The screenshot shows the Load Profile section of the AWR report.

The first table has the following columns: null, 1st per sec, 2nd per sec, %Diff, 1st per txn, 2nd per txn, %Diff.

Row 1 has the following values: DB time, .01, .25, 2400, .04, .7, 1650.

Row 2 has the following values: CPU time: .01, .04, 300, .02, .12, 500.

Row 3 has the following values: Redo size, 2676.70, 8280.03, 209.34, 7945.55, 23502.95, 195.80.

Row 4 has the following values: Logical reads, 43.25, 754.87, 1645.36, 128.39, 2142.71, 1568.91.

Row 5 has the following values: Block changes, 16.59, 202.59, 1121.16, 49.24, 575.05, 1067.85.

Row 6 has the following values: Physical reads, .10, 8.19, 8090, .29, 23.23, 7910.34.

Row 7 has the following values: Physical writes, .61, 1.76, 188.52, 1.81, 5.01, 176.80.

Row 8 has the following values: User calls, 3.37, 3.17, -5.93, 9.99, 9.00, -9.91.

Row 9 has the following values: Parses, 2.97, 6.99, 135.35, 8.83, 19.84, 124.69.

Row 10 has the following values: Hard parses, .01, .38, 3700, .02, 1.07, 5250.

The second table has the following columns: null, 1st, 2nd, Diff.

Row 1 has the following values: % Blocks changed per Read, 38.35, 26.84, -11.51.

Row 2 has the following values: Recursive Call %, 88.68, 97.50, 8.82.