This screenshot shows the View Capture Statistics page. The top right-hand corner has a refresh control that includes:

Below the refresh control are a Queue Statistics line chart, a Message Statistics line chart, and a Capture Statistics section.

A Queue Statistics line chart is shown but displays the message, "No data is currently available."

A Message Statistics line chart is shown. The x-axis shows the Number of Messages. The x-coordinates range from 0 to 25,000. The y-axis shows Time. The y-coordinates range from 10:28 AM on April 19th to 11:28 AM on April 19th. The following types of information are plotted in the chart: Total Messages Enqueued and Total Messages Captured. The chart indicates that Total Messages Enqueued is zero and that Total Messages Captured ranges from 0 to about 20,000 over the time period.

The Capture Statistics section includes: