Metrics Servers or GUI Will Not Start

If the GUI or metrics servers fail to start, it could be because their log files are missing.

If pmgrd fails to start automatically when a node is rebooted, but can be started manually, its startup files might be missing.

No Log File

The installation procedure creates initial copies of the log files with appropriate protections. For security reasons, the log directory (/var/opt/pm/log) is protected so that no new files can be created in it. If a log file is deleted, an appropriately protected empty file must be left in its place; otherwise, no new process (that writes to that particular log file) can be started.

The GUI log file is /var/opt/pm/log/pmgr_gui.log.

The pmgrd log file is /var/opt/pm/log/pmgrd.log.

The clstrmond log file is /var/opt/pm/log/clstrmond.log.

No Startup Files

The installation script writes entries in system startup files that start pmgrd automatically each time a node is rebooted. If pmgrd is not starting on a node after it is booted, check the following files and be sure they have the correct entries:

If they are missing, re-install the Performance Manager Daemons & Base subset (see the Performance Manager Installation Guide).

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