will take just a few minutes. 
... unpacking the serial libraries ... 
... building the shared serial libraries ... 
... unpacking the parallel libraries ... 
... building the shared parallel libraries ... 
Configuring "CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for Ev5, V4.1" 
        Creating Links to new manpages for CXML 
Configuring "CXML Reference (man)Pages" (XMDMAN410)
        Creating Links to new manpages for CXML V4.1 SCIPORT 
Configuring "CXML V4.1 SCIPORT library" (XMDSCI410) 
To run the IVP after the installation, please use
        setld -v  XMDSCI410 
Configuring "Compaq Compiled Code Support Library #211" (OTABASE211)
OTABASE211, information: Shared library installed.
Creating softlinks for HPFLIBS185 ...done. 
Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems 
Subset: Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
Installation completed at Fri Nov  3 16:00:01 EST 2000. 
Configuring "Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime
Libraries V1.8-5" (HPFLIBS185) 
Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation 
Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5
for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems 
Subset: Compaq Fortran V5.4 High Performance Fortran Runtime Libraries V1.8-5 (HPFLIBS185) 
Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Nov  3 16:00:02 EST 2000.
Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Nov  3 16:00:02 EST 2000. 
Configuring "Compaq Fortran RTL #393 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems (f90
and f77)" (DFARTL393)
DFARTL393, information: Shared libraries installed. 
DFABASE540, information: You can run the Installation Verification
        Procedure using the following command from root:
                setld -v DFABASE540 
Configuring "Compaq Fortran 90 and 77 V5.4 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems" (DFABASE540) 
Configuring "Compaq Fortran V5.4 Tools & their Man Pages" (DFACOM540) 
DFADOC540, information: The f77 release notes are in
                and the f90 release notes are in
Configuring "Compaq Fortran V5.4 Release Notes and Man Page" (DFADOC540)