Cluster Performance Analysis Commands

Performance Manager provides the following Cluster Performance Analysis commands. To execute one, from the main window's Execute menu choose Cluster Performance Analysis, then one of the following commands:

This script determines if a cluster is working under an extreme load (3 jobs in the run queue by default) using metrics retrieved from pmgrd for the last 5 seconds, last 30 seconds, and the last 60 seconds. It also reports if the cluster is consumed by a small number of user processes and lists the top process.

This script lists the node members of a cluster maintained by the Connection Manager. When the -s switch is specified, it will list the state of each node in the cluster and notify the user when a node is down or not working properly.

This script checks to see if the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) locks and deadlocks exceed thresholds that are acceptable for a cluster system. It also compares the number of locks received with the number of locks sent to see if they are within a specified percentage of each other.

This script checks to see if the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) lock requests and messages are within a certain specified percentage of each other. The lock metrics received are compared to the number of lock metrics sent to see if the result exceeds a specified percentage.

This script checks to see if the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) resources and locks exceed thresholds that are acceptable for a cluster system. Threshold checks that are made include: too many processes currently attached to the DLM, too many locks currently allocated, and too many resources currently allocated.

This script checks to see if the Distributed Raw Disk (DRD) block shipping server and client operations exceed thresholds that are acceptable for a cluster system. These operations include number of opens, closes, reads, writes, and ioctls.

This script checks to see if the following Distributed Raw Disk (DRD) block shipping client memory channel operations exceed thresholds that are acceptable for a cluster system. These operations include number of reads, writes, and waits over the MC as well as number of unaligned reads and writes.

Wrapper for executing the TruCluster Version 1.0 cmon utility.

Wrapper for executing the TruCluster Version 1.0 asemgr utility.

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