Log File Field Descriptions

Log file entries have this form:

Log File FieldDescription
date_time The date and time the entry was written.
local_host The node running the process that generated the entry.
remote_host The node that originated the request. For user interface log files, remote_host is always blank because there is no remote node. For daemon log files, remote_host is blank only if a local event caused the entry.
user The user running the application. For user interface log files, this is the login name. For daemon log files, this is the login name of the user on the remote node, if it is available. The field is blank if the daemon is unable to determine the name of the application user. For daemon messages that are not caused by a remote request, the user field is Daemon.
severity Possible values are Info, Warn, Fatal, and Debug.
error_code A string that identifies an error.
module The program module that generated the entry.
line_number The line number in the program module where the entry originated.
error_text A description of the message.

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