Displaying Performance Manager on a PC

Performance Manager can be displayed on most PCs. Either start Performance Manager through a PC X server program (such as Digital eXcursionTM), or start Performance Manager on a server node whose DISPLAY environment variable (in either the C shell or Bourne shell) is set to the PC. Either TCP/IP or DECnetTM will work, but consider the following when displaying Performance Manager on a PC:

  1. The PC and the Digital UNIX server node must know about each other. The PC's network name and address must be in the server node's /etc/hosts or DUS database file (TCP/IP), or NCP/NCL database (DECnet). The server node's network name must be in the PC's TCP/IP file or NCP/NCL database (DECnet).

  2. When starting Performance Manager on a PC using an X server program (such as Digital eXcursion), there can be error messages that the X server program cannot report, such as your user name not being authorized to run Performance Manager, LMF license check failure, and so forth. To check for such errors, start Performance Manager on the server node after setting DISPLAY to the PC.

  3. Depending on how your PC's resources are configured, it is possible to overload eXcursion by displaying too many applications, especially large ones such as Performance Manager (as compared to small ones such as dxclock, dxterm, and dxcalendar). Overloading an X server program can cause odd, nonintuitive errors. If you see such errors, try closing a few applications and restarting Performance Manager.

  4. For faster starting, use the command line option -f to open Performance Manager at the main window, without displaying the splash screen.
      # pmgr -f

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