This screenshot of the Users page has the following components, starting from the top of the page and moving down: An Object Type list at the right that enables you to switch between the Roles, Users, Profiles, and Directory Objects pages; a Search section with which you can filter the contents of the table of user names below; a Selection Mode list with which you choose whether you want to be able select one or multiple users to operate on; Create, Edit, View, and Delete buttons, with an Actions list to the right of the buttons and a Go button to the right of the Actions list, which is a list of actions that you can perform on users; a page navigation list that shows the sequence numbers of the currently displayed group of users (for example 1-25) and enables you to pick the next group of users (for example, 26-50); a Next link that gives you another way to view the next group (page) of users; and finally, a table of current users. The table contains a Select column at the left (which displays either radio buttons or check boxes, depending on the setting of the Selection Mode list), and the following additional columns: UserName, Account Status, Expiration Date, Default Tablespace, Temporary Tablespace, Profile, and Created.