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The tarantella object command


Skip past command syntax or program codetarantella object add_host | add_link | add_member | delete | edit | 
                  list_attributes | list_contents | new_3270app | new_5250app | 
                  new_charapp | new_container | new_dc | new_doc | new_group | 
                  new_host | new_orgunit | new_person | new_windowsapp | 
                  new_xapp | remove_host | remove_link | remove_member | 
                  rename | script


The tarantella object command lets you create, list, edit and delete objects in the organizational hierarchy. You can also add and remove webtop links, configure application server load balancing for each application, and add and remove group members.

Subcommand Description
add_host Adds hosts to the list of those that can run an application.
add_link Adds links to webtops.
add_member Adds members to a group.
delete Permanently deletes objects from the organizational hierarchy.
edit Edits attributes for an object.
list_attributes Lists attributes of an object.
list_contents Lists the contents of an OU or an organization.
new_3270app Creates 3270 application objects.
new_5250app Creates 5250 application objects.
new_charapp Creates character application objects.
new_container Creates Active Directory container objects.
new_dc Creates domain component objects.
new_doc Creates document objects.
new_group Creates group objects.
new_host Creates host objects.
new_orgunit Creates organizational unit objects.
new_person Creates person objects.
new_windowsapp Creates Windows application objects.
new_xapp Creates X application objects.
remove_host Removes hosts from those that can run an application.
remove_link Removes links from webtops.
remove_member Removes members from groups.
rename Renames or moves an object.
script Runs a batch script of object commands.

Note All commands allow the --help option: you can use tarantella object subcommand --help to get help on a specific command.


Skip past command syntax or program codetarantella object list_contents --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance"

Lists the objects that belong to the organization object in the organizational hierarchy.

Skip past command syntax or program codetarantella object add_link \
  --name ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance" \
  --link ".../_ens/o=Indigo Insurance/cn=Write-o-Win"

Adds a link to the Write-o-Win application to the organization's webtop. Objects may inherit webtop content from the organization, so Write-o-Win may appear on the webtops of many different users -- up to the entire organization.

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