Performance Manager Digital UNIX Metrics Server (pmgrd)

To see if Performance Manager's Digital UNIX Metrics Server (pmgrd) is running, issue the following command:

   # ps awx | grep pmgrd

If the daemon is running, you should see output similar to the following:

   329 ??       S <      0:16.02 bin/pmgrd
   292 ttyp1    S  +     0:00.03 grep pmgrd

If pmgrd is not running, it failed to start or has crashed, see the pmgrd log file, /var/opt/pm/log/pmgrd.log, for the cause. To start pmgrd from the Performance Manager GUI:

  1. From the main window's Execute menu, choose System Management Command Category.
  2. Choose the Start Stop Pmgrd script from the submenu that appears.
  3. Choose the node on which to start pmgrd.
  4. Press OK or Apply to start pmgrd on the selected node.

To start pmgrd, in a root account, issue the pmgrd command with the start argument:

   # /usr/opt/pm/scripts/pmgrd  start

If pmgrd is not starting at boot time, ensure that the boot-time startup files exist: /sbin/rc2.d/K47pmgrd, and /sbin/rc3.d/S47pmgrd. If they are missing, re-install the Performance Manager Daemons & Base subset (see the Performance Manager Installation Guide).

For more information, see the pmgrd(8) reference page.

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