The Tuning Information subpage is shown.The title is SQL Profiles and Outlines.The text says: "A SQL Profile contains additionalstatistics of this SQL statement for the query optimizer to generate a betterexecution plan. An outline contains hints for this SQL statement for the query optimizer to generate a better execution plan.The Change Category, Delete, and Disable/Enable buttons appear below.The following table has the Select, Name, Type, Category, Status, and Created columns.Row 1 has the following values: (enabled), SYS_SQLPROF_0144488f7d65c000, SQL Profile, DEFAULT, ENABLED, Mar 5, 2007 5:15:57 AM.The SQL Tuning History section has the following text: "The following SQL tuning tasks provide the recommendations to tune this SQL statement."The table has the following columns: Advisor Task Name, Advisor Task Owner, Task Completion. Row 1 has the following values: SQL_TUNING_1173098908778, SYS, Mar 5, 2007 5:06:22 AM.The following section is ADDM Findings for this SQL during historic period.The table has the Finding Name and Occurrences (last 24 hrs) columns. Row 1 has the following values: Top SQL by DB Time, 12 of 24. Row 2 has the following values: CPU Usage, 10 of 24.

End of description.