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Compaq C++

Compaq C++
Using Compaq C++ for Tru64 UNIX Systems

Previous Contents Index

Chapter 7
7 Handling Exceptions
     7.1     Structure
     7.2     Run-Time Considerations
     7.3     Coding Recommendations
     7.4     Mixed-Language Applications
     7.5     Hints on Using Exception Handlers
         7.5.1         Propagating Changes from Exception Handlers
         7.5.2         Using the unexpected and terminate Functions
         7.5.3         Specification Conflicts
         7.5.4         Using the dlclose Routine
Chapter 8
8 Using the Ladebug Debugger
     8.1     Debugging C++ Programs
     8.2     Debugging Programs Containing C and C++ Code
     8.3     Setting the Class Scope
     8.4     Displaying Class Information
     8.5     Displaying Object Information
     8.6     Displaying Virtual and Inherited Class Information
     8.7     Modifying Class and Object Data Members
     8.8     Member Functions on the Stack Trace
     8.9     Resolving Ambiguous References to Overloaded Functions
     8.10     Setting Breakpoints in Member Functions
         8.10.1         Setting Breakpoints in Overloaded Functions
         8.10.2         Setting Breakpoints in Constructors and Destructors
     8.11     Calling Overloaded Functions
     8.12     Using Typecasts to Display Program Expressions
     8.13     Class Templates and Function Templates
     8.14     Debugging C++ Exception Handlers
         8.14.1         Setting Breakpoints in Exception Handlers
         8.14.2         Examining and Modifying Variables in Exception Handlers
     8.15     Advanced Program Information: Verbose Mode
8-1 Switching Between C++ and C Debugging Modes
8-2 Setting the Class Scope
8-3 Displaying Class Information
8-4 Displaying Object Information
8-5 Printing Information on a Derived Class
8-6 Resolving References to Objects of Multiple Inherited Classes
8-7 Resolving Overloaded Functions by Selection Menu
8-8 Resolving Overloaded Functions by Type Signature
8-9 Setting Breakpoints in Member Functions
8-10 Setting Breakpoints in Virtual Member Functions
8-11 Setting Breakpoints in Member Functions for a Specific Object
8-12 Setting Breakpoints in Specific Overloaded Functions
8-13 Setting Breakpoints in All Versions of an Overloaded Function
8-14 Setting Breakpoints in Overloaded Functions by Line Number
8-15 Setting Breakpoints in Constructors
8-16 Setting Breakpoints in Destructors
8-17 Calling an Overloaded Function
8-18 Using a Cast to Perform Data Coercion
8-19 Using Casts on a Derived Class Object
8-20 Using a Cast with Pointer Notation to Perform a Type Transfer
8-21 Using a Cast with Reference Type Notation to Perform a Type Transfer
8-22 Example of a Function Template
8-23 Setting a Breakpoint in the Template Function
8-24 Displaying the Current Function Context for a Function Template
8-25 Displaying an Instantiated Class Template
8-26 Displaying an Instantiated Class Template
8-27 Setting Breakpoints in an Instantiated Class Function
8-28 Setting Current Class Scope to an Instantiated Class
8-29 Alternate Method ofSetting Current Class Scope
8-30 Setting Breakpoints in Exception Handlers
8-31 Printing a Class Description in Verbose Mode
8-32 Printing Base Pointer Information
8-33 Printing a Stack Trace in Verbose Mode
2-1 Layout of an Object of D Class
3-1 Placement of Template Declaration and Definition Files
8-1 A Stack Trace Displaying a Member Function
1 Conventions Used in this Manual
2-1 Predefined Macros
2-2 Other Predefined Names
2-3 Predefined Macros Specific to Tru64 UNIX Systems
3-1 Declaring and Defining Classes, Functions, and Data

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